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#1 eastsidehucker
Member since 2005 • 64 Posts

So, I implore you: own me. Go ahead.


ROFL, thanks for making my dull day. I love forums.

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#2 eastsidehucker
Member since 2005 • 64 Posts

Yea, I really despise my PSP. In all seriousness, anyone wanna trade an Ipod for it? I can't use it as a music player because the thing's a brick. Watching movies on it is pointless. When I'm traveling, I'd rather be reading a book or magazine then staring at a 4 inch screen (yes I do think TV on phones is a total rip-off, but at least you can get the news and espn).

Lastly, the games are terrible. I can't play any PSP game for more that half an hour before I give it to my lil bro to chew on. GTAVCS and MGS Port Ops are high on my most boring games of all times list.

PSP is terrible. In fact, gaming is terrible. In fact, I think I find forum exploring more amusing than games. Someone please ask me why I'm still here! :cry:

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#3 eastsidehucker
Member since 2005 • 64 Posts

maybe I'm not with the times, but I seem to remember a few titles...here's a list

Alan Wake, Huxley, Bioshock, Mass Effect, Splinter Cell 5, PGR4, Call of Duty 4, Lost Odyessy, Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata, Fable 2, Gears of War 2 (yes it's coming, just wait for the TGC for something official) Virtua Fighter 5 (with online and better visuals than the PS3 version), Brothers in Arms: Hells Highway, MGS4(that's right, it'll happen), Ninja Gaiden 2 and let's not forget that the 360 is the main console that EA (as well as other 3rd party companies) focuses on first and then ports the titles over to the PS3. That only means that multiplats will continue to follow the path they've been in since the PS3 launch where the 360 version is NOT ONLY BETTER LOOKING, but also sells far more copies.


Uhhhhh if I see another crapcomment like this, I swear I dont know what to do...... Half that list is wishful thinking, half that list is not exclusive and half that list doesnt excite me in the in the least bit.

1/2 + 1/2 + 1/2 = ?

1.5, duh?

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#4 eastsidehucker
Member since 2005 • 64 Posts

[QUOTE="accameron"]I also learned the valuable lesson that pre-ordering in general is a total rip-off. It is just the store's way of ensuring sales at their store. I don't remember the last time a big game was released where I couldn't just walk into a store and buy it within a day or two of the release. Really, pre-ordering is for suckers.sSubZerOo

How is preordering a rip off? TO me a rip-off is insinuating I lost more money doing this then if I didn't do this.. But preordering costs nothing extra what so ever..

Cuz you can't read a review of the game before buying it.

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#5 eastsidehucker
Member since 2005 • 64 Posts

Here goes a thought. It's the same reason why American made cars, bikes, computers, etc. don't sell there. Japanese people may just like buying Japanese stuff. Japan is dominated by Japanese companies like Toyota, Mitsubishi, Sony, and Nintendo.

Whereas the US is a whole melting pot of people and companies so I suppose there really isn't much bias here.

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#6 eastsidehucker
Member since 2005 • 64 Posts

...because I just realized, I've never truely enjoyed a game for more than a few hours in my life. Before I just played games for the satisfaction I get when beating it, but that only lasted through the credits. Then I feel like I wasted 20 hours of my life I'll never get back. Sure I've written good reviews for games but those were pretty much influenced by other people or GS.

Halo? lame shooter, facinating plot though

GTA? the most tedious series of games I've ever played

Tomb Raider? too easy

MGS? ...gay

Starcraft? that's all there is to it?

Zelda? so boring I couldn't get past the second boss fight

I know this thread is pointless becauseon these forums, no one seems to care what others have to say anyways.

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#7 eastsidehucker
Member since 2005 • 64 Posts

Open your eyes. Microsoft does publish other great games besides Halo.The only reason you seem to think Halos is all MS has got is because no other gameMicrosoft or Sony has for that matter has recieved so muchmedia attention. Nowonder people think Halo when they hear"Xbox".

Also, Sony has been making games twice as long Microsoft has. MGS and FF weren't franchises until sequels showed up and trust me, good sequels don't show up in a day, they take time. And that's also what it takes to make good franchises, time. Nintendo even has better franchises than Sony, but of course, we're not kids anymore are we?

And quite frankly, I don't bash on Sony, Nintendo, or Microsoft because I'm a proud non-owner of all the new consoles. Not that I'm poor, It's just that my other hobby drains my wallet and I've got a tuition to pay.

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#8 eastsidehucker
Member since 2005 • 64 Posts
Funny, when I play RC on Vista, it would freeze for a minute every few seconds. Drivers?
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#9 eastsidehucker
Member since 2005 • 64 Posts
Stupid Request: Someone please pm me a spoiler after they beat the game. I just want to find out how the plot unravels without having the buy a console. Pretty please? :D
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#10 eastsidehucker
Member since 2005 • 64 Posts

Dude, I totally see where you're comming from. If MS didn't have Halo and GoW, the 360 would stop selling immediately. There's absolutely nothing driving the sales of the 360 besides Halo 3. Word.