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#1 johnnyauau
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I believe that she should be guilty but for her crime. If it's true that she's found innocent, that gives the public that Casey Anthony can get away with murder. It does remind me of a similar case in Australia where an Olympic female swimmer is ironically found guilty for killing her baby for the sake that it would not interfere with her career. That could be true that Casey prefers to go out partying without interference of her child. Now Casey Anthony in the public eye, I wonder what she's going to do next but that's just me. After all, I just wanted to state my opinion.

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#2 johnnyauau
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I don't know if you heard but I'll give you a brief history. Casey has use a brutal method which eventually killed Caylee as she was 2 years old and has been put at the trunk of the car she's driving on. In a month before, she manages to lie her way out by going out to parties, stealing Anna's cheques on a spending spree and made up a boyfriend and babysitter to cover her tracks.

In a week before the jury deliberation, it's the prosecutor that has outstanding evidence compare to Casey's defence trying and failing to prove this is not true. To be honest, I have to stay up until 3:30 am to look at "Good Morning America" to see the developments and the opinion of Nancy Gray and the other guy (don't know his name).

I simply believe that Casey is guilty of her crimes and would do anything to get out of it. So here's the poll and if you want, give an honest opinion about this case which is about to be finished and I just wanted to know what anyone would think about this.

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#3 johnnyauau
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Don't take this the wrong way. I just got the game from eBay and it works well. But it's a Gamecube version. This question might be hard to answer. What's the difference between the PS2, Xbox and Gamecube version. In terms of music, graphics, voice selection (if a voice has a name) and anything that will help straighten the facts out that's not really mentioned on the review by Alex Navarro. Sorry if I want to jog your memory but I don't know where to turn to for help. Thanks.

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#4 johnnyauau
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I'm not trying to attack you, I'm just stating my opinion. I don't like CoD or MoH, and obviously they have been the popular shooters for a while now. So naturally everybody copies them and that doen't leave a whole lot of room for innovation. I simply feel it's time for the genre to move on. I like GoldenEye 64 and don't wish to see it tarnished by shoe horning todays gameplay onto the game. The most recent preview on this site has me more optimistic for the game, as I hear there is an option to take out regenrating health. Hacking the turret guns sounds cool as well, something that would have worked well with the original game. I like the freedom they are advertising for this game. Most FPS seem very restrictive, in level design, in how you can aproach levels, ect. Even really old shooters like Doom, wand Wolfenstein 3D were less linear than CoD or MoH. If you ask me that's sad. You might as well get an on-rails shooter - plenty of those on Wii. I just saw a preview for Ghost Recon on Wii. It was like Ubisoft rolled up everything bad about modern shooters and created this game. Metroid Prime Trilogy is awesome but those aren't FPS. The Conduit sucked, and now I hear the sequel is gonna have a cover system and aiming down sites. Most of this just comes down a manner of personal taste. I've been watching the previews for Donkey Kong Country Returns. I'm not really excited for that one. Why? I really want to play that game with the DK Bongos ala Donkey Kong's Jungle Beat. DKJB had an obvious inspiration from Rare's original but I found the Bongo's made they game a lot more fun. I never owned a Super Nintendo, so I never played the originals back then. It doesn't mean that DKCR won't be good, but for me personally it won't be the same. I guess that is how I feel about GoldenEye. If I have to spend the whole game ducking for cover and aiming down sites it won't be GoldenEye. It will just be another shooter in an over crowded market. topherfilms

I think it's pretty fair from your perspective. As soon as I try the Gamecube FPS games, I do have major difficulties with controls and try to go through the story from start to finish. Nightfire, while a good game, unfortunately the last level is so hard for me to finish I gave up from that point. Goldeneye Rogue Agent, contraversial as it sounds, is closest to Halo and it's probably the best use of the double guns and I just wish they balance the eye power so I can use it longer and more often. Not to mention how long I have to finish every level. Timesplitters 2 is still the best which follows Rare conventions of Goldeneye 007. For people who don't know me I'm more all rounded and more patient than anyone else. Most of all, I do like problem solving especially in FPS games and I like the stealth missions. When the Wii console comes out, I now no longer worry about moving my gun around and when it comes to a gun fight, it would be easy to do. I know ducking and cover and aiming down is not cool, but depending on how tough the AI's were, especially in James Bond games, I don't think I can survive if the levels are bland to the point where it's just look empty. Since you mention rail shooters, my favourite is Medal of Honor Heroes 2. It's almost like war meets arcade apparently the only one. Next closest is Ghost Squad and the best is Resident Evil Chronicle series. I can thank them because I don't like to play in a fix camera view when PS, PS2, Dreamcast, Wii and GC series up to Resident Evil 4 comes out.

