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#2 rushthatspeaks2
Member since 2005 • 111 Posts

Between family, friends and work (in other words a real life)... I'd say Massively Multi-player Online Role Playing Games. I don't have the time to devote to that genre.taz412


I work, have a family and friends and I play World of Warcraft and it doesn't feel played out. Graphical MMO's are a relatively new thing and have much room to be improved or varied.

No offense but I think the guy who started this thread means what games have just been done so much over and over that there's no room for variation or improvement anymore, only redundancy.

Not having the time to play a certain type of game anymore doesn't mean it's played out it means you don't have the time to play it anymore lol.

Also it seems like you're making a judgement call on people who play MMOs because YOU now "have a life". People who have the time to play this type of game automatically don't have a life? That's like being a smoker then quitting and judging people who still smoke. Boo!


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#3 rushthatspeaks2
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Not that anyone here has the attention span to read this far into a post but

First person shooters and WW2 shooters/ squad based games are so played out it makes me angry. I will not buy either genre no matter how good a review it's gotten.

How much variation can you have after so many of these titles are cranked out every month?

Oh boy in THIS FPS you shoot green aliens instead of blue ones. You get TEN different guns instead of 9. Big damn deal.

Also, I'm sick of online games. The very element that is supposed to make online fps/mmo's etc fun ruins it for me. The human element. You little kiddies need to go to detox and stop getting high off the energy drinks. Go outside and get some sun fat asses. Oh grats, you're the highest rank in Halo2. G uess what genius you're STILL a little bratty nerd in real life, go cry to mommy now.

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#4 rushthatspeaks2
Member since 2005 • 111 Posts

The problem in America isn't that ENglish speaking people don't know a second language, the problem is that non English speaking people who come to this country are too lazy to learn English and want the majority to adapt to fit THEIR needs.


Why would I care if they learn English or not? It makes no difference to me. 

Does to me. Even if it doesn't affect my day to day living. Pisses me off.

Okay that's it. I'm moving to Japan, where a few people do speak English but the majority of people speak Japanese. I'm NOT going to learn Japanse though, I expect them to learn English so I can get by easier.

How's that sound?




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#5 rushthatspeaks2
Member since 2005 • 111 Posts


Go to bed junior. Humor isn't humor just because you and a few of your adolescent buddies think it is.

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#6 rushthatspeaks2
Member since 2005 • 111 Posts


I'm finding it hard to say something civil about this.

I'll state a few facts.

The majority of people in America are not bi-lingual and the primary language here is ENGLISH even if there is no official language. Majority rules in this country.

If I were going to be living abroad you can rest assured I'd take the time to learn the language of the place I'd be living if it was not English.

People in Japan and China are required REQUIRED to learn English has nothing to do with what their Countrie's official language is. WHy do you think that is? Because many of the jobs they'll be doing are here in America where the language is primarily English even if it isn't the official language.

There is a small city nearby where I live with a small population of Spanish speaking Americans. After over 50 years here many of them have chosen to get by without hardly learning a word of English even though the city is primarily English speaking.

The problem in America isn't that ENglish speaking people don't know a second language, the problem is that non English speaking people who come to this country are too lazy to learn English and want the majority to adapt to fit THEIR needs.


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#7 rushthatspeaks2
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[QUOTE="daniel52587"]Remeber Y2K? How freaked out people were. 2012 is going to be mass, worldwide chaos. And the craziest part is something major will happen. It is going to be nuts. We are headed for some crazy times people. Strap in your seat belts, its going to be a wild ride!daniel52587


Yeah yeah yeah yeah YEAH! And Mary Summer Rain predicted the world would end almost 10 years ago. People predicted we'd get hit with a massive form of energy travelling through space called the Photon Belt, never happened.

Nostradamus predicted the world would end a few years back didn't he? Never happened.

Also I'm sure if you know this much about the Mayans and their calendar then you also know WHAT they said would happen. So I'm waiting.

As a matter of fact I do. They said we would reunite with the mother of our galaxy in her womb. *their metephorical words* They did state that the womb of our mother (the galaxy) is in the center of the galaxy. Supermassive black holes exist in the center of every galaxy. So I am guessing they are predicting we are going to have some kind of interaction with the supermassive blackhole of our galaxy.

Yeah I took mind altering drugs too when I was younger. I thought the same exact thing. What a coincidence.

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#8 rushthatspeaks2
Member since 2005 • 111 Posts

[QUOTE="daniel52587"]Remeber Y2K? How freaked out people were. 2012 is going to be mass, worldwide chaos. And the craziest part is something major will happen. It is going to be nuts. We are headed for some crazy times people. Strap in your seat belts, its going to be a wild ride!daniel52587

I assumed you already knew about the Mayan prediction of 2012. Sorry if I overestimated your intelligence. I will be sure not to next time:roll:


You didn't explain why, or offer us any links explaining why. Your post sucks. Idiot.

 I only know about things that matter. Also, I edited my post after I saw you added the information about the Mayans accurate predictions.

However this has nothing at all to do with intelligence. If you were intelligent you would have also said WHAT they Mayans claim is going to happen in 2012. So, still waiting.

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#9 rushthatspeaks2
Member since 2005 • 111 Posts

Remeber Y2K? How freaked out people were. 2012 is going to be mass, worldwide chaos. And the craziest part is something major will happen. It is going to be nuts. We are headed for some crazy times people. Strap in your seat belts, its going to be a wild ride!daniel52587


Yeah yeah yeah yeah YEAH! And Mary Summer Rain predicted the world would end almost 10 years ago. People predicted we'd get hit with a massive form of energy travelling through space called the Photon Belt, never happened.

Nostradamus predicted the world would end a few years back didn't he? Never happened.

Also I'm sure if you know this much about the Mayans and their calendar then  you also know WHAT they said would happen. So I'm waiting.

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#10 rushthatspeaks2
Member since 2005 • 111 Posts



 This is the second post on the front page regarding frisbees and icecream. Did something happen recently in the news or is this just some stupid OT inside joke?