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#1 squarejp
Member since 2004 • 300 Posts

I also have the same problem. The HDMI worked on all TVs before, but today it suddenly not working. All TVs says No Signal. However, my Westinghouse L24NM monitor HDMI port is able to output the image and sound. When I wiggle the HDMI cable that is connected to my XBOX 360, there is one particular angle disconnects with the monitor and no image nor sound. So when I was able to obtain the image and sound from the Westinghouse monitor, I disconnect the HDMI cable from the monitor and reconnect it to the HDTVs, the TV says NO SIGNAL! It's a bad luck for me today coz when I tried to look for the customer support number, I turned on my laptop PC and after talking to the customer service, they told me to test with other cables, I've tried with other HDMI cables and still have the same problem. After than my laptop suddenly died!!!! It's freaking bad luck to me today! Both my XBOX 360 and my Laptop died on me!

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#2 squarejp
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Memories are cheap these days. 4GB memory stick is only $40. 8GB is going to be $50 to $60 soon. Sony shouldn't invest $$ on UMD, instead just do what Apple do, put an internal Flash Drive or Upgradable flash or HDD.

I personally hate UMD, because it wastes more battery for the laser and motor and loads longer than reading games directly on Memory Stick.

Also, in case if you lost your or damaged your UMD, you can't get it unless you go pay for it. However, for DLC, you can download anytime after you delete it as long as you login to your account anywhere in the world that is connected to the Internet.

Digital Distribution is Extremely convenient.

But the downside is, you can't sell the game nor buy it at a bargain price because the distributors control all.

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#3 squarejp
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I really want to know the PC requirement.

Because when I ran the Demo of the Island forgot exactly what it called. My system doesn't really run 60 FPS withThe dynamic lighting.

PC Configuration:

AMD Athlon 64 3000+
2GB DDR RAM forgot wut's the bus speed
ASUS K8N motherboard
ATI Radeon X800 PE
Too many harddisk more than 1.5 TB total.

Do you think my system can handle it as smooth as XBOX 360 / PS3 with the latest graphics update?

Note that my PC cannot run shader 3.0 so I can't play Rainbow Six Vegas, Splinter Cell double agentetc. That's why I got the xbox 360.

So what's the problem of PS3 versoin developed by EA UK?

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#4 squarejp
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I really feel so sorry for SONY....Failed so bad this generation. I have 3 system and I have constant struggle even among myself and I feel so sad about my PS3 wanna cry for it.

Ideally is developer release the greatest hit for that console so to improve the console sale, but in reality, it's also depended on the console installed base....

By the way, how come Monster Hunter is not popular in US but so popular in Asia? I saw lots of kids playing Monster Hunter Portable in the subway, restaurant, and anywhere in HONG KONG back in June.

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#5 squarejp
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I want some opinion on which version I should get: PC, Xbox 360, PS3.

I played HL Ep1 with my PC and it ran pretty smooth. Should I just go get PC version instead? But I paid for HL 1, HL EP1, HL SOURCE already.......and PC requires installation... so much trouble....compare to XBOX 360 and PS3.

I can't decided which version suits me since XBOX 360 and PS3 version have rumble and can connect to my new 42" HDTV.

PS3 has no good games so it needs some games to increase my library.


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#6 squarejp
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No, this is not the highest it says and you can get. Just go to network update and get 3.71.

Only 3.70 and 3.71, 3.71 M33, 3.71 M33-2can do THEME.

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#7 squarejp
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It seems like you guys are missing out the Playstation Store downloable content.

I recommend you pay $39.99 for TEKKEN 5 DARK RESURRECTION ONLINE where you can finally compete with other people around the world!

Get Warhawk from Playstation Store for 39.99, save you tax and if you have your own bluetooth headset just use the one you have.

I played Resistance, personally, I think HALO 3 is far morebetter.

Rainbow Six Vegas, I discourage people to use PS3 controller to play any type of First Perosn Shooter. The left analog stick SHOULD NOT BE AT THE BOTTOM!! Bad design and it just doesn't feel right.

I can't beleve you SOLD YOUR 360 for PS3. I don't see any attractive titles for PS3 that worth for you to give up XBOX 360 so early. Mass Effect is coming out next month and PS3 has what RPG? Folklore? That game is just okay, not really compelling to me either.

I guess HAZE might worth a try and add one more game to my PS3 library.

