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#1 NeoPrime
Member since 2016 • 287 Posts

@lamprey263: Oh OK, see the way you sounded it was like you were saying global warming wasn't real or something, which of course is nonsense. Sorry, got our wires crossed it seems. Saying that though I reckon if the ice caps weren't melting at an alarming rate (caused by human contributed accelerated global warming) the ice wouldn't have broken away from the ice shelf, causing the massive ice berg to exist in the first place. :)

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#2 NeoPrime
Member since 2016 • 287 Posts

@ArchoNils2 said:

Looks like the USA missed a chance to bomb something and actually being a hero for doing so


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#3 NeoPrime
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@mjorh said:

This ^^^^

Its a sad state of affairs, the industry today. And its all our fault. Its the gamers fault. People have become so happy to settle for mediocrity, so happy to fork over £40 for half a game then another £60 for the rest later on down the line (Destiny), so happy to bend over and let corporate gaming publisher scum to **** em in the ass. Hell, i think some people even enjoy it. Nice and dry, not even spitting on it as corporate gaming fucks them straight up the backside.

Its become so bad that publishers think this is what people want, they think we want a half baked, under developed, broken and buggy messes at launch and we'll pay whatever they ask for the privilege of beta testing it for them.

The casual, low IQ, more money than sense and low self respect gamer has ruined this industry. If people would just use that tiny muscle in between their ears just for once, and spoke with their wallets and pointed out shady business practices and lazy incompetent developers instead of rabidly defending it the industry would be in a far healthier place than it is today.

Not all of the industries issues are on the drooling, blithering idiot gamer but it would be a start.

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#4 NeoPrime
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Don't care about Street Fighter, never have but im surprised to see it release in such a way, however i was there at day one with MCC and cant testify that it was the worst launch ever. So bad even after 6 months i got a full refund as it still didn't work, only over a year after release and so many patches the overall install size for them alone was more than an entire game did it work.

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#5 NeoPrime
Member since 2016 • 287 Posts

Try Alien Isoltaion. No shooting, atmosphere and immersion so thick you can cut it with a knife, its like being in the original movie! No real jump scares either, as long as you play it properly, always keep the alien at a distance and be aware of your surroundings and it wont jump out and surprise kill you. Its fear and tension are more intelligent than monster closets and jump scares. It has some pretty amazing graphics and nice computer screens that, retro 1970's future tech kind of way.

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#6  Edited By NeoPrime
Member since 2016 • 287 Posts

@lamprey263 said:
@neoprime said:
@lamprey263 said:

Sad, but I'm not sold on the blame human bit yet.

Not one for scientific fact or proof i see.

What scientific fact or proof? They got landlocked when an iceberg the size of Rhode Island circling the antarctic for more than 20 years randomly slammed into the coast land-locking them. The Climate Change Research Centre referred to it as a "natural experiment to investigate the impact of iceberg stranding events". Only one void of scientific fact or proof here is you.

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Im talking about the scientific proof that supports the fact that we are a major contributing factor to climate change, not just this one isolated incident itself.

The Pacific ocean didn't fill itself up with plastic and radioactive fallout, the glaciers and ice caps didn't just start melting themselves. You think after hundreds of years of pumping trillions of tons of hydrocarbons and worse into the atmosphere isn't going to have some sort of effect? Hell just look at Shanghai on a bad day their air is barely breathable, who caused that tiny little pollution fairy's? Wake the hell up idiot.

But go ahead, keep denying it, your kind will be the reason our coastlines will be under water in the next 100 years and our air will be unbreathable like in China. I just hope there's more people who actually use their brains who can do something to minimize the effects before its too late for all of us.

I bet your the type of person who thinks the earth is flat and only 4000 years old.

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#7  Edited By NeoPrime
Member since 2016 • 287 Posts

@Solaryellow said:
@neoprime said:

Black man gets harassed by cops for doing nothing illegal, goes to walk away and gets shot 15 times in the back. White man gets harassed by cops for doing nothing illegal...oh wait.

