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#1 tmacairjordan87
Member since 2007 • 99 Posts

[QUOTE="Rocky32189"]How is this game underrated? If anything it's overrated. Everyone constantly talks about it.DeathScape666

Pretty much every game that's over a decade old is overrated and are somehow considered to be better than games now-a-days...

well in many regards they are better. With today's games the production values are so high and so much time is spent on high end graphics, with reduced difficulty it's hard for games, specially new rpg's to compete with the ones from the 90s. Even FF7 which had high production costs for the time had almost 70 hours of stuff to do in it, including an inane amount of mini games spread out in it (legendary ones too, the motorcycle part is still amazing).

The stories were also much more fleshed out and detailed. With the exception of FF10 and probably mass effect if you want to go the western rpg route, not many modern rpg's stories compete with the complexity of a FF7, FF tactics, or xenogears. Why is that, i honestly couldn't tell you why. Maybe developers are trying too hard to come up with the next big story or original story.

It's also no secret that overall difficulty of games have decreased as well, largely due to gaming becoming more mainstream. The difficulty of a super ghosts n goblins or contra III wipes the floor with any of today's games that are considered extremely hard (ninja gaiden black comes to mind)

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#2 tmacairjordan87
Member since 2007 • 99 Posts

Well, some people are stupid enough to buy it expecting a platformer instead of an RPG(im not kidding). And it is a spin-off so ya... I myself haven't played it yet but i hope it comes out in the vc soon.Tokyo512

if you like rpg's, specially square-enix ones in the 90s you'll love it. Nearly everything about that game was flawless and while i haven't played it since around the time it came out (my snes mysteriously vanished when my parents divorced) i think it would still hold up very well for current times.

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#3 tmacairjordan87
Member since 2007 • 99 Posts

It's because Super Mario RPG was the beta. It was the first title of it's kind thrown against the wall to see what would stick.

It's evolved into the Paper Mario series which has taken off and become one of Nintendo's flagship games for it's consoles. They discarded the parts of Super Mario RPG that were lacking and fleshed out the pieces that worked.

I don't think that Super Mario RPG is underrated it's just known for what it was, practice. It's like the Simpsons clips on the Tracy Ulman show, they're not underrated, they're just the very raw version of the Simpsons before they were fully realized.


except super mario rpg is far superior to any of the paper mario games, but in fairness it was made by squaresoft when they were in their prime of rpg making. No one in the rpg market came close to square back then.

As for coming to the VC it has to eventually it would be sheer idiocy not to port it.

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#4 tmacairjordan87
Member since 2007 • 99 Posts
Only thing bioshock has over mass effect is atmosphere and graphics, but ME gets a pass there because it looks damn gorgeous and there's a lot more in there than bioshock
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#5 tmacairjordan87
Member since 2007 • 99 Posts
how about we just select a day where we start not EVER visiting gamespot
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#6 tmacairjordan87
Member since 2007 • 99 Posts
since CNET's rep is shot now, maybe EA will buy them and they both can swim in the dollars while their honest employees are slowly weeded out simply because of having some integrity.
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#7 tmacairjordan87
Member since 2007 • 99 Posts

It's heartening to see us band together in the face of such injustice. No other group displays the sort of unity I see time and time again in gamers. From the NGE fiasco that was Star Wars Galaxies to the shared hatred of Jack Thompson, and now this -- Gamers vs. Gamespot/Eidos/CNET.

We are proving that we're not to be taken lightly. We make news. We have an impact on OUR culture, theculture of interactive entertainment,that not even the Writers' Guild can equal.

Bravo to you all!

I for one will never again visit Gamespot or purchase anything produced by Eidos.

Now, I'm gonna go play some Assassin's Creed.


I can't help but laugh at some of these posts. Someone's fired and it's 7000 posts, but something truly important happens and it gets 40 posts then dies. I know it's a gaming website but come on. His reviews aren't even that good.

you miss the point my friend, badly too i might add.

This goes waaaaay bigger than jeff being fired and it's not really about him getting fired. It's why he was reportedly fired, which was NOT giving in to a BRIBE from eidos to skew the review score and rate it higher than it deserved. You dont understand exactly how huge this is for the ENTIRE gaming press. Most gaming sites have had their integrity called into question lately because of all the great scores lately, or even with AAA games that get lower than expected score.

This situation proves that many people's fears are true, that sites they trust to give them the facts about games they may or may not want is in fact NOT trustworthy and is being paid under the table to skew scores. Even if it's only gamespot that has been exposed, many people will lose trust in most other places. This could turn out very very bad for the gaming press.

I personally am sticking to 1up. Che said that when he worked there the advertisers were definitely there and tried to do what happened to gamespot, but davison refused to do it and therefore cost ziff davis a lot of money. The difference is ziff davis actually has integrity and backed him in the decision.

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#8 tmacairjordan87
Member since 2007 • 99 Posts

From the gamespot Wiki page: "Jeff Gerstmann departed from GameSpot to pursue other interests."



It's unconfirmed, so that's the most they're going to let through.

it has been confirmed, CNET confirmed it to kotaku and probably everyone else too last night.

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#9 tmacairjordan87
Member since 2007 • 99 Posts

I wonder if Metacritic's integrity should also be questioned. After all, they're part of CNET and they use a "weighted average" to calculate their Metascores. At any rate, they've no longer got my support.SmashBrosLegend

I dont think metacritic is anything to worry about. In fact they actually lowered the amount gamespot's score counts towards their weighted average a month ago or so after an outrage (and of course i can't remember exactly what it was) from fans over a review.

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