Games I'm Playing

Game Release Date GameSpot Score Camichan's Score

Assassin's Creed: Revelations

This game's been in the works for a couple years. I can't find as much will to play AC, but I'll eventually finish up this and AC3.



I hit a speed bump and lost interest a couple years ago, but I'll eventually come back to this one...


Birds of Steel

Cant get enough of this game. Wish the online community was bigger, but I'm slowly gravitating from FPS to military simulator games.


Dark Souls

I'll eventually come back to finish the last little bit of this. It's been fun, but I burned out for a while, and so Demon Souls is also on the back burner.


Dragon's Dogma

Dark Arisen was super addictive. I took my magic archer through Bitterblack several times... this game is as good as Skyrim. got the platinum.


Enslaved: Odyssey to the West

Trophy Fodder


Final Fantasy XIII

farming for the ultimate weapons turned from fun into work, which led to this going on the back burner for a while. XIII-2 is also in the queue...


IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey

Still playing this one a little bit despite the newer birds of steel. may give it one more go on simulator difficulty.


Killer Is Dead

Sadly, the reviews are right. I didn't get into this game as much as I'd hoped. But I'll grind through it. I dug lollipop chainsaw more than this one, despite loving killer 7.


Phantasy Star II

Still on Dezo, and I like it that way...