Your theory debunked right there.

Here's another one: Cops get called out because of a black man wielding a machete, cops shoot him dead. Cops get called out because of a white man wielding a machete. Gets tasered and survives.

Do i need to carry on? Take your SJW BS and shove it. There's legitimate problems with race in our society and anyone diluting a serious issue like that down to just being some sort of stupid SJW shit needs a swift kicking in the ass.

WOW! One vague ass example and you think you've debunked someone's p.o.v.?

People need to grow a set and stop blaming their own shortcomings on everyone else. I'll try being polite when saying this but people are fed up with the black community always blaming their failures and poor choices on racism.

Says the guy with white skin. (im assuming so anyway. Not the greatest thing to do but everyone else here does it so why not i)

Oh and my "vague" example is pretty much something you heard talked about on the news on a weekly basis until just recently, so its not vague and proves the point very clearly.

If you are a white person you have nothing to fear from the cops, if your not white...good luck. Many black people feel this way and for good reason.

Hell, just look at how they treated the Boston bomber for example! When they found him they wrapped him up in bullet proof vests and carried him away, alive and well.

If he had black skin he would have been shot dead long before anyone could have arrested him.

To be blind to such blatant examples of racism and white privilege makes you part of the problem in itself.

Sure white people commit crimes all the time not saying they dont, but the reactions to white criminals vs black ones are far from equal and speak alot about the state of the race issue in our society.

Then you have the case where the little brown Muslim boy brought a school project into class and because they heard ticking they immediately assumed it was a bomb, because of course he has brown skin and is a Muslim so of course he must be a terrorist!!!!

Again, theory debunked, p.o.v. proved to be flawed. Try again.

Stop defending outright racism and inequality and maybe our world can heal and grow from the cesspit of hate its currently in.

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#8  Edited By NeoPrime
Member since 2016 • 287 Posts

@Jacanuk said:
@jimkabrhel said:

Seems like the November election just got that much more interesting. It was very likely that up to three SCOTUS judged would be replaced in the coming term, but since this is under President Obama, the resistance to any nominee will be fierce, and this will now be a huge point of emphasis for the candidates.

He was obviously knowledgable, but from my view, very arrogant and borderline vile with his resistance to LGBTQA rights.

Utter nonsense.

RIP Scalia you were a absolute brilliant legal mind who did not get caught up in PC shit...... You will be missed.....

Ah the age old moronic attitude defending racism and bigotry as not getting caught up in PC "bullshit".

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#9 NeoPrime
Member since 2016 • 287 Posts

@employee427 said:

White Privilege is a myth crafted by SJWs to shame innocent people.

Black man gets harassed by cops for doing nothing illegal, goes to walk away and gets shot 15 times in the back. White man gets harassed by cops for doing nothing illegal...oh wait.

Your theory debunked right there.

Here's another one: Cops get called out because of a black man wielding a machete, cops shoot him dead. Cops get called out because of a white man wielding a machete. Gets tasered and survives.

Do i need to carry on? Take your SJW BS and shove it. There's legitimate problems with race in our society and anyone diluting a serious issue like that down to just being some sort of stupid SJW shit needs a swift kicking in the ass.

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#10 NeoPrime
Member since 2016 • 287 Posts

@casharmy said:
@DrkeX said:

Isn't the ps4 doing the same exact scenario with SFV?

Why do they get a pass!?

No you don't seem to be informed at all. SFV was announced as a PS4 and PC game from day 1.

Quanturm Break was supposed to be an xbox one exclusive that had people anticipating buying the console under the assumption it wouldn't be available anywhere else for years and now reveled to be coming to PC day 1 a couple months before it releases.

I don't know why you keep mentioning SFV, it's in no way comparable and I believe I've mentioned this to you once before.

Again, not sure why this is an issue. Sounds to me like a lot of self entitled whining over nothing.