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#1 dgguidryjr
Member since 2007 • 83 Posts
hey pm me i found a good monitor, looking for an ok tv right now.
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#2 dgguidryjr
Member since 2007 • 83 Posts
if you dont need the TV part, you could always go for a 1080p monitor with hdmi inputs. most likely better cost-wise than any 1080p things on the market. my advice is to check your local circuit city, they usually have amazing deals and their open box deals are killer. most are store models in excellent condition. hell, the tvs i'm using right now are a 32" widescreen 720p panasonic LCD with hdmi that i got with another panasonic 19" 720p LCD, both for $1000 open box. (my living room and bedroom tvs)
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#3 dgguidryjr
Member since 2007 • 83 Posts
id go with the best buy plan, guaranteed to get a brand new console without the hassle of microsoft and their incompetence
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#4 dgguidryjr
Member since 2007 • 83 Posts
Id say to get an xbox 360 because of the social aspect, which is the reason i bought it. if i wanted a powerhouse console, id have gotten a ps3. Xbox 360 combines hardware and a great connection with other people to play the game. one other point i made to a friend the other day about his ps3 was the whole achievements thing on the xbox. me and a couple other friends were watching him play heavenly sword (one of the three or four good games on the ps3) and there are orbs you can collect. My friend asked "what do you get when you get a lot of orbs?" and he was like "its just a collector's thing." so i told him "in other words, you can sit by yourself at home and say "oh sweet i won... i wish i had friends" Overall the 360 has the good games and a great multiplayer setup, so if you like those, go for the xbox.
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#5 dgguidryjr
Member since 2007 • 83 Posts
[QUOTE="RipaX21"] I dont understand why people are always like "Microsoft should have never entered the console gaming arena." Why not, did you get physically injured by the Xbox, is it any hair off of your back?teebeenz
MS isnt a company who competes. MS famously got to its monopoly position today by lying to guy to get his operating system, sabotaging another companies product and then taking off with some of IBMs code. Now they're dodging taxes, hiring convicts so they dont have to pay for additional staffs benefits and threatening companies who dare to support those who would compete with them. They're not to sort of company you want in an industry.

theyre also in business to make money. microsoft, while flawed in its business practices, wants to make money, and does a damn good job of it. i can guarantee that every large scale corporation had gotten to their position by some kind of dirty dealing, and if you cant acknowledge that youre just nieve.
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#6 dgguidryjr
Member since 2007 • 83 Posts

Sonys game division doesnt make money. Check your facts. They are bleeding even more than MS are.

Nintendo are the only ones making money at the moment.


LOL look at this guy. Sony's games division has mad money. LOTS of money on the PS2 and PS. Now that its just released the PS3 it is losing money in the 100 millions but they are on the way to making money. They are nowhere around the amount that MS is losing which is in the BILLIONS. And you tell me they are bleeding more than MS? Wow jus wow. Even though this is a 360 forum that just cant stand. YOU need to check YOUR facts. Anyway, this isnt about the playstation and sony. The fact fo the matter is that MS never should have entered the console gaming arena, it was a bad move for them They try and dip in to everything. The ipod is still crushing the zune. They need to focus on windows, and i think that once Vista picks up its steam in the next year or 2, the xbox will be abandoned and Games for Windows live will have like 80-90% of the companies games division resources if not 100%. I do not see a 3rd generation xbox on the rise.

Even if Microsoft does drop out, so what. I dont understand why people are always like "Microsoft should have never entered the console gaming arena." Why not, did you get physically injured by the Xbox, is it any hair off of your back? The Xbox has had quality titles and Xbox Live is a great network. I'm a gamer, I shouldn't have to care about who's making money and what a companies plan is for next gen. All I care about is which games are good and what I need to play them.

And to address your other statement, the Zune is also a great product.

Hey man im a gamer too, thats why i frequent this site. If doesnt leave, good they better continue to support the 360 and not shaft it liek the xbox tho. But what wwe are talking about in this forum right now is their business practices and predictions for the next gen, and with that at hand to give the best possible opinion i need to drop all gaming preferences and just look at the industry. And doind that you cant deny that what they did was a mistake. Am i wrong man?

i just honestly think, as i stated earlier, that you guys need to give this time to grow. the only reason it seems the xbox has such a great debt racked up is because every other division of microsoft has products that people NEED, with the exception of games for windows. Xbox 360 is a recreational product, whereas microsoft's OS's are needed to run any business and most home pc's, office is pretty much the standard of any business documentation nowadays unless you use a specific program for your business, and their other computer peripherals people buy in droves because you need mouses, keyboards, headsets, etc. Games for windows is also biased to beat the living hell out of the xbox is sales because the pc has such a huge built in market. People who enjoy console gaming and are willing to spend the money on it will, but for the others, they will buy pc games because they already have the equipment. Lastly, the fact that microsoft hasn't come out with a portable GAMING console doesn't help. as you can see with the psp and ds, they are huge hits (personally i love the psp its a great pick up and play gaming system), and the fact that microsoft hasnt delved any into this market is just outrageous. (also, please take what im saying with a grain of salt because im speaking mostly in generalities, as it would take far too long to cover every type of gamer in the market)
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#7 dgguidryjr
Member since 2007 • 83 Posts
Achievements are one of the best things about the xbox 360. while yes, game quality is first and foremost, i believe it adds a sense of accomplishment for a game, mainly in single player. Before, you tell your friends "oh i beat halo on legendary" and there was no way to tell, now its just a few button presses away.

[QUOTE="GlassDominion"]the xbox was the worse business decission MS has made.teebeenz
That (which should be in its own thread) is pretty much dead on, current analsyt predictions put their total loss by ehd of this gen at between 10-15billion US. So its no wonder speculation of no 3rd unit is floating round, especially now Bungie and Bizzare have left in mysterious ways.

since when is everyone on the forums a business analyst? show me your damn degree and then ill hold your opinion in some value
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#8 dgguidryjr
Member since 2007 • 83 Posts
while you do have a valid point in all of this, GlassDominion, I really dont see microsoft leaving the console market for at least the next generation. (Hopefully) There are some good financial guys that say "look we've only been on the console market for 6 years with two systems, and we need to give it time to grow." If micrsoft actually does drop out of consoles, then it means the money-hungry stereotype about them is true, and at that point ill just be so dissappointed in microsoft i wont even buy their products anymore. vista is a crock of **** anyway, mac osx is a last generation OS and it still beats the dog crap out of vista.
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#9 dgguidryjr
Member since 2007 • 83 Posts
yeah i traded in for an elite as well. I contemplated getting the halo 3 box, but if its sans-hdmi and a large hard drive it would be a downgrade. whoever wants the special halo 3 box is prolly better off getting the elite with a halo 3 skin at gamestop.
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#10 dgguidryjr
Member since 2007 • 83 Posts
honestly, i don't think it will because my guess is that the HDMI port is an HDMI out one, most likely to replace a dvi port. i would google "(your laptop model name and #) hdmi port input"