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#1 superb_01
Member since 2005 • 840 Posts

[QUOTE="RacerSVT"]Super Halo Solid God 1: Final Gears of Gaiden Turismo???!!!!!TriangleHard

hmm maybe it's

Super Heavenly God of Halo Solid 1: Final Gears of Turismo; Drake's Gaiden

maybe not:Grand Super heavenly God of halo solid 1:Final auto of gear's turismo:drake's Gaiden's Killzone

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#2 superb_01
Member since 2005 • 840 Posts

We have all heard of Sony's Secret game for the ps3 thats supposed to blow away everything ever made. The buzz about this game first started by a BBC reporter. You can read the origin of the secret game in his blog here

heres a part of the blog

"So what else was I shown? Well, I was shown a trailer for a game not due out till 2009 but was sworn to absolute secrecy. Apparently, Sony just wanted to give a glimpse of what the console will be capable of.
In fact, the game is such a secret that when I mentioned the game to Phil Harrison last week he was unsure at first whether even to admit the title existed. When I explained I had been shown it under strict Non Disclosure Agreement terms he looked relieved.
I don't mean to be a tease - all I can say is that I was left speechless. If the footage I was shown truly is "in game", as told to me by the Sony PR people, then we could be on the brink of a step change in what games consoles are capable of in terms of story-telling and immersion"

A reader of this journalists blog sent him an e-mail asking if the secret game was shown at e3, you can read his response in his new blog here

heres a part of the new blog

"A reader of the blog - Kyle Barrett - has emailed to ask if a mystery game I had teased people with a few months ago had finally been revealed at Sony's E3 press conference.
At the time I wrote:
If the footage I was shown truly is "in game", as told to me by the Sony PR people, then we could be on the brink of a step change in what games consoles are capable of in terms of story-telling and immersion.
So, sat in the audience in the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles at the Sony briefing I was really looking forward to seeing everyone's reaction to the game.
As the briefing wore on I was beginning to wonder if it would ever appear.
But then Sony executive Jack Tretton said: "We have one final thing to show you."
And I thought: This is it. This is the big reveal; finally I can be unburdened with this secret.
And on the big screen MAG appeared - the massively multiplayer online FPS game.
As it turned out: this was one of the games I had been shown some months before but under strict instruction I was not to write about it.
But this was not the game I was referring to. It still hasn't been shown publicly.
And so I still can't talk about it. Or even tell you what it's called. In fact when I referred to it in passing and without detail in front of a BBC colleague this week, the Sony PR man drew a sharp intake of breath and shot me a withering look.
Some of you might be thinking the game is pure vapourware. But I promise you it's real"

So this "Secret Sony Game" is starting to create a buzz, I originally thought it was God of War 3 but that was shown at E3 (although it was a very short pre rendered preview) So what can it be? and can it really deliver what this journalist has stated? heres hopin


As bad as it is that the reporter wrote about it and now that u have posted this so everyone could find out....thanks!!!!

Thanks for blowing the secret.i mean it could have been unbeleivable like at the end of the 2009 e3 sony conference they show the trailer and everyone goes mad...but no life isn't so easy.

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#3 superb_01
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its not truth its opinion. something your knowledge lacks.shadowkiller11

Thank you very much my good friend.

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#4 superb_01
Member since 2005 • 840 Posts
MGS4 is nothing, it's a great game! one of the best of all time but littlebigplanet will blow any game ever made! it's only 3 months away!WhyuStillAlive
why do you say dat?
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#5 superb_01
Member since 2005 • 840 Posts

Dat is agreed upon mi broda!! ya dunno. Wit da gyals allegations campaign and tingOlympicFlex101


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#6 superb_01
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Ok so about a day or two ago somebody made a thread about Playstation Home copying Xbox Live Avatars.The thread was on the ps3 forum.(maybe i am misunderstanding)But Playstation home was announced on 2006 and Xboxlive avatars was a suprise in the microsoft press conference.The avatars in Xbox live looks great but i am sure it will not beat home by graphice and what u can do with your home avatar.

Another thing is that in the microsoft press conference they said that Xbox live marketplace has sold more movies,videos and tv shows content then any other satellite and tv brands.But all they have shown on the conference was older movies from 2002 and 3 and 4.(The Scorpion King,the mummy returns...?)Ps Video store has more partners and mor recent moves.

All i'm saying is that Xbox might have enjoyed the last 3 years but in a few monthst PS3 will take over.

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#7 superb_01
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If your from anywhere other than America then we dont get them yet, just thought I would throw that out there just in case.Christopper

Well thank you cause that answers to my question...when ar we gettin them?

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#8 superb_01
Member since 2005 • 840 Posts

Viva le Japon!!!

Je suis represent 8)

Note: I don't really speak French, so to any French people who may happen to see this message... sorry if I am butchering your language... :P


I speak French and It wasen't that was good.

CORRECTIONS: Vive le Japon,Je suis representant

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#9 superb_01
Member since 2005 • 840 Posts
I thought MGS4 was the last one and hideo was retiring?
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#10 superb_01
Member since 2005 • 840 Posts

Try following that link to do a system restore using your Windows XP CD. if THAT doesn't work, you're SOL

Oh, and it sounds like it could very likely be a HDD failure.Could also be because of a recent upgrade in software or low-level device drivers. Done any updates to firewalls, system utilities, antiviruses, hardware lately?


If by low level device you mean a keyboard then last night i moved the keyboard usb from one usb port to another...