KamiNoBeniMizu's comments

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The reason people hate most publishers/developers who take the Epic "exclusivity" deal, is when they advertised to release on PC, which starts on Steam usually, but then they cancel the release on Steam for the deal.

Metro Exodus WAS on Steam, but was pulled for the deal, forcing people to create an account for another store front.

Others such as Shenmue 3 seem more complicated as they were supposed to release on Steam, but then they took the deal.

In turn, many who funded the game, thinking it would release on Steam, and other store fronts later if needed, decided to get refunds, as they funded the game for release on a service they knew, not a last minute new store front.


Another reason people loathe Epic is that they are to consumers what King (pre Activision acquisition) was to developers: a negative entity.

King sued others for "copying" them (while they were the ones copying others to begin), and Epic is preying on anticipated releases to then offer publishers/developers money to have the title for themselves even when they were supposed to be on Steam as well.

The thing is, if Epic was responsible from the start for a title, and then makes it an exclusive, people wouldn't complain. It's that they have a predatory business model, forcing people to create/link an account for/to their services for titles that would have released everywhere had they not offered a deal.

And this is seen as a scummy tactic by many. In the case of House House, I have no idea if they crowdfunded their game, and then took the exclusivity deal, or if they did things on their own, and then Epic offered them a deal.

If it's the latter, people will patiently wait for the exclusivity to end.

Also, the reason people dislike digital exclusivity is because it has to do with you having to input your information into more and more online services, which are prone to be hacked at some point (or have some worker sabotage the security), which is not the same as physical exclusivity (which doesn't have such risks to begin with).

I don't care, since I linked my PS account to their service since Paragon (RIP), but I can understand where others are coming from.

I won't buy any exclusives from them until they are earned without predatory business moves.

So, unless they fund exclusives, or the developers themselves goes to them for some reason or another, I'll keep gathering freebies, and won't charge a cent into their Fortnite funded antics of buying the competition.

PS: I enjoy the freebies though, so I guess there's that. Sorry if it turned into some anti Epic rant. Wasn't my intention (I don't hate them, I just don't like their underhanded tactics).

Just wanted to offer insight as to why some developers are hated when they take the deal (Ooblets's developer is another example), while others are not (they're rare, but they exist, and House House might be added to this list).

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@mogan: Why do I always forget the camera for the PS4 is a thing? They even have that Playroom thing installed to remind you it exists. XD

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@esqueejy: When your PS4 desperately thinks you're trying to kill it by pulling its power cable from the outlet 5 times a year, it's awful.

Worst. Feeling. Evah.

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@pcps4xb: Yeah.

I just hate how they make you waste a few seconds at boot up saying "Don't unplug while it's on, it could damage your device."

I know I shouldn't unplug my darn device while the power is on, it was a blackout, don't take me for some monster trying to harm my PS4, Sony! T_T

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@chubby170: "I dont think anyone is denying climate change." You wot, m8!?

Did you see all the "climate heating is pure hoax!" videos, Podcasts, and reunions.

It's both natural (flooded ruins and whatever else is underwater is proof the water level increased and/or landslides happened) and man-made (activity in cold areas generate heat and breaks ice, which doesn't help the ice remain whole and cold when natural hot temperatures during summer comes back).

It's not just pollution made by big factories that heats the planet, but everything we do.

During summer, many cool their houses with air-conditioners (it takes hot air from the house and puts it outside, and the air-conditioner itself is slightly polluting from what I've heard), and heat during winter (thus, reducing natural cold temperature effectiveness), year after year, we repeat this, increasingly.

Of course it wrecks the climate after a while. If we gave up on heating this much during winter, and gave up on air-conditioners, it would already be a huge help for climate. I never had an air-conditioner, so I don't know how "helpful" it is. A good ol' fan is good enough for me during summer. This, and lots of cold water from the freezer.

I don't believe in zero pollution, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't try to keep it to a minimum so it doesn't become an unmanageable mess for nature.

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@restatbonfire: Based on what many say, the planet (or world) is more in danger than we are (save the planet, global warming is killing the planet, etc).

That's why the non greens don't care. The planet is solid and won't die, it'll be like a harsh fever for it at worst. Us, on the other hand will feel the planet's fever!

Enjoy the world's most savegely brutal rollercoaster!

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@BoSnerdly: In some ironic twist, isn't China polluting a lot more than needed because many big corps have their stuff made in China (which makes them filthy rich as well)?

Plastics, electronic components, and all the rest. Then all these made in China items have to be moved to the buyer's land for actual usage. It adds to the pollution.

I wonder what would be their non "inflated" CO2 emissions if they weren't the world's factory.

Anyway, I think it's in China they were selling some clean air in a can or something. Seems like smog hell in some regions.

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@videogameninja: Nope.jpg

"Microsoft's business operations have been carbon neutral since 2012, so the new effort on a carbon neutral Xbox is an extension of that program."

Sony copied Microsoft's homework this time.

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@wiegraf2195: The planet will pull a FFVII or SMT Strange Journey on us big time by 2030.

And by 2050, we'll be living the dystopian era of Shadowrun.

Mark. My. Words.