Regardless, Eurocom and Activision is still a good choice in proving they can make great games. I usually fault Call of Duty for being obsessed with World War 2 until the last with World at War. Modern Warfare comes out and gives me a chance to get mixed up with terrorists. I guess the grittiness was missing so making it creepy quite works. Daniel Craig is a ruthless Bond so it makes sense. Eurocom on the other hand didn't make a lot of games, best was Nightfire and Dead Space Extraction. I recently read from various souces that Eurocom has something to prove and its true. So having the option of health regeneration is a best compromise I could rest on. Cover system and ASE might be best used to a minimum if they know about pace. I'm not going to rant about it anymore and since Daniel Craig is also involved, I wonder what's his input on this classic would be added to make it more fun. Anyway, it's three months away until Goldeneye 007 for the Wii comes out. I can't predict whether it's good or bad without uncovering details but at least I'm satisfied that the third party games will continue to support until the Wii runs out of steam.

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#5 johnnyauau
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Seriously dude? You started an argument with somebody else. I was defending his point of view because I agreed with him. FYI a purist is somebody who thinks the game shouldn't be changed at all. I am arguing for changes and improvments. Howevery changing it to play just like every other shooter on the market makes it totally generic and senseless. This isn't every other shooter, it's GoldenEye. Keep it that way. Don't take away the things that made it great, enhance them. Make it shine on the Wii in ways it never could on the N64. You are the one that told the other guy that he was wrong. You totally missed his point and seem to be missing mine. Just because something is "new" doesn't mean it's "innovative" or even nessassary in every game. You have taken a stance that newer shooters are better because they have new "innovations" that weren't in the old games. What about the all the things that GoldenEye did that are not in modern games? As far as games getting bigger and better... Show me a modern shooter with GoldenEye's exhaustive list of levels, modes, cheats and options for both the single player and multi. You simply won't find one. Just because people write blogs doesn't make them any kind of authority figure. I myself have been gaming since the 2600's heyday, so I have learned a few things over the years. If anybody is spreading propaganda here it's you, trying to convice me and every one else that games today are so great and they have vastly improved over there predecessors. Lot's of people make comments on the game, you will not agree with all of them. Nor will I.topherfilms

Let me get this straight. You're arguing for changes and improvements. What changes? You like the old Goldeneye and you don't mind Daniel Craig and the improvements made for the Wii. However, what you want to keep is the health bar and the armour. What else? You don't like Call of Duty clones. So you want to keep the levels made from Rare. Lastly, you want to take out QTE and hiding behind cover. You just want to be Rambo than Bond. Put it all together and it would be just a port with Daniel Craig with the same levels and health bar and avoid calling the gameplay "outdated". In my research with IGN and Facebook, some parts will be true but prepare to be disappointed. No wonder you call "Call of Duty" crap. Health regeneration is going to be there, the game's story is updated to today, multiple controls, improved graphics and almost unlimited multiplayer. Keep in mind that they have to cram all that into the Wii optical disc. If Call of Duty or Medal of Honor never existed, the FPS will dire out and the situation would be different.

You said your never against progress but how you treat me says otherwise. You never admitted anything yet attacking me is what you're good at. It's common but still, it will have to end somehow. It would be wise not to attack me anymore, you don't want to let this argument drag on and continue to be right by not showing remorse. Yes I have spread propaganda but more in common sense then being number one. That's why I want him to hold back until the game comes out. We can talk about details but I don't have a fortune globe. We shouldn't be quick to judgement if the game hasn't came out yet. The only games on the Wii today is the Metroid Trilogy and The Conduit in the second level if you still prefer those types of FPS. You can dump the rest of Wii FPS and find something more of your taste that isn't crap. After all, old and remake games isn't outdated. Before you ask, I'm never familiar with the Final Fantasy series so give me a break on that. If that doesn't sway, why don't you go out and protest? That should make you feel better since the only game you have is Goldeneye 007 on the N64 and you dumped more recent FPS games you don't like because you believe the developers are doing it wrong. Last thing, be careful what you write because the moderator would come in at anytime and also, this blog could be locked as well so make it count.

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#6 johnnyauau
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Then why are you here? What are you on about? You signed up a year ago and so far, I don't see any blogs or reviews so I don't see you as an authority figure at all. Even if you're oblivious to proving your point, it's what purists do. When you play any future FPS games like Call of Duty or Medal of Honor, what's your reaction? It makes a game too easy and developers to lazy to put in real gameplay. When you see QTE and health regeneration, you say it makes the game boring.

