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#1 kevind360
Member since 2004 • 1275 Posts

"With many of us heading to college, our student loans are going to be spent a whole lot less on books and a whole lot more on video games. With that, I give you a list of the top 11 upcoming Playstation 3 games which have left us dazed and drooling:

1. God of War III - Perhaps one of Sony's most successful franchises ever is scheduled to make its much anticipated debut in the next-gen arena March 10th 2010. Gameplay footage revealed at E3 2009 shows just how nitty and gritty the virtual world has become. As bloodthirsty and unrelentingly gory as ever, God of War promises to deliver non-stop action in finely tuned HD. With tighter combos, smoother controls, a wide array of weapons (some new and some old), bigger and badder bosses, the game will easily silence critics of the Playstation 3 and give Sony fan boys something to drool over. In the latest installment, Kratos is more of a god than ever and seems to relish his role as the enactor of all things unholy; the more war torn Kratos gets, the more we simply eat it up.

2. Modern Warfare 2 - Imagine trekking through the frigid nether regions of a mountain, the wind whipping your camouflage as snowflakes whiz past you. You stare vacantly down the scope of a high-powered rifle as a head gently slides its way into your scope. Bang, headshot. Enter Modern Warfare 2, Infinity's latest installment of its hugely popular franchise. The game features much more gameplay variety than in previous installments, with the same amazing voiceovers and sounds as the previous game with added environments, weapons and improved A.I. Battles now range from deserts to snow covered alps, with weapons ranging from high powered rockets to carbines. A.I no longer shoots, covers and repeats, rather, they strategically aim for an advantage over the player. The game is absolutely gorgeous, more so than the previous installment, with the game resembling more a multi-million dollar interactive feature length production than a video game. If the game resembles its predecessor in the slightest, it will be guaranteed a spot on our wish list."

For the full article:

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#2 kevind360
Member since 2004 • 1275 Posts

Oh no, The Government has something to do with this "conspiracy"? But seriously,I dont think Microsoft would sink so low and make this site to promote the ps3 hatred.


Well, I didn't mention Microsoft, did I? No. (In the subject of them being responsible for SDF) However, you're wrong about Microsoft not sinking to that level, though.

If you would, please go to Google and do a search for "Microsoft Halloween Documents"

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#3 kevind360
Member since 2004 • 1275 Posts

[QUOTE="Verge_6"]...Dude, no one tood SDF seriously to begin with. I mean, it is BLATANTLY a parody site. Verge_6

Um no I heard plenty of lemmings using SDF in the past. In fact quite a few lemmings on this site actually went as far to say it was part of Sony.

MS has spent millions on their viral marketing campaign, including bribes, freebies, and flat out lies against Sony. As an ex-lemming and new "cow" I'm happy that some of the truth is finally coming out.

Judging from your posting history, I'm just going to go ahead and call BS on that claim. Plus, your sig doesn't help much either.

He's correct, so I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss his statement. You can easily verify his first claim by doing a quick search of this very forum, and I will personally give proof of the second statement.

Are you bored? Or just lonely?

I'm doing what I was hired to do, sorry if that bothers you. The truth shall set you free! GameSpot will be the first to hear/see the truth, remember that.

By trade, I'm privy to some salacious information on Nintendo as well, though it wouldn't be wise for me to reveal that while still under contract.

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#4 kevind360
Member since 2004 • 1275 Posts

[QUOTE="Verge_6"]...Dude, no one tood SDF seriously to begin with. I mean, it is BLATANTLY a parody site. Verge_6

Um no I heard plenty of lemmings using SDF in the past. In fact quite a few lemmings on this site actually went as far to say it was part of Sony.

MS has spent millions on their viral marketing campaign, including bribes, freebies, and flat out lies against Sony. As an ex-lemming and new "cow" I'm happy that some of the truth is finally coming out.

Judging from your posting history, I'm just going to go ahead and call BS on that claim. Plus, your sig doesn't help much either.

He's correct, so I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss his statement. You can easily verify his first claim by doing a quick search of this very forum, and I will personally give proof of the second statement.

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#5 kevind360
Member since 2004 • 1275 Posts

Yeah... I'm pretty sure everyone already thought this and it didn't really need proving. Thanks anyway... And what's up with your whole conspiracy thing.... Don't spin this into something more then it is....rolo107

No spin, it's the truth. There is a conspiracy. If you actually think the trail stops here, then you're wrong, and I know because I have access to hidden information - The same way I was able to obtain these pics, is the same way I was able to uncover the consipiracy/plot that I will be revealing to the world. I will prove it to all of you, in due time, don't worry.

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#6 kevind360
Member since 2004 • 1275 Posts

with all the lies in the world D: how can i trust you :shock: :cry:


The evidence is enough to trust me. I'm an agent, not a liar, and I was hired by my client to do this. I only deliver the best.

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#7 kevind360
Member since 2004 • 1275 Posts

We know Wii60 is SDFEVOLV3

Good. It's important that the truth be told and more importantly, understood.

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#8 kevind360
Member since 2004 • 1275 Posts

...Dude, no one tood SDF seriously to begin with. I mean, it is BLATANTLY a parody site. Plus, the site is now old news. Even if it was genuine, no one would care anymore. Hell, even the people who ran it don't give a crap anymore, as the site has been practically barren for months.Verge_6

Not true. Not true at all. I was involved with the first event where we exposed Sony Defense Force on a popular website. People were saying the same things, especiall Xbox/Wii fans, but nevertheless some people did take the website seriously and a lot of people used it as ammunition against authentic Sony fans. We all know that that is true. Anyways, my other information, which should be coming out later, involves Microsoft as I said, but it has nothing to do with SDF.

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#9 kevind360
Member since 2004 • 1275 Posts

You sir, are the deepthroat of our generation.TheSystemLord1

That I am.

By the way, I will be bringing more information to GameSpot later on, and it's a whole lot bigger then this. It involves Microsoft directly..........*whistle*

Yes, I'm sure most people knew that they were a scam, but there are still people that don't. And, for the one's that didn't believe it, you can show them these images, not only to prove that they're a fake group, but also that they are operated by Wii60.

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#10 kevind360
Member since 2004 • 1275 Posts

Please do not ask how I obtained these images, just know that I have them and they are authentic. These images expose the Sony Defense Force for what they truly are, a fraud and a poor attempt at defaming the Sony fanbase.

My identity and the method by which I obtained these images will remain a secret, but I can tell you that I am an agent and I was hired by my client to release these images.

1. This first image was taken from inside of the Sony Defense Force admin board.

Image #1

2. This is an image from within the vBulletin admin panel of the SDF website. What you're looking at is the administrative profile of the administrator "Quinbie", also known as Razoric, the founder, owner, and operator of Wii60. Yes, that's right, SDF is run by the owner of Wii60.

Image #2

Now, I can not go into too much detail, but, what I can tell you is that there is a consipiracy going on, against Sony and the PS3. That's all I can say, at least for now.