khankalili's comments

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Who on earth doesn't know this if they are lord of the rings/tolkien fans?
And if they aren't, then who cares?

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Edited By khankalili

@xantufrog: 3 and (especially) 4 + expansions are the best ones imo. Upgraded buildings actually got visual changes. The almanac was way more detailed. Building wasn't so grid locked. 5 is a simplified version and 6 ,while better, doesn't do enough to be equivalent to 4.

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Ahhh yes... the obligatory "CBS is our parent company, so we have to promote this shit" piece.
It was another episode in mediocrity. Too many storylines with not enough attention given to any one. While at the same time concentrating on the most egregious error: thinking that a star trek series is one character. Every other star trek series has focused on either a ship or a station. Episodes were built around stories taking place there. In later series with actual overarching stories. Why does Burnham have to be everywhere? Why is she the most important thing (especially when she is so unlikable)?
More importantly: why did it take Pike to actually ask who the bridge crew were? Why are they still not interesting? Why aren't there any episodes with anybody other than Burnham to solve the problem? Why don't they focus on different characters in every episode? The ship should be the main character, not Burnham!!!
Where every other series had multiple characters making up the stories of the ship/station, characters you can name in the two hand finger count numbers, STD has less than five: Burnham, Tilly, Saru, (gay engineer... forgot his name... because who the **** cares), and now: Pike.
And yet there are no Tilly+Pike episodes... or Saru+engineer episodes... or any other combination apart from Burnham+....
It's not star trek!!!. Orville is star trek!!!!

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I have to disagree. Larson has made it obvious that she doesn't want actual comic fans to watch the movie... or even review it or interview the cast. Besides that: the previews I've seen just make larson's character look like an unemotional piece of PC meat. Twilight anyone?

It is going to bomb as far as I can see.

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What you need to know? The first season was bad... the second one won't be any better. Go watch The Orville for actual Star Trek.

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Are you trying to be a journalist or a blogger? Every time there is an "I" (followed by a verb) in a paragraph it proves that you want to be a blogger. There isn't a single worthwhile paragraph without an "I"(followed by a verb). Maybe learn how to write a proper review without putting yourself into it.
That doesn't mean that your views are wrong, or that the movie isn't shit. Just that you shouldn't ever write from just your own perspective as a journalist. Reading this just makes the reader think that it's just you and your opinion. That you hated it for your own reasons. Make those reasons everybody's! It will make them not skip paragraphs as soon as they read an "I" (followed by a verb).
Or you can be a blogger for the rest of your career. Good luck with that. There aren't thousands of bloggers around the world... honest.

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Second movie isn't even out yet..., but more importantly we know who will direct the third movie!!

WTF!!! What does this say about this 'trilogy'? What does this say about franchises announcing 'trilogies' before even a single movie comes out? Why are they doing this?!

EASY!!!: because they know the average person is an idiot!!!

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Edited By khankalili

Sooooo.... the news is that a trailer is coming? Why not just wait for the trailer and then write a piece?

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@Crypt_mx: Really... you're going with the "lucas designed it" excuse? Oh yeah, he really made the scripts and screenplays for all the movies a long time ago. Get a grip man!! Have you seen the making of's where he literally says that he just finished the scripts? Oh, but the stories were already set in stone of course. Then why did he try to help Disney and get rebuffed? Every idea he offered them was turned down.
I for one am not entirely sad considering that the prequal trilogy is so incredibly bad, but to say that the story for episodes 7-9 is already set before Disney got it's grubby money sucking hands on it is just ridiculous.
"Luke has a specific reason for everything he's done" Isn't that just you wishing it to be so? What happens when it turns out he didn't have f***ing clue and just wanted out?
"Take in how r2 activated right at the end, he was waiting for a specific moment." And what made the low power droid suddenly repower? Care to explain that without some bullsh*t?
"Solo knew Kylo would kill him but he did it for Leia, to make things right after failing as a husband and father." Except that isn't what Han Solo would do after he SURVIVED episodes 4, 5 and 6. (You see how it already diverges form what Lucas wanted/planned? Oh but everything was planned out ahead right). You're just picking and choosing argument to support your feelings. Same goes for every sentence you managed to regurgitate after the previous. "JJ this" and "JJ that".. as if him telling you it was wrong suddenly makes the entire movie good.
"Chewie goes with Finn."... Did you actually watch the movie? Chewie ends up leaving with Rey... on the millenium falcon... as her copilot.... even though she could probably fly the ship solo according to what the movie put forward. Finn is still recovering from a LIGHTSABER STRIKE TO THE BACK!!!!