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the thing is E3 is no longer the thing anymore. the developers have their own events now. look at EA, or Capcom, or Activision (ugh). console makers have one, heck ouya had one and asked folks to chip in on development! at comic con developers actually let gamers play the games! E3 is not like tokyo game show, or gamescom where they allow THE CONSUMER play the games, not some old guy from the new york times trying to sound hip. they only let the press in. if E3 wants to get the consumers attention in america again, they will have to make it open to the public. not just crappy networks like G4

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that is awesome, and it has onlive? i played a game using onlive and it was excellent. i am getting one.

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@ulgk karkand. and i am debating whether getting them. i want the close quarters map pack, but the other ones, i am still on the fence. but battlefield is far superior to call of duty, and this is coming from a guy who had every call of duty game released on the 360

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YES!!!!!!! that means we will have battlefield 4, and still have battlefield 3 and expansions! it makes you wonder how long they will support it though! i can NOT WAIT!!!!!

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@dre256x but look at how many map packs are coming out for battlefield. i own it but not the premium subscription, but it is worth it. you have all of these map packs which actually cater to all play types, (distance, close quarters, vehicles) which points that EA really listens to fans. if you are a fan, get them all, if you like one playtype, just buy the packs you want! plus they have been coming out since what, december 2011 to feb/march 2013? they feel like maps. activision just makes them and says "get em because everyone has em" plus activision has what, 3 map packs and charges you 50 bucks! ITS A DEAL! no. why pay that much for maps which are on another disc? its a joke. i understand they have a board and whatever, but activision should have its own definition in the dictionary

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medal of honor warfighter will have the "zone of the enders" effect. you remember that title sold like hotcakes because it came with a huge demo of metal gear solid 2! same thing will happen with this because it has a guaranteed beta key for battlefield 4. same as halo 3 ODST had a beta key for halo reach. they attach beta keys to games to increase sales. will it help when it comes to multiplayer? if DICE isnt attached to that, expect folks to come for the single player and have the game sit on their shelves until next year when the beta comes out. battlefield is the king to beat this year because they have no game coming out, just tons of DLC through next march, while call of duty is going to come out again with 15 dollar map packs. activision is just getting used to giving the fans what THEY (activision) think they want: unfinished, incomplete games and charging them full price for an expansion. couldnt call of duty black ops 2 have been a 30 dollar downloadable? or an expansion? no. they care about the bottom line.

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id agree. many game companies try to give you this game, its halfway done and then they expect you to pay for DLC. big example is call of duty, but many games, say gears of war, and some fighting games are made to have a robust single player experience. i remember when i was younger, playing street fighter for HOURS with my friends. that was multiplayer. shooters were meant to be played online. those should require packs. but i do not want to buy a game knowing 2 days later DLC is going to pop up on my dashboard and it is 15 bucks, only for a year later i am going to trade in my game for 12 bucks and get the game of the year edition with all of the DLC for 30 bucks. its not fair. and multiplayer as a whole is a joke. the only games which need multiplayer are games like gears of war, battlefield, racing games, and fighters. why do i need a single player game to have multiplayer? it feels like a half hearted joke! if developers were given their own time to make a game, instead of the publisher's window, we would not be in this position!

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@DragonRift i know that. i was using sarcasm. i havent played in years.

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does anyone play WoW anymore? it was big when i was in college... but then so was yugioh.

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id have to agree. but it goes across the board for all companies or consoles. microsoft has a slew of gory violent games which sell, and the tamest games are fighting games. sony? well, i LOVE god of war but that is its system seller. it is just the sign of the times, people like the violent games and the developers for family games just make shovelware, games which are so horrible that go bargain bin in a day. its not worth it. if you had companies like epic or lets say... capcom dedicate themselves to a family game, it would work! microsoft put rare on those kinect sports games, and they are sellers. why not put the developers on god of war on a family game?