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#1 ganjalo
Member since 2004 • 185 Posts

If zombies had indisputably destroyed all life around the world except for you and a few others and you had access to time travel, when and where would you try to go?  The zombie virus will go with you and spread to the people of that time immediately, but you can contemplate times better equipped to deal with it.

You could go back just a year, and try again with your new knowledge of the outcome of humanities first struggle against zombies with the full use of modern tech.

Is their any President in history you feel would be uniquely qualified to take on an emerging zombie hoard?

You could go back to Ye olde castle time where castles and walled cities were designed to withstand siege, not to mention broad swords and battle axes made to cleave heads.  (but when exactly?)

You could go back to the emergence of the species and let humans die out (not enough humans to make many zombies) and let a sub species immune to the zombie virus to dominate and evolve.

you could go back to ... etc... etc... you get the idea.

If you do not go back in time, humanity will be extinct.  The only chance humanity has is a zombie outbreak mulligan.

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#2 ganjalo
Member since 2004 • 185 Posts

I got to level 30 in Dead Island, and discovered the colorful skulls sidequests. Unfortunately, this was after i had completed "Uninvited Guests" so two developers mods are now out of reach.

I would almost wait for newgame+ or one of my friends to catch up a little so i could co-op with them into the blue and purple skull events, but this combined with a regrettable distribution of skill points was enough to make me start over.

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#3 ganjalo
Member since 2004 • 185 Posts

Stereoscopic 3D describes a 3D effect created by combining a two separate (left and right) images, like stereo sound describes 2 channel audio. As far as I know, all artificial 3D effects are created by stereoscopic means. All 3D media projects two images and use some trick to make sure each eye sees the correct image to create the illusion of 3D. At the theater the glasses filter the images so your left eye can only see the left picture and your right eye can only see the right picture. Home TV 3D is a little different, they flash the left image, then the right image rapidly while the fancy glasses syncronyze with the picture to only let the correct image through, like an eye patch waving rapidly in front of your face. The 3DS uses a fancy trick I dont quite understand but it has to do with polorized light, like when you get polorized glasses that can see through glare on glass or water.

Long story short, Stereoscopic doesent mean anything fancier than regular old 3D until you get into how it works specifically for each kind of technology. I dont think categorizing 3D as stereoscopic or not will be important until there is something that gives 3D without having to use 2 separate images (holograms maybe?). It is kind of like saying "a winged airplane" as far as I know ther is nothing we would call an "airplane" without wings, so the distinction is meaningless.

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#4 ganjalo
Member since 2004 • 185 Posts

ITT: People thinking we live in a 2D world.

Welcome to flatland!
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#5 ganjalo
Member since 2004 • 185 Posts

I am writing this on speculation and would like for somebody to confirm or refute my understanding of 3D and the 3DS.


I have seen several interpretations of the purpose the 3D slider, but after playing around with my 3DS I do not think that many people truly understand. The first thing that i believe needs be be cleared up is that the slider is not intended to adjust the intensity of the 3D effects. Though it does do this, thinking of it in terms of intensity will have you crosseyed with a bad headache. To my understanding, the slider is intended to focus the 3D effect. Not everyone's eyes are the exact same distance appart, so the slider will focus the 3D image to be more natural for your eyes to pick up. If the 3D is "out of focus" you'r eye muscles will have to bring the image to focus by going crosseyed, or what ever the opposite of that is called. When the slider is set correctly you will have an easier time seeing 3D images because your eye muscles will not have to do extra work.

I got SSFIV and Rayman with my 3DS, and they illustrate the implimentation of the slider well. In SSFIV the user will set the slider and forget it because the game is programed to have all the action take place in a defined depth of field, even in dynamic 3D mode. In Rayman the user will have to frequently adjust the slider because as their POV rotates within the game world, objects are frequently thrust into the extreem foreground making an adjustment preferable.

How I discovered this:

I was playing with the 3D camera and found that i could force objects out of, or back into, the screen by adjusting the focus with the circle pad left and right respectively. I even showed it to some friends, commenting "If I slide it this way you will have to refocus your eyes, but the picture will be 2 inches off the screen." Only later did I read the tutorial that informed me that I should make the images overlap for the most natural 3D effect. I also noticed that while viewing my 3D pictures, the slider only toggles on and off, with no varying degree of effect. I believe this is because fine adjustments are needed so Nintendo opted to move the control to the circle pad to view the photo gallery.

I am right about all of this, arn't I?

If I am, when will game industry journalists catch onto this?

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#6 ganjalo
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graphics are crisp if a bit anachronistic, I have not encountered any bugs yet but I have spent much more time playing SSF4. camera is passable, and I have yet to encounter any game breaking slowdown or frame dropping. The intro video is probably the poorest example of 3d on the 3ds that i have seen, and suffers from image ghosting, but that goes away once you are really in the game.
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#7 ganjalo
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Pluged in my 3DS a little under 3 hours ago and just noticed the charging litght turn off on the 3DS but I picked it up and put it down again and the charging indiciator came back on.

I will let the 3DS keep on charging until it goes off again... but I want to make sure its first charge is 100% (Haven't booted yet)

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#8 ganjalo
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Of the 3DS games I have played at the launch event in SF and at the demo at BB, I think that if your goal is to impress people with a game SSFIV3D is your best bet. AR Games, Ridge Racer 3D, Lego Star Wars, SSFIV3D, Steel Diver, and Pilot Wings were avaliable to play at SF. When playing, most of the games were usable at almost any slider setting. but Pilot Wings was the only game that NEEDED fine tuning to make it work correctly and comfortably, which makes it harder to hand the system off to friends. I still think that AR Games would do the best job, especially if some of your friends are non-gamers. I heard on Invisible Walls 152 that one of the staff was able to set down the Mario card and then approach it with the 3DS in an extreme close up causing Mario to stand 8" above the screen of the 3DS. I have only heard of other 3DS games coming a single inch off the screen occasionally.

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#10 ganjalo
Member since 2004 • 185 Posts
I saw that people could share Miis using a QR code (that square matrix bar code thing). Can you use a QR code to share friend codes? If 3DS can, I'll get some new business cards printed up!