Sorry if I offended you but since you signed up, I expected your heart in the right place but instead it's like "I can handle any criticisms. I'll go down and teach people a lesson not to mess with me." That's a purist. Someone who likes to go around telling people. "I'm always right. These people are wrong and should follow my lead." Just so you know, on Goldeneye 007 Updated Hands On, someone already had it with you. Check the comments in the aftermath. To be extra clear, it's the multiplayer preview.

However, despite our difference, at least I'm glad you didn't take it far to personally to the point where we could've argue to death but I'm trying to be sure your not the type of person who just jumps in, and spin it to "I'm right again, Everyone else is wrong". Lastly I don't know a lot about you except about the argument over something trivial. If only your not just a one note purist, things would be different if you can at least learn from it, rather than if you see something you don't like, you don't go to a website and spread propaganda in that way the Chinese would do. Anyway, even if you don't like those innovations, I wouldn't be the first to make that argument popular with gamers going to this site. I rather keep to myself so I wouldn't have this argument in the future. You'll understand if you're the smart thinking type.

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#7 johnnyauau
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Again dude you need to formulate your arguments with some logic. Has Square Enix become a laughing stock for re-releasing every 2D RPG in their back cataloge again and again? Was Capcom a laughing stock for remaking Resident Evil for Gamecube? NO! Some people complain, lotsa others line up and purchase those games. Your argument is that it needs to feature all the run-of the-mill generic elements that make a modern first person shooter otherwise it won't stand out. This is wrong, it will just be like every other FPS on the market. If it were a throwback design it would stand out. Remember all the high review scores that Doom 3 got? Really if Activision wanted to make the big bucks, they wouldn't have made an exclusive FPS for the Wii. We all know that they don't sell on Wii. And who says that throwback designs are can't be fresh and exciting? Did you not play Madworld on Wii? Viewtiful Joe on Gamecube/PS2? Both were asesome modern takes on the old beat 'em up designs from the 2D days. QTEs are not there to ruin gameplay, but they do. They are a shortcut for developers so they don't have to spend time and money developing real gameplay. If you want to see a Bond fight go see GoldenEye again or some other Bond movie. If you want to see a Bond fight in the game the developers need to put in a first person fighing system like Chronicles of Ridick. QTE would be the cheap and lazy way out. You don't want another GoldenEye clone? You don't want another Doom clone? Oh! You want another Call of Duty clone. There's another 20 of those coming out this year. topherfilms

The sad reality is your just a purist. Again, somehow you have the answers to our problems. Somehow, our logic has fallen on deaf ears. Even on multiplayer forum on Goldeneye 007, somehow your just throwing comments to peoples face because you're better than them. I was arguing with aaronfhff123 back before, out of nowhere, you jumped in and just ranted to death how those innovations ruin games pure and simple. Even now you don't want changes happening for Goldeneye 007 Wii or start a war on FPS games that health regeneration, QTE and cover systems ruins the gameplay convention.

Face it, we should be embracing the future, not embrace the past and expect the game innovations of the past to work on a future console. Your sources is nothing short of spectacular. If you got anymore, I'm sure what you want is not going to happen on Goldeneye 007 Wii or future FPS games other than the essence of the genre. Nevertheless, your just a purist who is oblivious to change and nothing else.

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#8 johnnyauau
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As far as collection goes for the Wii, all three would be my choice. Call of Duty Black Ops a take on the Cold War, Conduit 2 expanded on The Conduit, Goldeneye 007 Wii is a high tech remake of the N64 of the same name.

If there's a vote on three games, Goldeneye 007 for the Wii is the best choice. Control choices, top notch graphics, top notch sound and music, reworking single player for Daniel Craig and tons on multiplayer options both online and off. Frankly, control choices might stand out for people who wishes between the old and new depending on taste. Also with todays FPS innovations.

Call of Duty Black Ops changes the pace that now you're part of the story rather than like World at War and Modern Warfare Reflex in which you're a soldier, your job is to handle objectives in a straightforward manner. I don't know in real life you follow sergeant orders but I think it's true.

Conduit 2 is going to follow up with sharp controls and technical graphics with weaknesses it will address. I also have my input in what I want in the game and it's turning out well. Even multiplayer is giving a shake up which is a plus. Lastly the single player will have branch paths.

If there's a Gamespotaward ceremony, I'll be ready near the end of the year.

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#9 johnnyauau
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Do you really think replacing GoldeEye's tank levels with QTEs will make it bigger and better? (Don't be surprised if this happenes either.)

As far as RE4 and QTEs, I'm saying RE4 got it right. Everyone else hacked it and got it wrong.