So far I only have 2 Blu-Ray game for PS3 since it's launch -- Resistance and Fight Night Round 3. Xbox just have a lot more million hit title release than PS3 this yr and next. Ironicly, I already have 8 xbox 360 games since I bought it in April 2007.

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#8 squarejp
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With Pandora Battery Method, it's 100% safe and in case you bricked your PSP, you can 100% restore it back to normal as long as you create an image of your PSP nand flash before you do any upgrade even official firmware. As what I have mentioned above, you can also use this latest Pandora combo to always install 3.71 to your PSP whenever you brick it or simply just love 3.71 THEME feature.Since gamespot operator does not allow people to discuss on modification, i suggest you google the following keywords:

3.71 M33-2, Pandora Battery Memory Stick, PSP NAND Flash Dumping.

Do a wikipedia search on it too. I'm sure you get a lot more detail answer.

If you know how to read chinese. There are plenty forums mainly discuss your issue.

You're misunderstanding something, the world is all about choice. Just like you can steal a car or a game console from others does not mean it's right to do it. You can kill anyone in the world with self-defense or hatred, it's your call.Are theymorally correct? Depends, God knows.
Same as PSP, you can play downloadable games purchased from SONY Playstation Store LEGALLY and it's Correct too, but you can also download and playpiratedgames on your customized PSP. Note that customized PSP can play everything from original UMDs, PS1 games and backup games. Finally no matter what you do justask yourself are they morally correct rather than is that Legal or not. Sometimes when there are loop holes within the man made legal system, people love to abuse it and this becomes a slippery slope.

It's your own ethical decision. It's not what you can or cannot do, our world is flexible.

My personal opinion, I like to download import games like FINAL FANTASY VII: CRISIS CORE and try it before any US release. The reason I don't want to pay is because I know very very little Japanese and I can't fully enjoy the game but just to fullfill my hunger for FF7CC reviewing Zack's heroic tragedy in detail. When the game comes out in US, I'm definitely buying it even though I HATE UMD and I kind of tried out the japanese version.

Gray Area:
So far Asia is lacking lots of game localization in Chinese Languge even though Chinese is one of the most written/spoken language in the world. The only way gamers from Hong Kong, Taiwan, and China can fully enjoy games like FINAL FANTASY is via unofficial Chinese Translation. They distribute the game not by UMD, but only in the form of ISO. Is that pirating? Unfortunately, yes, but gamers from those region had no choice. Sure they can buy the Japanese edition and a lot of people still do that and read chinese translated strategy guide for more than 20 years. But you know this is not a good way to enjoy RPG. Not until recently, there are finally some official chinese localization games coming out like Blue Dragon, Halo 3, Gears of War, Crackdown, or most of the Microsoft Games. I still haven't seen a single Final Fantasy title has an official chinese language release, hope they do that soon.

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#9 squarejp
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I hope my post is not violating theForumOperator rule. As unbrick is to revive your PSP but unfortunately it does have some connection with custom firmware. But you have the choice though to choose when you try to unbrick. Finally, those people who claim they can downgrade? That method is outdated. We do UPGRADE with the latest firmware. Do your moral judgement.

Pandora Battery and Memory Card combo is already able to unbrick a slim PSP ever since the FW3.71 M33 version for SLIM PSP came out even it shows a blank screen in the menu due to different LCD display driver. This method re-writes the NAND Flash of your PSP so unless the firmware that is being written is corrupted or incompatible with your PSP, it revives your bricked PSP. Now with FW3.71 M33-2, the Slim PSP can even display the options for unbricking/restoring:

X install 3.71 M33 (Patched Official)
O install 3.71 (Official)
[] dump nand

To unbrick the PSP Slim, select X, O or L+R+HOME+START if you dumped your nand before you bricked your Slim psp.

I intensionally bricked my Slim PSP by restoring another NAND dump from a slim PSP with a different serial number. Then restore the Slim PSP back to normal 3.60 official firmware. I then upgraded from 3.60 to 3.71 official firmware via Network Update. Then again I used the Pandora Battery/Mem Card and reloaded the nand dump. It went back to the exact condition before I upgraded. It even restored my WIFI settings so I don't need to input again. I think the whole restoration process took me less than 3 mins.

