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#1 billiam350
Member since 2009 • 55 Posts

So, I've been hearing a lot about this game and its fantastic story and immersion and yada yada.

Can anyone give me an unbiased opinion on how it has aged? I know a lot of early 3D games haven't really translated well into today's expectations. TBH, I know next to nothing about the game other than it has a great story. So just any opinions would be appreciated.

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#2 billiam350
Member since 2009 • 55 Posts

And if you think so, what is an exapmle that proves it?

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#3 billiam350
Member since 2009 • 55 Posts

Storywise, no one but the people working on the game knows what Other M's story is at this point. And dread sounds like it's merely a concept from the way Sakamoto answered that question. So at this point, anything you come up with is pure speculation.

No retro studios, no sell.Javieralijandro
Is this a joke? Seriously? R&D1, the same team that has made every other Metroid game, is working on Other M, and you won't buy it? May I ask why?

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#4 billiam350
Member since 2009 • 55 Posts



The impossible is still the impossible

The Wii can't have demos because of it's size, that fact still remains true


Wrong. The Wii can't have some demos.

World of Goo is what, 40MBs? So a demo of that would work out fine.

Theoritically Nintendo could have demo's up to 300MB and play off SD card if they're making it do the whole copy/swap SD internal memory thing

but if Nintendo embraces running software completely off the SDHC slot, like in some games, then no, it could handle every demo. (depending on your SDHC card size)

Real demos of real games, not Wiiware

Also no, they couldn't have up to 300 unless it's a brand new Wii with no saves on it

No games run off SD card, it's all done with moving the content to the Wii and then back off

As someone else said. GH5 used direct streaming off the SD card. Why couldn't the same be true for demos?
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#5 billiam350
Member since 2009 • 55 Posts
Can't believe I read all that. At the end of the day, that was all just one guy's theory. Some parts make sense but stretched too far.Kenny789
I agree, but as some people on the Topic were saying, it's seems somewhat likely that the TC had insider info.
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#6 billiam350
Member since 2009 • 55 Posts

I'm pretty sure the story isn't meant to taken literally. It's supposed to show 1) the relationship between a man and a woman, and 2) to show that you should always listen to God. The whole having children with each other is most likely used for continuation purposes in the story. If you don't believe this then explain why there are two completely different and unrelated creation stories in Genesis that we are almost certain were written by two different people at different times. Symbolism ;)

BTW, incest does not necessarily mean genetic deformities. It just raises the odds.

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#7 billiam350
Member since 2009 • 55 Posts
Has it been confirmed if this has split screen or not, cause if it doesn't then I have literally zero interest in this.
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#8 billiam350
Member since 2009 • 55 Posts

Name just a few please.

How can you possibly find Zelda TP mediocre? Sheer scope of the game, quality of the dungeons, one of the more original stories in the franchise, tons of new cool weapons, finishing combos introduced, great controls, great artstyle.

The only knock on the game and I'll concede this, is that it probably could've used a bump in production values (orchestrated music for example). And the game was on the easier side of things.

But really, this game is so polished. So if you actually have complaints, list them. Mediocre, definitely not.


Well, first off, I love TP. But two VERY major complaints is that, as I said before, it is extremely similar to every other Zelda. The next is the easy difficulty. Other valid complaints include: a relatively empty overworld, lack of interesting characters, lack of worthwhile sidequests, and badly played out wolf sections (finding the tears of light.

With all that said, I still think it's an amzing game, but it just was too much of the same in the end.

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#9 billiam350
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No. Hardcore fans love the game. People bashing TP are morons. There is not a single valid claim. NOT ONE. It was the best Zelda.

There are only so many superb games on the Wii. So TP being your favorite still. Completely legitimate. Its mine too. With Metroid Prime 3 a very close second.


[QUOTE="funsohng"]I love TP myself. i dont care the so-called teh hardcore zelda fans trashing TP, i love it.sonic_spark

No. Hardcore fans love the game. People bashing TP are morons. There is not a single valid claim. NOT ONE. It was the best Zelda.

There are only so many superb games on the Wii. So TP being your favorite still. Completely legitimate. Its mine too. With Metroid Prime 3 a very close second.

Well, um, if you want a completely legitimate reason why it wasn't as good as others, it's that it was WAY too similar to every other major Zelda game. Besides that it's a fantastic game.

@Jason, could you please elaborate on why you hate it so much? Haven't you said that you haven't even beaten it yet before?

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#10 billiam350
Member since 2009 • 55 Posts

Well im a 360 fan and i'm pretty trendy in the games i play like Oblivion, Fallout 3, Mass Effect, CoD4, Halo, Dead Space, Fable 2, Civilation Reveloution, C&C, RE5, Gears of War, Shawdow Runand so on and so on.

My parents have a Wii and the only game i ever played on it was Wii Sports.

So my question is, as being a gamer what is the one game i should not pass up on the Wii?

I remeber when REIV came out on the game cube i went out and bought one just for that one game lol. And it was one of my favorits of all time. SO Im wondering if there is a HUGE smash hit on the Wii that i should go out and buy the game thanks...


Um, let's see. You seem to like a lot of WRPGs and Shooters. If these are the main types of games you like to play, then the Wii probably isn't the console for you. The Wii's best shooter is an inferior port of Cod WAW, and it's soon to be an inferior port of Cod MW (that is until you realize how much better FPS controls are on Wii ;) ). As for WRPGs...well the Wii literally doesn't have any (which is by far my biggest complaint with the console).

Now if you enjoy platforming, puzzle or niche games, then the Wii is great. SMG is obviously the best platformer of the gen, World of Goo (on Wiiware) is one of the best puzzle games, and there are many niche games like LKS and NMH. And if your at all interested in sports, or if you just want to have an awesome time, then buy Wii Sports Resort. It truly is the future of motion gaming here now.

But where the Wii really excels is in action-adventure games. TP is IMO the must-play game for Wii. It's an epic 50+ hour adventure that still amazes me that it was actually a GC game. Okami is another amazing game, made much better with Wii controls. And MPT is amazing as well. But DO NOT go into MPT expecting Halo or Cod because they are ploar opposites.

For games that you would be interested in, the best I can think of is NMH, RE4 wii edition, or Madworld (big maybe on this one)