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#2 epicgameplayer
Member since 2013 • 882 Posts
What Herold doesnt seem to realize is that the blocking used games rumor started with Sony and they actually own the patent for it.Miketheman83
First of all you are wrong, as is always the case with you. I will tell you why you are wrong in a little! In general, I have always seriously questioned how you, an obvious mentally ill man, can even be allowed to use the internet. Posting on the internet should be the LEAST of your concerns. Get your mentall illness kept in check Now anyway, Companys file patents ALL THE time. Most dont result in anything and most never come to fruition. I bet Microsoft has older patents stating that they would do similair things BUT the difference is Microsoft has always been anti consumer (charging for basic online play etc) and they are GOING ALL THE way with it on the xbox one Where as Sony has SAID THEY DO ALLOW USED GAMES TO FULL extent and NO fees or restrictions like Microsoft has on used games
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#6 epicgameplayer
Member since 2013 • 882 Posts
[QUOTE="thedork_knight"][QUOTE="epicgameplayer"][QUOTE="thedork_knight"] you actually going to provide links for thsi BS, seeing that PS2 sold 150 in 10 years how long is it going to take to sell another 73 million consoles then?

All i have done is provide the FACTS While you have DONE NOTHING of that sort. You should actually start backing up what you have to say with facts for once xbot!

What facts? what proof, you havent provided anything to back up any claim of yours, you have been asked to prove it but you always dodge the question and start rambling about uncharted 2

My god you are a such a psycho 360 fanboy troll First you spout off about how Gears/Halo/Forza are better then PS3 exclusives, WITHOUT ever giving any legit reasons why Not only do I EXPLAIN to you why you are wrong, giving you LEGIT examples of why Uncharted is MUCH better then Gears, and so on and so fourth While you fall back on the, "its just your opinion," line while acting as if your self obsorved and worthless "opinions" are facts I then PROCEED to post you the meta critic rankings that SHOW that the PS3 has 3 exclusives which are ALL rated HIGHER then any single Gears/Halo or Forza game this gen Then you fall back on sales, and I own you on that too, posting the OFFICIAL slaes numbers as of early to mid 2012 Through out this ordeal you HAVE FAILED to ever provide any facts or back up any of your "opinions" if we can even call them that. While i have backed up what i have said and have provided the facts! Other people can see that The ONLY people who will agree with you are other delusional posters/xbot trolls like ConanThe Stoner, blabadon,and some others im probably forgetting I have owned you up and down this thread
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#7 epicgameplayer
Member since 2013 • 882 Posts
[QUOTE="thedork_knight"][QUOTE="epicgameplayer"][QUOTE="thedork_knight"] where do you get the proof of all of this? you pulling it out of your ass? still you claim the 360 is a failure for losing the year advantage, but ps3 isnt for losing half its userbase, losing many exclusives, the 360 being lead platform for multiplatform games, inferior multiplats

*Are as of eary to mid 2012* The PS3 has had more exclusives then the 360, that have sold over 2 million: PS3 exclusives which have sold over 2 mill include: Little Big Planet (4.8 mil) LBP2(2.5 mil) Killzone 2 (2.8 mil) KZ3(2.1 mil) MGS4(5.5 mil) GT5(8.0 mil) GT5P(4 mil) Uncharted (4.12 mil) Uncharted 2 (5.44 mil) Uncharted 3(3.5 mil ) God of War 3 (4.4 mil) Resistance (4 mil) Resistance 2 (2.2 mil) Motorstorm (3.7 mil) Ratchet and Clank TOD(2.34 mil) Infamous (2.1 mil) Heavy Rain(2 mil) Now the top selling 360 exclusives,which have sold 2 mil and over include: Halo 3(11.4 mil) Halo Reach (8.8 mil) Gears 2(6.1 mil) Halo ODST(6 mil) Gears(5.9 mil) Gears 3(5.2 mil) Forza 3(5 mil) Fable 3 (4.6 mil) Fable 2(4 mil) Halo Wars(2.1 mil) There is way more variety and franchises that sell on the Playstation front. Do more research before talkiing out of YOUR ass you lemming!

