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Edited By sushihammer

@RabidSchnauzer i like this, but only because it means you'll leave...and i like that.

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Edited By sushihammer

i mean, i can agree to some degree. yeah, there are some games that dismiss females, mistreat females, or ignore females all together...and that can and should be adressed where appropriate. and the whole "save me, im a dumb as hell princess" plot is pretty annoying...i think pretty much everyone can agree. male or female, im tired of saving helpless idiots in videogames.

however, even as a guy, i dont have a lot of representation in video games either...seeing as im not not a mountain of muscle, i dont have a chiseled chin, and i cant really shoot any fire balls. i suppose thats what the "RP" in RPG is all about though.

i take issue with the idea this author presents in implying that sexualization of a female character is inherently sexist. so what, women cant be proud with their looks if they happen to have them? damn, thats sexist! (though yeah, just like with male characters, the proportion of good looking people in video games is way above normal). and of course, people would also take issue if all women in video games were dressed up in burkhas to, you know, hid all the bits that might be offensive in terms of sexism.

to talk about this historically...prior to the 60s, forcing women to hide their sexuality was sexist....60s came, sexual liberation was supposed to fix that. now all of a sudden, displaying sexuality is sexist. maybe im simplifying things a bit, but it seems like just about any character you can come up with will be offensive to someone.

to sum up...yeah, i would support any and all involvement of more females and female characters in videogames (or any other group for that matter...who wouldnt want more people involved with video games!). however, i dont thinks theres some sort of conspiracy against women in videogames...intentional or otherwise. rest assured, the people posting dumbass comments under this article are a minority.