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#1 knotnice
Member since 2006 • 25 Posts

Just to clear a few things up

-The game cube CAN go online

-The Wii CAN go online  for downloading games

-The wii can store pictures,mp3 and such

It is next gen shure its a powerhouse like the ps3 or 360 but it brings something new to the table. All you gamers who are saying its  a kiddy toy are full of yourselves i know plenty of hardcore gamers who own and play the Wii. The wii also has the distinct social advantage because its just fun to play it with people and laugh at each other. Physics and graphics are not the most important thing they may be for 'you' but don't speak for the whole gamer community. The wii is is Nintendos new console so its its next gen (current gen), if hardware is all that defines next gen that what has the PC had (4 million generations).

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#2 knotnice
Member since 2006 • 25 Posts

Look at Warcraft III, it is basically a clone of Starcraft's gameplay.


lol...Warcraft 3 isn't anything like SC besides the basic RTS elements (ie mining, base management, etc.). Warcraft is using unit skills and spells while SC is massive armies battleing it out. Imo I would say Warcraft 3 is better than SC not b/c it's newer but b/c i like using unit spells.

Actually warcraft 1 and 2 and starcraft have extremely similar gameplay, and starcraft units had the same premise as unit spells/skills, it was not about huge armys battling it out. Warcraft 3 is still similar to warcraft 1&2 and starcraft, and many others; it makes sense since its made by the same company.

Well duh, so it's the same company. You wanna accuse CoH of being similar to DoW, and SupCom similar to TA?


Im not accuseing all companys of doing that im just stating the fact that they are similar and are made by the same company. it seems a common trend for companys to make games that are in the same genre to have similar traits.

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#3 knotnice
Member since 2006 • 25 Posts

Look at Warcraft III, it is basically a clone of Starcraft's gameplay.


lol...Warcraft 3 isn't anything like SC besides the basic RTS elements (ie mining, base management, etc.). Warcraft is using unit skills and spells while SC is massive armies battleing it out. Imo I would say Warcraft 3 is better than SC not b/c it's newer but b/c i like using unit spells.

Actually warcraft 1 and 2 and starcraft have extremely similar gameplay, and starcraft units had the same premise as unit spells/skills, it was not about huge armys battling it out. Warcraft 3 is still similar to warcraft 1&2 and starcraft, and many others; it makes sense since its made by the same company.

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#4 knotnice
Member since 2006 • 25 Posts
Ive never played any of the other fallout games, but after looking them over if it sticks to the way the others were made it will be a must play game. I love grid based combat games and have run out of ones to play, and from what ive herd from people who have played fallout it sounds *bleeping* good. I seriously doubt it will become a rpg like oblivion, as it was already stated by onemic it wouldnt be a sequal and the fanboys would probally bomb Bethesda after waiting this long for it.
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#5 knotnice
Member since 2006 • 25 Posts

To me it is simply because i had the most enjoyment playing it, at its time and for years to come it was top dog. Rts are pretty much dead to me now their is no enjoyment in them past two hours because there all the same with minor tweaks. Ive seen the same game-play time and time again, so im no longer interested in them. although by todays standards its not the most advanced or best looking and such. Also before anyone says it I'm not a blizzard fanboy, i just liked star-craft.



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#6 knotnice
Member since 2006 • 25 Posts

Gothic 3- I dont care what any reviewer or anyone else says, this game was pure crap. The quests could be broken and rendering you unable to finish the game, you got stuck in creatures combat animations. Add the other problems in it and you get pure crap, this was the biggest disappointment to me ever.


survivor (the game based on the tv show)- it was a gift...a horrible gift...i feel dirty just mentioning its name.


I can see why half life 2 was on some people list i didn't care for its single player, but mutliplayer with mods was where it shined(minus CS:S, honest it was the worst insult to cs since condition zero)