In conclusion:
For those of you who have conscience and want to go back to official firmware, a Pandora Battery / Memory Stick is a must for Slim PSP. I strongly recommend people who owns a slim psp or any original PSP to back up their NAND FLASH. You don't know when your PSP will fail even you just upgrade the official firmware. I know a guy who is using official firmware and for some reason his psp bricked, and I know he never uses custom firmware.I unbricked for him using Pandora and he is now as happy as he was before. Form a good habbit and start backing up your PSP NAND FLASH now! It will save you$80+ for out of warranty service. Moreover, sending PSP for warranty sometimes take weeks, and can you imagine you have no PSP with you during those days? 3mins self restoration vs.$ +weeks of waiting, you gotta decide.

This only applys to firmware, problems if the PSP has physical problem, then you gotta open it up yourself or send back to SONY.

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#10 squarejp
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Modifying PSP is 100% LEGAL in the UNITED STATES.

Custom Firmware violated pattern law, but is certain part of the Pattern law unethical or have loop holes to be unethical? M$ tried to sue Linux for violating 200+ M$ patterns, lots of engineering design and scientific research are modifcation and/or improvement of developed design and/or studies. Custom firmware is considered as modifcation and improvement of the official firmware. Though it does allow unauthorized software content to run; however, homebrew applications does not have authorization from SONY. The point is even though some homebrew that are developedare not ethical, but some are such as TV remote feature and emulators. Emulator does have ethical/unethicalside. You are the one who make that ethical decision -- Ask yourself, are you hurting others.

Backing up games LEGAL or NOT? It's very debatable you know? Even the law says Illegal, but think about what Ipod does. You can "convert" your music CD to your iPOD.... hmm... is that called backing up too? What about SONY Music got sued because they put copy protection which also has some spyware featureson their Music CD and people were complaining that theycouldn't "backup/transfer" their music to anyMP3 players? Is SONY selfish and not customer first? Ethical?

You have to break the copy protection before you backup, but is breaking this copy protection ethical rather than just Legal/Illegal? It really depends on your end purpose. For example, breaking a protection code from a terrorist computer to save the world vs. breaking the protection so you can play free games.

This is a topic more than Legal/Illegal. We are looking into whether it is ethical to backup your games. Does backing up the games going to hurt somebody? It really depends on the purpose. "Thou shall not kill" also applies to software backup. If you backup the game and hurting other's life and you do it even you know it, then possibly you violated not just the legal system but the God. However, if you backup for good and in God's way, you don't need to care too much about man made legal system. Do we have any lawyers here that can provide us a clear view of what's legal and what's not? I want a pattern lawyer's advice.

If you talk about custom firmware illegal or not, that's another totally different ethical debate as SONY also sent out spys to the custom firmware developers to steal their source code. Our world is full of evil. SONY can be evil, Hackers are too, but both maintain a certain balance.

It is illegal to download software that are copyright protected. Since all PSP games are copyright protected, therefore downloading from unauthorized website are considered as illegal. Playstation Network download is 100% legal.

My old Fat PSP is 3.30 OE-A and Slim PSP running 3.71 M33-2. Both are custom firmware and SONY claim to squeeze out 91gram weight from fat PSP to make SLIM? I now even squeeze out the extra UMD weight, HAHA!

BRICKING the PSP by modifying with custom firmware is HISTORY guys!

I can even UNBRICK any PSP using PANDORA BATTERY and Memory Card. That technique can save your money toward SONY's warranty, why? Because you can 100% backup your own PSP NAND FLASH and 100% restore it back in case your PSP is bricked. That means you don't need to void the warranty. This is also LEGAL because just like Norton Ghost or any other data recovery program to create an image of your storage device as a backup in case something goes wrong. All cooperates have backup servers so they don't need to pay thousands to million of dollars to data recovery service.

So we are in this ethical debate are we? Entering the Gray Area?

I personally like to download the full game of FFT for example then purchase it later in stores. Why? Convenient, and FAST! Because FFT is on the net weeks before the offical UMD release. If SONY wants to fight piracy or make full profit from games sales, they should start selling new PSP or PSP2 games via Playstation Network. I really HATE UMD! Waste my PSP battery physical storage space and makes the PSP heavy because of the UMD slot! Final ethical issue:do you think paying $39.99 for a game that was released back in 1997 plus some slight new video clips worth it? Is SONY charging ethically? With that price at least SONY can or may be able save tiny portion of their lost in their PS3 development. SQUARE-ENIX can also get more $$ to develop FF13 and so on. Love everybody including your enemies. Make your mormal judgement.

Sony should learn more from APPLE's iTunes. Download software content is the future not selling physical storage media. UMD is rubbish!