I'm not worried about innovations and the like, and what to call innovative and what not to call innovative. I simply want my games to be fun. I've complained that modern "innovations" are not fun. These innovations are gameplay mechanics I simply don't like. I also don't like random turn based battles in RPGs (or JRPGs if you perfer) which is why I don't play them. I'm not concerned with whether they are "innovative" or "outdated" they are simply not fun. Lots of poeple don't agree with me. Lots of poeple call this gameplay style "outdated." Yet they still make games like this. They also make games not like this.

Super Mario Galaxy is the new bechmark for platformers. Yet they still made New Super Mario Bros. Wii, with none of the "innovations" set forth by Galaxy. It sold better than both Galaxy games combined andstill continues to sell like crazy. You assertion that these modern gameplay elements have to be in GoldeEye Wii because they are the standards of today is simply not true.

GoldenEye is a classic game, and I beleive it should stay a classic throw back design. If they can't or won't stick with the original level designs, then they should at least stick with the original gameplay.


The bad news is if they just update the graphics and port it on to Wii and slap it with the Activision and Eurocom label on it, Rare might sue them. I don't think they ever going to just allow the original to go on Virtual Console. Also in Bruce Lee philosophy, "Keep what's useful, reject what's useless and add specifically your own." In other words, you can't just port it or copy it and expect to make big bucks. You have to start from the beginning and add in what works today rather than what you said about keeping what's already there and expect the game to be the same ten years before.

For the 90's well, what's fresh in our minds is just going in and having fun like Goldeneye 007 for the N64. Despite the limitations of the N64, it's been handled pretty well and also might explain why health packs isn't available because that would clog up the cartridge. Now, if you play it again, your just reliving the past. What works with those innovations might have been overdone up to the point when the Xbox360, PS3 and Wii comes out (exception to PC). You can just have a health bar and armour scattered around for the first few Bond games and a few third Bond games made by EA but in the end, you just can't hang on to it forever and if Activision brought it over with the same concept as EA and Rare, then it's just a bunch of copycats and would not work in this era.

You say everyone hacks it and got it wrong with QTE. Ok what if I want to see Bond fight instead of shooting all the time? Do you just go to the main bad guy and just slap him to dealth? Even without it, what would be the point of just killing bad guys? Is that the aim for every shooting game? My only theory is to get you more involved with the story than the gameplay. It's never there to ruin the gameplay and it's a misnoma to think that after Resident Evil 4, the QTE goes downhill. Also it wouldn't be Bond if he can't find a unique way of killing bad guys and the main bad guy at the end of each level.

For your information, your assertion that Goldeneye 007 on the Wii has to keep the N64 levels and gameplay innovations is wrong. It will be a laughing stock if Activision copies Rare and expect to make big bucks. Also I don't want to go back, complaining to the game seller that it's a generic shooter, it didn't wow me and doesn't contain anything fresh to make me want to keep playing the game. In other words, not another Goldeneye clone or a Doom clone. Regardless of those innovations that is wrong, it's going to stay period.

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#10 johnnyauau
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In all honesty, I never seen one user like you Topherfilms who have all the answers to our problems. You want the health regeneration, QTE and cover system to end and stick to the 90's in the future games. I mean would you prefer Resident Evil 4 not to have QTE? You accuse of Call of Duty for being a clone to Medal of Honor and should be condemn it for doing so? I wouldn't be so quick for example not to play The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time as a Gamecube special, with just the cosmetic change to reflect the Gamecube design and Master Quest for upping the difficulty. However, you're not a completely bad person in a positive sense that you have a heart in certain places that worked for us.

Videogames is getting bigger and better with the way the consoles evolved. Goldeneye 007 for the N64 quite rightly got the gameplay right in its comfort level in like shooting people and exploring the area. The downside for the N64 is a lack of online play, limited graphics design and a limited storage space on the cartridge. But the care and attention to detail and does take liberties in making it long and exciting, especially if the story works well in a cohesive way then just follow the movie from start to finish. Halo 2 starts with health regeneration and Resident Evil 4 introduced the QTE. I don't know what game intruduced the cover system. The most recently ironically is Quantum of Solace. The only sense I got with cover system is so players don't just go out and shoot, you feel kind of stealthy and maybe in all Bond games find a unique way of killing bad guys.

Most importantly, if I cared about gameplay innovations, then I lost it anyway because that shouldn't be my focus. In my opinion, I just want to go through the story from start to finish in a satisfying way. I don't want to be skeptical of what the game is offering and expect it to be a game that should be a turn off. The saving grace like Call of Duty is the way you go through the game. I mean through trial and error and the fact I keep dying, I don't go to the store owner and demand a refund because of the innovations, I keep trying until I beat the game. Anyway, my point is just have fun with the game like Goldeneye 007 on the Wii. Not matter how wrong you think I am, you don't need to be a hot head or a mad gamer just to show who's right.