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Yeah a made up religion....

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He has a good point. We either like it or it'll be used as ammo against us and we will be claimed homophobic.. Lord forbid games get critiqued in their merits alone

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Edited By Brockelley

@Gelugon_baat @brockelley Ummm..... when I say current climate it's to clarify what I'm talking about.. when you say tinfoil hat, weasel words, "what are you doing on this site for then" statements I've seen all over this comment section, it's to bash someone else's statement, and with no logical reason to do so besides of course....

It's clear you have no intention to have an honest discussion, and are like most everyone else I've met here and on the internet.. I'm much better off saving my discussions and desire to debate for people who have experience in the field and an actual desire for academic debate.

I obviously don't have stats on hand to use, we just get emails from co-workers and view comment sections.. but for you to say that means there are no stats would, again, be more telling of both your prerogative and your knowledge of the subject matter.

I hope you have fun, it's been my non-pleasure trying to navigate your lack of interpersonal skills to contrive an actual conversation out of this obvious bundle of ad hominem attacks.. You win, me and everyone else on this website are done trying put up with you. have fun responding to this knowing you'll get the last word, seeing as how that's all you've been looking for in every thing you've commented on thus far anyway.

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Edited By Brockelley

@Gelugon_baat @brockelley @DuaMn "they wouldn't waste space.." See that's your opinion.

The current climate has shown a tremendous up swing in viewership in the indie market.. indie by art-style, and indie by development studio size.

A cursory glance at not only Gamespot, but metacritic as well, shows a fairly large increase in ratings for indie titles.. and with that a large increase in coverage for that type of game.

I'd caution you to stay away from the insults, I perused the rest of the comment section for more discussion on this topic, and I see a lot of you assassinating peoples character under the vale of a rationale based off a lofty vocabulary and a shallow rapport ;p

You didn't get my subtle hint before, so I'll just say that was me joking by using thicker words than I needed to...

Also, saying the words "I don't thinks there's data for that" is kind of telling of your knowledge, or lack there of, of the subject matter.. and of how businesses like gamespot operate..

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@Gelugon_baat @brockelley @DuaMn Also, how do you think sites like this one and IGN figure out how to "review" things? It's whatever will get the highest ad revenue that shapes what they show and how they show it.. and to properly do that they need to have a consensus of how their viewers feel about just about everything, so the data really is already there..

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@automato yeah this long pause inbetween 3 and 4 should be a good thing. When a tetralogy's 3rd game isn't as good as it's 2nd, the fourth tends to be the worst in the franchise.

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Edited By Brockelley

@4mnesiac see that right there is an opinion.

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Edited By Brockelley

@Gelugon_baat @brockelley An explanation:

A metaphor as to why you are wrong: that's like you saying jokes about black people are bad, unfunny. Or Borderlands has bad graphics, because of it's art design. You can not logically say either of those things, because you are injecting your opinion into the heart of your statement.

A way to properly objectively view both of my previous examples: That particular joke about black people wasn't funny because the punch-line was muddled by the build up. Then you quote this happening in another piece of work, and quantify your statement by showing statistics of how that particular joke was received overall by everyone, not just you.

For Borderlands: The art-design, completely divorced from the graphics, are a positive for this game because it goes well with the current climate that desires unique graphical styles, and because it doesn’t take away from any other element of the game.

Here's the truth: Bugs are always bad.. how bad can be quantified by how seriously it effects your ability to enjoy the game.

What you are describing isn’t critique, it’s an editorial.. these are two completely different things. A critique is someone viewing a bridge someone else made, and noticing how some parts of the bridge sag because those parts are depending on the other stronger parts to keep it up. An editorial is stating how that makes you feel, and how pretty you think this bridge is.

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@DuaMn @brockelley Firstly, please don't take my next statement as an insult. Thank you, you've narrowed down exactly what is wrong with the way people who don't know how to objectively critique something critique something.

Of your two examples both of them are wrong.

A metaphor as to why: that's like you saying jokes about black people are bad, unfunny. Or Borderlands has bad graphics, because of it's art design. You can not logically say either of those things, because you are injecting your opinion into the heart of your statement.

A way to properly objectively view both of my previous examples: That particular joke about black people wasn't funny because the punch-line was muddled by the build up. Then you quote this happening in another piece of work, and quantify your statement by showing statistics of how that particular joke was received overall by everyone, not just you.

For Borderlands: The art-design, completely divorced from the graphics, are a positive for this game because it goes well with the current climate that desires unique graphical styles, and because it doesn’t take away from any other element of the game.

The part you say about bugs shouldn't be in the same statement as the opinionated part about the visuals, because it's a completely different topic. Bugs are always bad.. how bad can be quantified by how seriously it effects your ability to enjoy the game.

What you are describing isn’t critique, it’s an editorial.. these are two completely different things. A critique is someone viewing a bridge someone else made, and noticing how some parts of the bridge sag because those parts are depending on the other stronger parts to keep it up. An editorial is stating how that makes you feel.