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#1 BotW
Member since 2017 • 22 Posts

@charizard1605 said:
@botw said:
@charizard1605 said:

@botw: As you are no doubt clear, given your username and avatar, a new bit of hardware just launched that is selling entirely on the back of an exclusive game.

Exclusives can still sell hardware, if good exclusives exist at all.

What exclusive game? Breath of the Wild? That's not an exclusive game however much it may be touted as one. Also this is a Nintendo console, they don't exactly have third party on their side so almost the entirety of their sales will be for their first party games. Nintendo makes amazing games, and they pump out a lot of them, enough to justify a system on the back of the games alone, Microsoft and Sony don't subscribe to this way of conducting business and primarily survive on third party.

Did you know that the Wii U was discontinued and taken off shelves in January 2017? So as of right now, if you want to play BotW and you don't own a Wii U (which is just about everyone, given the Wii U's sales), the only choice you have is to purchase a Switch. It is effectively an exclusive, and BotW is what has been driving Switch sales.

Do you disagree with this notion?

You can still buy a Wii U regardless of its discontinuation, you can still play the game on a console that is not the Nintendo Switch.

It's not an exclusive game, it's on two completely separate platforms.

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#2 BotW
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@appariti0n said:
@botw said:
@charizard1605 said:

@botw: As you are no doubt clear, given your username and avatar, a new bit of hardware just launched that is selling entirely on the back of an exclusive game.

Exclusives can still sell hardware, if good exclusives exist at all.

What exclusive game? Breath of the Wild? That's not an exclusive game however much it may be touted as one. Also this is a Nintendo console, they don't exactly have third party on their side so almost the entirety of their sales will be for their first party games. Nintendo makes amazing games, and they pump out a lot of them, enough to justify a system on the back of the games alone, Microsoft and Sony don't subscribe to this way of conducting business and primarily survive on third party.

O? Do tell how BoTW is not a Nintendo exclusive game......

Oh, people are doing the 'brand exclusive' thing again...

It's not a Switch exclusive, it's not a Wii U exclusive, it's on two completely different platforms, and what is that called boys and girls? A multi-platform game.

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#3  Edited By BotW
Member since 2017 • 22 Posts

@charizard1605 said:

@botw: Unless you can demonstrably and empirically prove that the Nintendo community actually cares for resolution, you are just blowing hot air, sorry.

See that's the thing, you're using that to scapegoat the discussion as you know I cannot demonstratively prove that in any one direction, and neither can you against it, I know it, you know it, everyone who reads this will know it. It's an easy and safe way to get out of an argument and feel as if you're somehow right and the other person is wrong, but that's not really what it entails and like the aforementioned; we all know that.

What I'm saying could absolutely still be correct regardless of your escape method, and empirically it completely adds up as up until Nintendo forced the community to the bottom end of the hardware spectrum everyone cared, I have that at least, you have nothing more than people claiming to not care. Everyone cared in the Nintendo community just as people in the Xbox and PlayStation community still do now, and that's because they're still competitive in that regard, Nintendo is not, and it's sure not because the community asked for it.

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#4 BotW
Member since 2017 • 22 Posts

@charizard1605 said:

@botw: As you are no doubt clear, given your username and avatar, a new bit of hardware just launched that is selling entirely on the back of an exclusive game.

Exclusives can still sell hardware, if good exclusives exist at all.

What exclusive game? Breath of the Wild? That's not an exclusive game however much it may be touted as one. Also this is a Nintendo console, they don't exactly have third party on their side so almost the entirety of their sales will be for their first party games. Nintendo makes amazing games, and they pump out a lot of them, enough to justify a system on the back of the games alone, Microsoft and Sony don't subscribe to this way of conducting business and primarily survive on third party.

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#5 BotW
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@kvally said:
@tormentos said:
@xxyetixx said:

@harnessthepower: there is absolutely no reason for MS to bundle any controllers, let alone 2 with the Scorpio. The 3 Xbox One controllers and my Xbox One Elite controller will work with the Scorpio. MS could def sell just the System to people that want to upgrade I need nothing else included driving up the price.

This is one of the most moronic arguments i have ever read here.

Most people don't even own a damn XBO why in hell would MS sell a console without a controller? Worse why the hell MS would invest millions in making an upgrade just aimed at a few people who want to upgrade.

You want your console to sell to as much people as possible,selling you the controller apart would simple make MS seem cheap not to mention the media would have a field day with them,even more the competition.

MS has sold about 70 million Xbox One consoles, that is hardly most people not owning one.

Subtract 55% from that number and you're on track.

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#6  Edited By BotW
Member since 2017 • 22 Posts

@charizard1605 said:

'It was a big deal 25 years ago' is not a good argument.

