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#1 freemind13
Member since 2007 • 29 Posts

I agree that the combat in parts of the Assassin's Creed series has been flawed. The reliance on counter attacks in particular is often ridiculous. The rooftop/platforming sections are too easy, and the escape segments can get frustratingly messy. The more strategic elements can also become really tedious (waiting for a group of monks to walk round and round - wtf?).

I tend to rate it more as a sandbox/open-world game (like GTA with horses in place of cars) rather than a pure action game like God of War. Yes, the action in GOW is much more satisfying. But the game is also pretty damn linear. Once you've worked out the way through, that's it. All you can do then is scale up the difficulty of combat. There's not the same scope for exploration and interaction as games like AC, the same freedom to meet objectives in different ways (hopefully that will translate to the Vita). There's not the same incentive to just stop and appreciate the game world, crouching on rooftops and looking about - or to collect things, explore cities, fulfill optional tasks, and replay. The story/dialogue is also much more extensive, even if it isn't top quality. I felt much more engaged in the Crusader Holy Land/Renaissance Italy than I did in mythical Greece, purely because of the detail & scope.

The GOW games were the best things on the PSP in my opinion (didn't even try the psp AC), but I blew threw them in around 6 hours each, and felt little incentive to replay. I don't think I'd buy a vita just for games like that, unless there were lots of them (is the Vita even getting a new GOW?). What I appreciate about games like Assassin's Creed is the game worlds themselves - the variety of gameplay (however flawed), and the freedom to explore, to take it all in. I can imagine spending far more time with such games than with the likes of GOW or Devil May Cry. There are definitely games that combine combat and exploration better (Mass Effect and Fallout for example), but so far all I see on the Vita is Assassin's Creed. I suppose Bioshock has quite a rich game world & some rpg elements, but I've heard that they've ceased development until they finish Infinite, so who knows how long that'll be in coming. Other than that, there's Killzone (I'm not really into Call of Duty - I prefer my shooters set in fantasy/sci-fi). Hopefully they won't screw that like they seem to have done with Resistance. It's need to be a full game with extensive campaign to make it a console seller, rather than just a handheld tie-in like Killzone Liberation (which was still a good game).

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#2 freemind13
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The trailers I've seen look pretty damn good, and I'm hoping it will live up to it's home console counterparts in terms of an expansive freeroaming world & immersive gameplay. My dream is to have a portable action adventure/wrpg that's close to the quality of current home consoles, as I have lots of long bus & train rides and I'm not really a fan of short puzzle/platform/sports/driving games. I want something I can really get engrossed in, with lots of exploration and sidequests. So if Liberation provides that then I might consider shelling out the £250 for a Vita, although I'd be worried about how few other must-have games (for me) have been announced. With the exception of Killzone (some time in 2013?) and Bioshock (2014?) I haven't really seen anything else that's got me excited.

But supposing Liberation is a real console seller, it's not out for another 2 months. What do I play on the train 'til then? I still have my old psp, but it's been gathering dust for ages. I've played GOW & Crisis Core to death. Ditto Killzone & Resistance. I have my Square psone rpg classics, but with the exception of Vagrant Story they're feeling a bit stale. And most of the rpgs for the psp seems annoyingly cutesy or too old school or both. I was hoping for FF Type-0 to tide me over (it's one of the reasons I bought a psp), but it seems like it's never getting a translation, and I'm not going to play it in Japanese as understanding story & dialogue is important to my enjoyment of a game.

What's the closest you can get at the moment to a decent action adventure/wrpg like Assassin's Creed on a handheld? Something with a fantasy/sci-fi/historical setting along the lines of Fable, Mass Effect, Fallout etc. Obviously the graphics will take a hit, but it has to have a bit of eye candy. And plenty of exploration. I'd even consider getting an iphone or 3DS if someone could point me towards a good enough game. This is surely what the psp and ps vita were made for?

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#3 freemind13
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For reasons I won't go into, I've lost access to my xbox360, and am reduced to using my psp. I'm suffering from major Mass Effect withdrawal. Unfortunately Bioware have yet to make any games for the psp, so I'm looking for the best alternative fix. I also like games like Fallout, Fable and Elder Scrolls. It can be a psp game or an old ps1 game, but what I'm looking for is:

  • A game with really in depth and meaningful character interaction, and good voice acting
  • A deep and epic story
  • An interesting and engaging world
  • Exciting and fluid action
  • 3d graphics and a cinematic feel

Obviously the psp isn't capable of the same things as home consoles, so I'm looking for the best combination of the above you can think of.

