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#1 metroid2004
Member since 2004 • 116 Posts

Rehashing and milking are not interchangable terms.

However, no one should deny that Mario is milked because there is plenty evidence of that. But how can you blame them if they sell enough? If anything, if it bothers people so much, then they should be blaming the market and not Nintendo since any company with any actual business sense would do the same thing if they had a character that is as iconic as Mario. In addition, it doesn't help that Mario has a universal appeal and therefore is capable of being applied to a multitude of genres unlike Master Chief for exmple. (You just can't imagine Master Chief playing Tennis or Football can you? :P)

And while I agree and applaud Sony for supporting new IPs it doesn't excuse the double standards of people when most new IPs in general are mostly comprised of old game ideas wrapped up and repackaged as a new franchise. However, do I think there is anything inherently wrong with this? No, not really. But I also don't think there's anything wrong with the way Nintendo does things either.

Furthermore, Nintendo does make new IPs, but just because they aren't well known doesn't mean they don't exist.

Here's a random list for anyone who wants to take a look at the new IPs both published or made since 2001.

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#2 metroid2004
Member since 2004 • 116 Posts

The hypocrisy of SW is quite entertaining. :P

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#3 metroid2004
Member since 2004 • 116 Posts

Saying that video games are art is an incredibly broad generalization, however that doesn't mean that video games cannot be art. People seem to forget that not all movies and books can be considered as art since both, like games, can be founded on market research and can therefore be adapted to appeal to the lowest common denominator. Imo, art is supposed to represent a focused vision of an individual or a group regardless of whether or not it will appeal to the masses. However, this is not to say that art cannot be popular as there is evidence to the contrary with games like Shadow of the Colossus, Majora's Mask etc.


Now that is not say that the two games I've listed could be considered art to everybody and therein lies the problem with the term due is its heavily subjective nature. To me, the second a game elicits an emotional response that is beyond simple fun then I would probably consider it art. For others the conditions on which someone might consider a game art could be different.


To add to my first point  "Imo, art is supposed to represent a focused vision of an individual or a group regardless of whether or not it will appeal to the masses" I should add that a person or a group's focus doesn't have to be artistic and it could be to just make an awesome game and therefore what I meant is that it is more likely for a game to have an artistic focus under these circumstances as most companies know that making a game with an artistic focus is very hit and miss and is therefore much more likely to take the safe route.

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#4 metroid2004
Member since 2004 • 116 Posts

I remember when DS2 was near launch and barely anybody bothered to hype that either. I've just assumed that over time that there are barely any DS fans in SW tbh because the franchise doesn't get anywhere near the attention that everything else does.

IMHO, DS is one of the best franchises to come out of this gen, and like most people I was rather skeptical about DS2 before it launched and I believe that people had a right to be. When the game launched I absolutely loved it and played the sh*t out it (Still need to finish hardcore mode though) and to my knowledge so did a lot of the other skeptics (not all obviously). Furthermore, however, those who think it just turned into Uncharted must not have played it at all or didn't play a great deal as to which I can understand why someone would hastily make that assumption. The reason for this is because there is in fact a lot of cinematic set-piece moments, however, for the most part, Visceral Games applied the idea in a clever and sensible fashion. If I'm not mistaken, all of the cinematic moments were used purely for seamless chapter transitions which helped the game's pacing (They basically replaced the old tram system loading screens from the first game).

In summary, all I'm saying is that it's silly to judge DS3 before we've played it since the current reactions were very much the same toward DS2 and I thought that game was an awesome example of a sequel done right and I'm sure many others think the same also (Negativity calmed down after DS2's launch). I have plenty of faith in Visceral Games and I hope the game silences the majority of those in doubt once it launches much like DS2, otherwise we will have another case similar to Mass Effect 3 :P lol!

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#5 metroid2004
Member since 2004 • 116 Posts

I've enjoyed Halo 4's campaign quite a lot tbh. I was rather surprised after finishing it because I ended up playing it twice on co-op (once on heroic and again on legendary). However,is it just me or is the campaign really short compared to the previous entries in the series?

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#6 metroid2004
Member since 2004 • 116 Posts

I could totally imagine it now :P

Valve Steam Engine

Would be crazy though :D

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#7 metroid2004
Member since 2004 • 116 Posts

Resident Evil 1.5 or 3.5 ;)

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#8 metroid2004
Member since 2004 • 116 Posts

Personally, I believe that everyone will be surprised by the development periods of next gen.

I think people seem to forget that this gen of consoles, namely the PS3 and 360, suffered from bottlenecks that surely hindered the development process for many developers. Of course, this is assuming that the next generation of consoles will be without such limitations and therefore I could be completely wrong. :P

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#9 metroid2004
Member since 2004 • 116 Posts

I could think of many games of which could greatly describe my childhood but there is one that stands out amongst them all. During my infancy I mainly watched my older brothers play video games all the time, but there was one game I was exposed to which completely altered my perspective on games and showed me how a game could be a deep, engrosing and cerebral experience.

That game, as my name most obviously sugests, is Super Metroid!

This game blew my mind at the time with its atmosphere, exploration and an unrivaled level of polish. Super Metroid proved to me that a game could go against the typical conventions of game design and truley provide an experience like no other, thus my love for the Metroid franchise was born. However, the funny thing is that it was complete luck that I was actually introduced to this game as it belonged to some random girl who lived in my street who decided to just lend it out on a whim just because she could not fathom the treasure of which she possessed! What's even more crazy is that shortly after she moved out and ever since I've had the game, and as a result, I still have it.

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#10 metroid2004
Member since 2004 • 116 Posts

I personally believe it would have been a better idea to merge the classic controller with their Wiimote design. What I mean by this is that Nintendo should have a classic style controller that the player is able to pull apart from the center of the pad so that the classic design can then essentially become a wireless nunchuck controller setup for a Wii oriented playstyle and then the player could reassemble the controller thus connecting the two halfs for a playstyle representitive of classic control.

Overall, this should allow developers to program both playstyles without being pigeonholed into a singular control method thus pleasing both the regular and motion control fans respectively without having the need to have two entirely different controllers (Wiimote and classic controler) in order to resolve the issue and is therefore a more practical approach to dealing with both control styles.

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