'Just because Nintendo became complacent and changed their focus to gimmicky hardware emphasis with the Wii, Wii U and now Switch doesn't mean these people no longer care'

You are not allowed to ascribe intent to anyone- if you can demonstrably prove they care about resolution, and then call them out on their apparent hypocrisy, feel free to do so. Unless you can do that, however, you are literally telling people who are admitting to not care about resolution, 'no, you care about resolution, you are just saying you don't, and because you are saying you don't, you're a hypocrite!' That's absurd.

'There's no rationalization that can objectively quantify being okay with much less when it could clearly be substantially more.'

So the Xbox One should have no fans or defenders then?

Sometimes, good enough is good enough for a lot of people, as long as other benefits are thrown into the mix. But you know that, as an Xbox fan- get other benefits, for instance a better controller or online community or UI management, and you are willing to put up with a lower resolution, since resolution is not the be all, end all of gaming. Or is this argument only applicable to Xbox fans, but won't apply to Nintendo fans because you said so?

Just because something is "good enough" doesn't mean there is not a want or desire for more, people settle for things all the time. Women, the houses they can afford, the cars they drive etc, we have to settle for less than we want all the time and instead of taking that objectively you're taking it negatively and being defensive, it's so predictably Nintendo fanaticism.

The Nintendo community always cared about these things until Nintendo forced their hand and no longer made it a point of argument for the community. It's not as if the community suddenly stopped caring because of free will, it's because they had no choice in the matter and instead of being honest with not only themselves, they outwardly project to the gaming community at large that it doesn't as they're always in last place in this regard.

It's easy to say you don't care when you're at the bottom, you don't have a choice and you need to make yourself feel better about it, that's called brushing it off. It's hard for people to actually be honest with themselves and those around them and just say that they're okay, but they wish Nintendo would have created a more powerful console.

The space time continuum is not going to collapse by being honest.

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#7  Edited By BotW
Member since 2017 • 22 Posts

@charizard1605 said:
@aigis said:

@charizard1605: really in the story as a whole, but the end especially

This is why you are a #hater

I'll give him that, it's a great game with A LOT of really engaging gameplay, but the story is very, very short and simple when you really break down how much of it there actually is.

If you could go into this game with full stamina and heart containers you could honestly beat the main quests of the game including the 'dugeons' in 5-6 hours. There's not a lot of meat on the bones of this games story, there's just so much in between that it presents itself as more than it actually is.

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#8 BotW
Member since 2017 • 22 Posts

Wow, at a locked 60 FPS and 4K this is brilliant!

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#9 BotW
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@xxyetixx said:

@botw: yes to just sell Xbox Scorpio without a controller all together would be asinine.

But to sell the whatever TB 2 controller, 2 years of live Scorpio for $750, then a whatever TB, 1 controller 1 year of Live for $650, then a no controller no live just the system for $550 or less would be perfectly acceptiable a wise for MS to do.

You have no idea what it's going to cost from square one, the thing could be $400 for all we know.

You're going off the edge with ideas and logic that have no basis in presently known reality.

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#10 BotW
Member since 2017 • 22 Posts

@charizard1605 said:
@botw said:
@hhex4 said:

It's 100% true the people who enjoy the Switch give no fcks what resolution it is displaying in.

It's because people around here lack objectivity, when it suits their interests it's great and they'll gloat, when it's demeaning or negative they 'don't care' because they take this personally or as if it's an attack.

They flip flop at the slightest bit of praise and also negativity.

Hi there! Good to have you around.

Anyway, you can take me aside because I have previously mentioned resolution as a definite factor in assessing graphical quality- but what other Nintendo fan do you know who has ever made a big deal about resolution, exactly?

It was a big deal when the SNES was around, and when the Nintendo 64 was around, maybe not resolution because that wasn't a massive point of argument at the time but the graphical fidelity sure was. Oh and don't forget the GameCube, that was a big point of bragging for the Nintendo community, the system was in near parity with the Xbox and everyone knew about it because the Nintendo community made it known, especially when it came to games like Star Wars: Rouge Leader.

Just because Nintendo became complacent and changed their focus to gimmicky hardware emphasis with the Wii, Wii U and now Switch doesn't mean these people no longer care, they absolutely do care, especially in the face of things like CEMU showing off what these games could look like had Nintendo remained focused on processing power.

They simply state that they do not care because they've been forced into another direction where they have no choice but to take what they get. Outwardly the Nintendo community will say exactly as you are now, that "it's not a big deal" or whatever drivel can be derived from this line of discussion, but we all know if they could have it better they would.

There's no rationalization that can objectively quantify being okay with much less when it could clearly be substantially more.

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