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#1  Edited By me010698
Member since 2006 • 25 Posts

A colleague of mine and I started this discussion yesterday at work, we both love Skyrim, Witcher and other similar games and with Elder Scrolls Online making its way to us we're wondering if it has a chance.

To start, I have experience with MMO's, too much actually, I've been a successful top tier raiding guild leader in WoW, theorycrafted with the best of them, and played every class (well) imaginable, on multiple games. My colleague on the other hand has never played an MMO. And due to scheduling conflicts and as they say, "real life" I've had to give them up myself.

My discussion with her went as follows:

1. For an MMO to be good it has to be challenging but fun at all levels. There is nothing more satisfying than grouping with friends and finally toppling that boss you've previously struggled with previously.

2. For it to appeal to the "casual/console player" the single player component must be enjoyable, SW:TOR while failing at endgame did this incredibly well, it was actually a much better single player game than MMO.

3. To not alienate the "casual/console player" end game content must be accessible to a smaller group, think 3 or 4 friends vs 10-20. And I mean true end game, not a mediocre dungeon but leaving raids to larger groups. I know there are LFG options, but anyone who has MMO experience has had more "rage quit" moments than pleasant ones because one of the random group fillers turned out to be inept.

After all was said and done we were left wondering if new MMO could possibly find a balance to keep the hard core chugging along but also allow for people like us who really want to enjoy the game but can't commit to a raid schedule or pledge all waking hours to the betterment of the guild to enjoy the game in its entirety.

I truly miss good MMO's and want to be able to play one again, and play it well, but on my schedule not anyone elses. Will this be possible?

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#2 me010698
Member since 2006 • 25 Posts
@Lulu_Lulu said:

Screw that. Put down the controller, put on some pants and go outside and be human. Live the the life I always wanted. :(

While I blame WoW and SW:TOR for most of my GAMING time being taken, the majority of my time is consumed by my job, wife and kids, I won't be powering through these anytime soon. That said, I want to get one going so I can chip away at the stack, I feel like everything I've listed at one point or another has been up for game of the year so I definitely want to get into them, just not sure where to start.

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#3 me010698
Member since 2006 • 25 Posts

I've just finished everything I care to play on Xbox One before Titanfall hits next month. Here's the list of games I own and heven't started/finished yet. I'd re-start them all regardless because it's been quite some time since I played any of these:

Dragon Age 2 - Beat Origins and all DLC (360)

Skyrim - Own both previous Elder Scrolls games but have yet to complete any of them (PC)

The Witcher 2 - Started it, haven't played much, never played the first (PC)

Fallout 3 (360)

Fallout New Vegas (360)

Batman: Arkham City (360)

AC2 and/or Brotherhood - I've beaten 1 and 4, don't own 3 (360)


Bioshock 1 and/or 2 - I've beaten Infinite (360)

I'm sure I'm missing something, but if I should be able to find something good on this list to play /facepalm

Wow and SW:TOR can be blamed for this list, I've now quit both of those and have been trying to play catch up. Where would you start if you were me.