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#1 riverwynde
Member since 2003 • 64 Posts

I have to agree with the people who said this is the wrong forum for this topic. But I will add people are getting moderated for some really minor stuff recently. For example my Avatar WAS a picture of a female friend of mine (she was dressed in goth clothing and it was a professional modeling picture so it was not a tasteless photo). I had her as my avatar for well over a year...with no problems. All of a sudden 2 weeks ago..my avatar was deemed to be inappropriate. So I got moderated and they deleted my avatar.

I think I remember seeing something about Gamespot getting some new mods....if so , looks like there going a bit too gung ho.

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#2 riverwynde
Member since 2003 • 64 Posts
A new Golgo 13 game would be pretty sweet too. The NES one was pretty good.
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#3 riverwynde
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I would love to see a Robotech game made for the PS3. I thought Robotech: Battlecry on the PS2 was awesome!
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#4 riverwynde
Member since 2003 • 64 Posts

That's what the parking spaces are for. You can hold up to 2 cars for each safehouse. And they work. Your car wont disappear. I still wish you could buy a home, buy/invest in a business, pilot airplances or even buy an airplane or helicopter with a helipad, customize your ride, things like that should have been in the game. Really disappointed with that. There are smaller airplanes, not the jumbo ones I wish we could use.


Thats what downloadable content is for. There not gonna just give you everything right away (sorry..games are like this nowdays).... am sure some of the stuff you mentioned is saved for future downloadable "expansions" so to speak.

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#5 riverwynde
Member since 2003 • 64 Posts

Hello guys! Let me explain: so imagine yourself playing GTA IV (for example)... you have lots of weapons and ammo, a body protection thingie, the car that you cared so much to keep saving and using. Now you start to do some missions, and you don't save because you just don't want to go back to the safehouse... BUT SUDDENLY! Suddenly, one of your "friends" comes by, and he has never played GTA. So the first thought that comes to your mind is: "mmm... might as well save before I give this guy the controller, but if I do, he's gonna get pissed off because he's gonna think that I believe he's a moron... d@mn!!" And you pass the controller to your salivating friend, and before you know he throws your car to the water because HE thinks it's fun to waste cars like that, and also he gets caught by the police, which deprives you of all your weaponry... cool huh?

Has something like this happened to you before? Feel free to post your tale of woe =)

PD: YES, I know I should have saved, please don't call me idiotic, I know I got pwned by mysef.


To save yourself the headache..you should have saved it. If you friend gets insulted because you did, and asks "What?? Do you think I am a moron and will ruin your game??..so you had to save it??"

Simply reply " Yes...I do"

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#6 riverwynde
Member since 2003 • 64 Posts

Does any1 else think gta was just a bit over hyped? dont get me rong i really enjoy playing it, but it seems the missions feel 2 simalar to the previos games, and the missions in the game seem to be repetative, and i cant get online either :S any1 else have veiws about it?ENDOT12123

What do you find repeatitve about the missions. I am yet to find one that is the same as any others (except for stealing cars for Bennie) which is just to make some cash. Or are you saying the missions are the same/similar to other grand theft auto games?

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#7 riverwynde
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Why would you feel guilty...unless you can't tell the differnce between reality and a video game. Thats what the characters in the game are there for....if they had no pourpose then they would all be cute fuzzy woodland animals (and people would still kill them).

Now if you are going around in real life beating people up for cash..then YES ..you should feel guilty.

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#8 riverwynde
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I think it might get worse, but not like riots or anything LOL and only for a bit.CowMan07

I think what spurs alot of the violence on launch days with big name games is that people somehow get it in there mind that there are only a few copies avaliable and they won't get one. I think the companies that make the Systems started all the problems in the first place. For instance limited numbers of systems being sent out each week..so people feel the need to stand in line for hours and hours just to get one, so some people feel the need to rob, steal, and injure just so they can say "Oh I got one launch day".

So now people start thinking that every major game that is released will be in "limited quantities" ..so they go out and stand in line to get a copy of a game..that in actuality is very pleniful. Then you get the 1 or 2 bad eggs who in there mind feel that they won't get a copy because there tward the back of the line....so they decide to beat people up, stab them, rob them.

Just my opinion..but it's not the game itself that people get violent over...(which with a game like GTA..it's easy for the media to say "OK game with violence triggers violence") ..it's the fear there not gonna get a copy on launch day (god forbid) because they have seen what companies like Nintendo did with the Wii (extremly limited quanities per store).

Honestly if someone is gonna rob you, stab you, or beat your arse...it can be really over anything shoes, jacket, money, food, etc. They really don't need a reason.

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#9 riverwynde
Member since 2003 • 64 Posts

Please provide links!

I have seen reports of ONE stabbing. It was a thug that didn't like how he was spoken to by some other thug. Considering the scale of this release, I'd call it a non-event!


I agree....I read about 1 incident..maybe a possible second one. More people get hurt rushing in to Walmart on the day after Thanksgiving then got hurt yesterday. Only reason you heard about what happened yesterday is because video games make people violent right:lol: Holiday shopping doesn't make people violent..right?? :lol:

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#10 riverwynde
Member since 2003 • 64 Posts

Have you seen the news? GTA fans are stabbing and robbing people for their copy of the game. Also GTA has nearly done everything it possibly could do so i think all they will do in the future is change the city, charecters, maybe the cars like they usually do. But what im getting at is that it appears That GTA is making children and some adults more violent. (see news and compare to before GTA) but im not particularly worried.

I LOVE GTA games i think they are revoloutionary and bring years of fun but i think the governments and the annoying parents (usually wives who worry about kids) and the protesters might go far enough to try and ban the future of this type of game, but ofcourse they will fail :lol: ...then my next thing i am going to say is that what about the times, like imagine in the future...will they incorporate hover cars and robot dogs to GTA? It just wouldnt seem right :x And maybe in the future it will be like Demolition Man where nobody is allowed to swear and do sex :cry: so law breaking would seem almost alien.

Sorry about the long post but my fingers are tingling for some typing action.


I remember a time when people on the streets were beat up and stabbed so some punk could take there shoes. Does Nike and Converse make people more violent too?