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#1 rrandolph
Member since 2006 • 203 Posts

Can you buy it at a store? I brought my premium service from Best Buy. They give you a code. All you have to do then is redeem your code on xboxlive.

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#2 rrandolph
Member since 2006 • 203 Posts

I got it today and I really don't like it. You're just running around killing people. Lots of camping spots and just really not fun. The modes are nice and I like the new guns, but the maps are terrible. I'm very glad I chose to not ger Premium.


It might not be your cup of tea, but I think it will grow on you. I think the map design is excellent. You're right there are a lot of places to camp, but that also means there are a lot of escape routes and flanks. Being you just got it today you are still learning the maps and I understand how you feel, but eventually you will know where the camping spots are and where the enemy is likely to be attacking from. You just gotta go through that initial phase of learning the maps and you'll be fine.

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#3 rrandolph
Member since 2006 • 203 Posts

For me it has definitely added to the game. Hasn't changed the game much, but changed it enough to give you a different feeling than playing on the maps that shipped with the game. You will probably receive a bunch of responses that say it's too much like COD, but that's what it's supposed to be. Armored Kill will be out shortly and that will be nothing like COD!

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#4 rrandolph
Member since 2006 • 203 Posts


If you have not come to realize this then you sir have not discovered the absolute fun that is had in a team based online FPS/war game. However, if you trying to play BF3 like you do CoD then you'll hate it. However, when you find a good squad and play agaisnt good squads you'll never be able to put this game down. How can this fact be denied? Please enlighten me. BTW i've owned every CoD up to BOps. Lets keep this civil.


MAYBE we dont like team based gmaes with heavy emphasis on vehicles and tanks blowing you away and annoying restructions in classes. You are new to bf, i hav ebeen playing bf since 2002, they ALL have teribble hit delay that turns gunplay into a trolling attempt to piss you off, till they fix that, id rather stick with a game that works .
To be completely honest, and I mean no disrespect here. But if someone tells me they like CoD over battlefield, I always assume that they either haven't played battlefield, or they are absolutely atrocious at FPS in general.

Like in BF3, is you are really bad at FPS, you are going to drop scores that very clearly represent that. If you equally talented, and you play Call of Duty, you can get any killstreak you could possibly imagine, you can just sit in a corner, and wait.

BF3, you get punched in the face for making a small mistake.

In CoD, you get a pat on the back for being terrible. (last stand, martrydom, auto-aim-hand-holding-one-hit-kill-weapons)


lol, i play bf since 2002, the game takes NO fps skill whatsoever, every time you shoot, the game delays the hit registering for 1 second and dont make any arguments about range and bulletdrop, the old bfs had none of those things. its bad netcode thats all, even medal of honor had it. I shoot, i shoot and i shoot again, what would have been a quick kill in every other fps is simply not happening in bf, the game takes a while to register the bullets and when it does and the other guy dies, you take damage from a dead guy because the game delays in registering the hits. no skill whatsoever, not to mention when lag compensation kicks in and you insta die. Very nice indeed, or noobs going into tanks and killing everything, very awesome indeed, you know what would have been nice? collecting points to launch a predator mission on that thing,but no. Every gunfight in bf3 makes my brain hurt trying to figure how the hell he did not die and where the hell my bullets go, not to mention shooting and getting back to cover and while behind cover the crosshair flashes. There are no mistaked to "punch you in the face" here, the game takes no skill, it reward players for beeing slow rather fast and using vehicles or buffing teammates.

I totally think it's reversed. We've all seen crosshairs show up beside the body of the player in COD. Sometimes I'm amazed I actually got a kill for such a bad shot. The hit marker actually shows up not on the person! lol It happens in both games...imo more on COD. Your shots you think are on target are not; probably because your holding the trigger too long and the recoil in BF is more than COD. Your gun is probably climbing, but you think your on target because your screen is blurry from suppressive fire. The game very much requires skill. Gun physics are more prevalent in BF.

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#5 rrandolph
Member since 2006 • 203 Posts

To all the people saying DICE is trying to get COD players by releasing Close Quarters guess what? You're right! Exactly what they should do. I don't know if this is a secret or anything but DICE is also releasing Armored Kill, Aftermath, and Endgame. Are those aimed at COD players 2? They aren't changing anything; just trying to attract new players. 1 out 4 dlc are aimed at COD players and you're having a fit. LOL

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#6 rrandolph
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Nope, you have that issue alone. Sorry :(

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#7 rrandolph
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Max Payne 3 hands down! I've only played the demo of GR:FS and it was okay, but nothing special. Max Payne 3 is special! Basically that's all you need to know. The game does animation better than any game that's out now. I don't feel like I will stop playing Max Payne 3 because another game came out, but I would stop playing GR:FS when the next FPS came out.

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#8 rrandolph
Member since 2006 • 203 Posts

I like them both equally... HAHA!

No, but really. I really enjoy playing BF3. I think BF3 is much more difficult, and takes a lot more skill. I also enjoy the objective-based gameplay of BF3 more than the objective games in MW3.

MW3 is fun though. It's much faster paced, and matches take a lot less time. A MW3 match can take 5 minutes, where my shortest games are BF3 are roughly 15 minutes. Another big thing is that my friends who aren't as big of gamers as me ONLY play MW3. A few of them tried BF3, and they just couldn't do it. So if I want to play with my friends, it has to be MW3.

BF3 does look way better though. There's no denying that. The graphics of BF3 are awesome! The new engine is great, and the I really enjoy BF3's presentation way more than MW3.

And lastly, MW3 wins campaign and co-op. Survival & spec-ops is more fun than the co-op missions of BF3. And the BF3 campaign was just kind of tacked on, and seemed a little too similar to another shooter that came out not too long ago............................

SO, my argument ends with me saying that I enjoy both games equally. BOOYAH!


ok so u enjoy both games equally...now please tell us which is better?