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#4 freemind13
Member since 2007 • 29 Posts
Thanks for the recommendations. Hadn't really considered the Ys series. I & II Chronicles looks way to retro for my taste (I hate sprites), but Seven looks graphically decent with good gameplay . The story and characters look seem pretty lame though. Valkyrie Profile looks like it has a much more interesting story and setting, but the turn based battles and 2-D sidescrolling don't really appeal. I like RPGs with integrated action, though I guess that's much harder to do well on the psp. Can you think of any games with dark stories like Valkyrie Profile but openworld action gameplay like Ys Seven?
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#5 freemind13
Member since 2007 • 29 Posts

I'm moving away from home for a while, so looking for the best psp games to make up for losing my beloved home console. I like games like Mass Effect, Fallout 3, Elder Scrolls, and Fable, huge games with coherent worlds that you enjoy spending lots of time in, and a nice mix of action, exploration, interaction, and story. Obviously the psp is far more limited in what it can achieve. So I guess I'm just looking for the best substitute.

So far I've played both God of Wars, and Killzone Liberation, which were all decent enough. But none of them lasted more than six hours in story mode, and they were all pretty much non-stop action. Resistance Retribution seems a bit more lengthy, but as a shooter it just feels like a huge step backwards in terms of enemy AI and level design, and the setting was pretty drab.

I've also played Crisis Core, and although as an FF7 fan I was motivated to finish the story, the actual gameplay itself was rather tedious and linear, as were the environments and non-speaking characters. Tales of Eternia seemed like a totally bog-standard psone rpg, and I didn't really care for the strategy gameplay of FF Tactics or Dissidia.

Still playing through the first MGS, but I don't like stealth games that much, and again, it's all mission based.

What I really want is an open world rpg with nice environments, a good story, and decent action. But failing that, I'll take any suggestions.

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#6 freemind13
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Need a game with a really deep storyline that will take me at least 25hrs (I tend to get through games fairly quickly.) Just played Devil May Cry 4 and although it had some good points, the ridiculous story and limited setting left me wanting more.

To give you some ideas, I like action games, shooters, and non turn-based rpgs. I enjoyed Mass Effect 1, but it ended just when it was getting interesting (finished it in 20hrs). Liked Oblivion (was just a nice world to spend time in), but hated it's load times, and the LOTR tacked on plot. Fantasy cliche is fine, but at least add some emotional depth to the whole thing! Also liked Fable II (characters were definitely better than Oblivion), but the plot never really went anywhere interesting. Liked Bioshock, although I prefer more open-world type games, where I can see monsters coming from a distance! Just finished Half-life 2, and parts of it were really great, but I wish they'd spent more time on the outside levels and plot points and less time shooting head crabs in the dark. Also like Halo series, but their story isn't exactly deep. For the record my favourite story in a game is FF7, although like I said I'm over the whole jrpg way of doing combat. So yeah, something with the story and length of FF7, the free-roaming fantasy world of Oblivion, the combat of Halo or Fable, and the character interaction of Mass Effect. Not asking much am I! :)

Currently considering:

Mass Effect 2,

Dragon Age: Origins,

Fallout 3,

Final Fantasy xiii.

Bioshock 2,


Assassin's Creed II.

Let me know which to go for, or if you have any other suggestions.


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#7 freemind13
Member since 2007 • 29 Posts

I'm ill at the moment, so doing lots of gaming on my new 360 to keep my mind of it, but I'm not sure which game to get next. So far I've got Mass Effect, Bioshock, and Oblivion. Thought Mass Effect was great, but I blew through the story in two days (it was the most enjoyable part), which was kind of a bummer. Haven't finished Bioshock yet, but am giving it a rest for the moment, as it was starting to feel a bit oppressive (not that it's not a good game, but I'm not really in the mood for survival/horror games.) Loved the world of Oblivion (the scenery is fantastic), but I found the main quest rather tedious and tacked on, and although I'm still enjoying the occasional sidequest, they don't really hold my attention anymore.

I've considered getting Fable II, as it looks like a great world to explore, but I'm worried I'll finish the main story in a day and then get bored, as I'm not really in the mood to obsessively complete sidequests at the moment. Also considering Lost Odsyssey, as it looks like it has a lengthy and decent story, but I'm not sure I can go back to turn/menu based RPGs again after experiencing Mass Effect.

So, in short, I'm looking for a game with beautiful fantasy scenery that's fun to explore (like Oblivion), great gameplay (like Mass Effect), and an enjoyable and lengthy main story. And without grim apocalyptic themes dominating the experience. Yes, I know I'm being picky. But any advice/suggestions?

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#8 freemind13
Member since 2007 • 29 Posts

Should also say that I don't have a HDTV (I know, but I'm cheap.) Don't know how much that effects the balance.

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#9 freemind13
Member since 2007 • 29 Posts

Thanks for all the replies. Xbox seems to be the recommendation at the mo. Anyone got anything to say for Wii? Anyone tried out the whole Wii Fit thing (I know it's not really a hardcore gamers type thing.)

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#10 freemind13
Member since 2007 • 29 Posts

You should save your money, and start swimming/riding your bike around town. Guaranteed, two months of bike riding, problem solved.

Don't look to games to solve health issues.


Yeah, I take your point. I think it's just the idea of convenience that appeals - no car journeys to the nearest pool (I live in the countryside), no fussing around servicing the rusting heap of metal that is my bike, no embarrassment as I collapse sweating and panting in front of complete strangers.

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