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#1 sportdude6
Member since 2004 • 106 Posts

Interesting. Now at least I know what the armor and weapons were for in HV's Quantum 3 Tech Demo back when they wereshowing it for The Conduit.


i thought the same exact thing haha...chuckled a little even

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#2 sportdude6
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[QUOTE="sremick"]I love the graphics and that it's bringing back "Punch-Out". However, like the reviews said, it's pretty much the same gameplay as the original NES game, and you don't want to use the motion controls, and instead hold the Wii remote sideways NES-style. At that point I lost interest. Unfortunate, really. I had been looking forward to this game.sremick

Of course it's the same gameplay, it's the same franchise

That's like saying "I wanted Mario Galaxy but he's still jumping like he did on the NES"

No, not the same. In this case it's the exact same game. It's 3-D graphics but the opponents are the same, the gameplay is the same, the moves are the same, and so on. A better comparison would be "Super Mario Brothers" but upgraded to 480p and more colors, and that's it.

That is also not true though...Its not exactly the same...yes, same characters, yes, same gameplay. But the move sets do change...only slightly in the original mode...but in title defense it is a whole new game essentially.

To the OP, any person with even decent reflexes could blast through the first fighters in the original game too...yet it is known for can this be the case? Because it get really hard, really quickly. The title defense mode will take you time, guaranteed. Im not saying this is a 30 hour game, but it will take you significantly more attempts and more time studying the move sets the second time through.

This game is worth the money, plain and simple. It set out to recreate the difficult puzzle/action of the original and it did so beautifully. This game is ridiculously hard in the later stages and a hell of a lot of fun all the way through. The quality of the game alone is worth the money.

Also to the OP, the exhibition mode extends replay value for hours. You say that all you can play for is the achievements and sound clips that do nothing, which is essentially true. However, achievements in xbox dont do a damn thing either, yet people play for them. Why? Because they are fun challenges (and perhaps for the bragging rights, but that can be just as easily used for reason to get these) that extend gameplay. Entire games (Left 4 Dead comes to mind) essentially have you coming back for more because of the achievements. There are only four levels...yes they are never the same twice, yes there is online. I own the game and enjoy the variety it offers, but the things that really keep me and my friends coming back for more are the achievements. Silly as they are, extra challenges can drive a game, and they absolutlety should not be disregarded in Punch Out, because they are pretty tough in some cases and very fun to figure out.

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#3 sportdude6
Member since 2004 • 106 Posts

hes kinda like rocky's trainer guy...garrett_duffman

"You're gonna eat lightnin' and you're gonna crap thunder!!"

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#4 sportdude6
Member since 2004 • 106 Posts

The flow in the game is jarring when Doc enters the scene.


I can agree with the word is....I still still to my guns in saying that this game is very much like the NES version, and Doc is near identical to how he was in that game, "advice" and all.

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#5 sportdude6
Member since 2004 • 106 Posts

I do agree with Jaysonguy in a couple respects here.

Doc truly is the only one who does not have an over th top persona. True, Mac is not in your face intensely screaming stereotype, but it does make it very clear that he is significantly smaller than his opponents. 5'7" 107 lbs?!?! He is TINY!!!

I truly think that the reviewer at IGN hit the nail on the head when he said that this developer played this game a bit safe by not deviating too much at all from the recipe of the original game, which still produces a fantastic game in my opinion, but also explains why there is only 1 new character and why Doc's several stereotypes,which Jaysonguy has pointed out, are not blown up (long sentence, sorry). Somebody else in this post already mentioned that I believe, but I thought I would add more weight to it.

I do disagree a bit with jaysonguy though in him saying that Doc's lack of over-the-top-ness really disrupts the flow of the game. While I would agree to it perhaps creating a slight inconsistency in the character of the game, I don't feel as though the game feels...choppy or uneven as a whole because of it. And Doc DOES have that big 'ole black guy voice still. I guess what I am saying is that while I see where the OP is coming from on this particular argument, I just don't quite agree with the level that he claims it creates a break in the game.

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#6 sportdude6
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Madworld is the type of game that deserves to be purchased. Yes it is a short one, yes the camera is sketchy, and yes some aspect do get repetitive. Its not perfect. But still, the fact that Platinum worked hard to put out a quality title for a system that is lacking in that department, especially in the new IP category, makes it worth the purchase for me.

That purchase though is justified by the outrageous gameplay and disregard for all things decent and normal. Like previous posters mentioned, some of the kills in this game will make you laugh 100% out loud in sheer amazement. Others will make corresponding parts of your body uneasy. It truly is an original game that gets emotion out of the player. While it is a simple beat-em-up at heart, the storyline DOES have turnsin it, and frankly, its not bad at all. Graphics and effects are good...voice acting isnt bad...control is good, different but good...commentators are hilarious...overall it is truly a quality title that is worth the purchase if for nothing more than to experience a great Wii game that could not have been done on another platform.

I say buy this game to support original, good games for Wii as opposed to encouraging MyBlankz and other similar shovelware ish titles. Although they will still exist, I think that many developers think that there is not a Wii market for games such as Madworld, or the Conduit, and these games need to be purchased to encourage other developers to follow suit this generation.

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#7 sportdude6
Member since 2004 • 106 Posts

I was just going to throw this up here, but you beat me to it!!

Im excited for this :P Sounds like it was well made.

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#8 sportdude6
Member since 2004 • 106 Posts

It got a terrible review from IGN....disappointing

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#10 sportdude6
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the amount of work put into this game is in and of itself worth your 50 bucks. Support devs that try to actually make something of quality on the Wii. Online will most likely be pretty solid. Maybe not revolutionary, but solid nonetheless. SEGA will keep HV hush hush forthe last several months of development and testing for sure, so I wouldn't expect too much new info on it until right before launch. But still I think the game is worth being excited for.