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#1 fluxorator
Member since 2008 • 887 Posts


Uncharted = AWESOME

But in two different ways...

(I don't actually own either, but i have played at friends houses... Will buy Uncharted soon and Gears and maybe Gears2 this Christmas when my 360+Wii come along)

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#3 fluxorator
Member since 2008 • 887 Posts

Mario Gear Solid

Taking stealth to the next level.

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#4 fluxorator
Member since 2008 • 887 Posts

Now Metal Gear 4, well it's just a flawless work of art, with absolutely no imperfections in story


No. Just no.

The cutscenes aren't just long, they're drawn out and boring, culminating in 70 uninterrupted minutes of ending. The game gets so bogged down in providing background, it doesn't go anywhere. And the writing is as stilted and over-the-top as ever.

The story is the biggest flaw that game has.

:roll: right homie

Complaining that the story of MGS4 has too many cutscenes is like complaining that Halo 3 doesn't have enough RPG elements.

The story is perfect, you just have understand it.

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#5 fluxorator
Member since 2008 • 887 Posts

:lol: @ cows getting hyped for a feature lemmings have had since 05


That is kinda funny when you put it like that.

The hermits get hyped when MS releases features Apple did 4 years ago.

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#6 fluxorator
Member since 2008 • 887 Posts

Selling your 360 won't put you very close

Just get the PS3 outright and keep the 360

I mean, why have one when you can have two!

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#7 fluxorator
Member since 2008 • 887 Posts

Let's see what PS3 has lined up for 2009

Q1 2009 - Killzone 2

Q2 2009 - Final Fantasy XIII Jrpg=meh (Just because you dont like it doesn't mean others wont, it's always been a major thing for the Playstation platforms. I don't like GoW, that doesn't mean its not major on the 360 or a good game...)

Q3 2009 - Gran Turismo 5 ugh I hate simulation racing games (It's still has a huge audience)

Q4 2009 - Final Fantasy vs XIII also meh (See above)

I see a famine coming. A famine of immense destruction for lemmings and sheep. PREPARE FOR A BITTER HARVEST IN 2009!


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#8 fluxorator
Member since 2008 • 887 Posts

Just a couple of things...

I like my PC, ( I spend about equal time on my consoles and PC ), Eg, it's just better for some sort of games (Try to imagine playing Company of Heroes or Age of Empires on a playstation...)

PC > Console for RTS's and most of the decent MMO-FPS's (Battlefield etc) are on the PC

Yes, you may be able to build a computer for $400 that can play Gears for less than $400, but i don't want to have to fork out another $150 a year just to keep it up to date...

At least with my consoles i can be sure that a 360/Wii/Ps3 game will run on a 360/Wii/Ps3 2 or 3 years down the track without having to fork out more just to keep up with the times... (Lack of Standard 360 HDD put aside)

On the other hand, PC gaming is MOSTLY (NOT always) held back not by the high end, but the low end...

It was only a couple of years ago that i saw CD versions of games stop being published whereas consoles more or less moved from CD to DVD with the release of the Ps2/Xbox (Aside from a few early games). The PS3 has Blu-ray, no doubt the next console MS has lined up with have an equivalent (If not Blu-ray), but it's going to be a fair while away before we see Blu-Ray become a standard for PC's and DVD versions becoming obsolete. I think console game developers have it easier because they can assume that all the consoles their game will be played on have the same CPU, GPU, etc (Multi-plats are a bit different but not too different), whereas on a PC they have to think about the millions of different CPU's, GPU's and their combinations. An example of this away from gaming would be OSX vs Windows, the programmers of OSX have it easier because they know what hardware their OS will be running on (More or less), whereas the Windows programmers have a **** of a job (feel sorry for them really).

But a redeeming feature PC's have is the fact that you are about 10x more likely to get DLC and patches.

Just my two cents