Where you pulling these numbers from then? I looked at wiki for top selling games for both and you might want to add for 360 MINECRAFT 6.1 MILLION SAINTS ROW 2MILLION DEAD RISING 1.7 MILLION CRACKDOWN 1.5 MILLION PDZ 1.5 MILLION GR:AW 1.4 MILLION DEAD OR ALIVE 4 1 MILLION VIVA PINATA 1 MILLION and the list even up to date as theres no halo4 on that list

Wikipedia LOL Also, Minecraft,Saints Row,Ded Rising,GR:AW are NOT 360 exclusives Thats why i didnt include them..... And i also told you from the very start that those are the OFFICIAL numbers from mid to early 2012 They havent been upated. Here are the main points you again failed to grasp Uncharted sells just as much as Gears does. Regardless, Uncharted is the much better game period. Critics and fans unanimously agree Uncharted>Gears And Gran Turismo sells just as much Halo Then beyond that the PS3 has many more games that have sold 1-3 million, like Infamous, LPB, Killzone, Resistance, MotorStorm, Racthet and Clank etc. While the 360 just has Fable and Forza beyond Gears and Halo LOL "There is way more variety and franchises that sell on the Playstation front. Do more research before talkiing out of YOUR ass you lemming!"
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#8 epicgameplayer
Member since 2013 • 882 Posts
[QUOTE="thedork_knight"][QUOTE="epicgameplayer"][QUOTE="thedork_knight"] where do you get the proof of all of this? you pulling it out of your ass? still you claim the 360 is a failure for losing the year advantage, but ps3 isnt for losing half its userbase, losing many exclusives, the 360 being lead platform for multiplatform games, inferior multiplats

YOU mean like how the 360 later LOST ALL of its early exclusives like BioShock, Mass Effect, Lost Planet, and Dead Rising to the PS3 LOL Also, we already went over this: 1. A majority of multi plats are damn near identical 2. The PS3 is about on pace to sell just as much as the PS2 if you check that stats Everything i have said still stands

you actually going to provide links for thsi BS, seeing that PS2 sold 150 in 10 years how long is it going to take to sell another 73 million consoles then?

All i have done is provide the FACTS While you have DONE NOTHING of that sort. You should actually start backing up what you have to say with facts for once xbot!
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#10 epicgameplayer
Member since 2013 • 882 Posts


Take it as you will but Sony is gathering strong interest. 

PS4 beats Galaxy S4, iPhone 5, portable gaming devices, Android or iOS tablets and others gadgets in demand

Sonys upcoming gaming console or in other words the Future of Gaming has made gadget lovers to fall in love with it.

A recent research by a leading gadgets retail chain has quoted that over 900 thousands of its users have signed up to receive information about PS4.

GameStop, a leading retain chain, says one of its internal consumer research survey shows a strong interest of consumers in the Sonys most anticipated gaming console.

The items which were beaten by PS4 include smartphones, portable gaming devices, tablets, laptops, smart TVs and so many other things.

Based on the survey of loyal customers of GameStop, 34% of them expect to get a PlayStation 4 in the next twelve month. Moreover, nearly 900 thousand of GameStop clients signed up to receive information about the PS4, says the survey report.

So much demand has led the bosses of GameStop to reach the conclusion that Sony is unlikely to meet the expected demand from the game lovers in the first stage.

Tony Bartel, GameStop president went on saying Although we have been given no official numbers by Sony, we do believe that demand will far outpace the supply of this product during the launch window.

Another research firm has estimated that Sony is likely to ship over 2.5 million consoles in 2013 allover the world.


How appropriate, you're article was posted on April Fools Day....

Dat xbot damage control!