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#1 dashizy666
Member since 2004 • 1485 Posts
A couple days ago I went to Gamestop and preordered Burnout Paradise and Ninja Gaiden 2. Now those games will rock and all but now I don't know if I should keep Burnout or swap it for Devil May Cry 4. Heres's the thing, I'm getting NG2 but I'm not sure if Burnout will be better then DMC4. Both look awesome, but I can only get one.
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#2 dashizy666
Member since 2004 • 1485 Posts
(BTW this is only open to people who played the game and have a 360 as well. So PC fanboys aren't welcome.) As many of you know Crysis won best PC game of the year. Here's my situation I have a piece of **** 5 year PC and I only use it for internet, and there is no point of buying a $500 graphics card if my computer suck balls. However from what I've seen both versions of Bioshock and they look very identical on both platforms, but even that isn't saying much. Crysis looks awesome, I want to play it, but I wont play it anytime soon. That is unless by some blessing by the hand of God himself or EA just says "hey if we do a half*** port of Crysis on the 360, millions of dollars will be ours! HAHAHAHAHA!" So for the sake of argument can 360 handle a respectable version of Crysis, or is this just wishful thinking on my part? if it is with And I don't want graphics card mumbo jumbo either. I'm a console gamer only so it automatically makes me a moron. Just basic geek speak will do just fine. If you have to use advanced geek speak explain what the hell it means.
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#3 dashizy666
Member since 2004 • 1485 Posts
Don't trade in a great game just because you're stuck. That's what strategy guides are for. If you're stuck in a game, you read it. You can either drop $14.00+ on the official guide or if you're smart you use the guide on gamespot. And where can I find this gamespot? Wait a tick I'm on gamespot. It's your choice but, what i would do is buy the guide and use the gamespot guide as a secondary option when the official guide sucks. By the way, edit your posts. It's hard to decipher what you're saying.
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#5 dashizy666
Member since 2004 • 1485 Posts
Here's an idea, how about you actually play the game man? Your the typical lazy person oh dude I'm gonna put in my gameshark and unlock everything because I am to good to the play the actual game. You fail.guitarplayer6
I was going to report this guy for the hell of it but then I noticed he's a HHH fan so I decided not to.
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#6 dashizy666
Member since 2004 • 1485 Posts
You are in luck because I I'm getting a points card today. Wait how many months was that? Only one? what crap. Hey here a tip steal a credit card because there is no way your getting my points. And if did agree a trade with you I'd probably give you the wrong code. God damn it . I may have given you my devious plan but that won't others from using it.
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#8 dashizy666
Member since 2004 • 1485 Posts
To be honest with everyone I don't care if its a three year old game. Why? Because First My computer sucks and the xbox version was great but no as good as the PC version. This version I'm happy with. And as the Half Life hater, stop raining on everyone else's parade. It's fine with me if you don't like it. But don't try to convince me and the rest of the gaming world that this game sucks. Hears news for you. It received well over 40 game of the year awards when it was released. If you don't like this game you must have narrow views on what a good game is.
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#10 dashizy666
Member since 2004 • 1485 Posts

I'm a huge fan of shooters. I'd never played Half Life 2 on the PC, and was completely pumped up when I read all these reviews. I have to say, despite how many people this is going to upset, I am extremely disappointed.

The graphics are not CLOSE to being on par with newer-generation shooters. I don't givea damn if they've been 'updated' since the PC version, or the resolution is better. They're still not very good. The enemies look like paper cutouts, and they, in an attempt to be scary, sound laughably corny. The game LOOKS 3 years old.

The gameplay is decent, but the shooting feels clunky to me. Not nearly as smooth as games like Bioshock or Halo 3. I have to give props to Valve for innovations like the Gravity Gun, but it sure does look dorky. Many games have used this idea since (Bioshock being the most recent example), and have done it much, much, much better. The vehicle segments, let's be honest here, are frickin' terrible. I don't want to reposition my hovercraft 15 times in order to jump a ramp "correctly". This is not fun, developers.

The story flow is good, buti t didn't absolutely draw me in like a few games have. All a bit on the nerdy side if you ask me, with too much emphasis on science fiction cliches, such as aliens from another dimension, big hulking robot "buddies" ,heroic chicks in distress. Yawn.

To be fair, I have NOT played Portal or Team Fortress 2 yet. But the Half Life 2 content is boring to me. Let me stress again, I LOVE SHOOTERS. Perhaps it's many fans are fueled by something we call "nostalgia". That game may have been phenomenal 3 years ago, but today, it's a little bit janky. And I don't care if I get 3 iterations of a game I don't like much anyway, so to hell with all this "WHAT A GREAT DEAL!" talk.

This is not an insult to you if you are a fan of these games, just my personal opinion. I welcome, and would like to hear yours as well.


The game "looks three years old" because it's nearly three years old you moron.

well put. I couldn't have said it any better.