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#1 bfa1509
Member since 2011 • 1058 Posts

@SOedipus said:

No, I go there to buy their shit. I expect them to put me through the till and bag my shit. Otherwise, give me a name tag and pay me.

But what if vagisil is the only thing that clears up your conjunctivitis?

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#2 bfa1509
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@Sam3231 said:

I don't know but it seems to be a common thing in my life. I just cut them off as soon as possible. People can be incredibly stupid when it comes to gauging the other person's interest.

To cut him off is good advice but I still have to sit beside him for 8 hours a day.

@theone86 said:

This actually happens to me quite a lot. When I was at university a bunch of the people in our group graduated and the ones who were left were pretty much a bunch of a-holes I never talked to before. I'm positive they picked up on the fact that I didn't like them, but a lot of the time they didn't seem to take the hint. I think they thought they were doing me a favor by keeping me company, but I would've preferred being alone.

That being said, I never really got along with them the way you describe getting along with this guy. I think you're either going to have to examine what it is that annoys you about him and find some way to deal with it, or just be straight up with him that you're not interested in going for drinks. That or find a way to stop being annoyed about being asked to go for drinks, it doesn't hurt to say no (I'm assuming it's a platonic invitation, BTW).

The guy is kind of a loner. He eats his lunch at his desk and he uses the bathrooms on a different floor in case he bumps into one of his colleagues. A big problem is that I can't really talk to anyone else about him at work as they think I'm a d!ck for bitching about the guy. They feel sorry for him, being weird and a loner and all.

But he's disgusting! He's constantly 'picking and eating' if you know what I mean. He also sticks his hand down his pants to scratch himself. He snorts constantly. When I talk to him he is very loud and vulgar. I'm only scratching the surface here, but I think you get the gist.

I hate him.

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#3 bfa1509
Member since 2011 • 1058 Posts

@lordlors said:
@bfa1509 said:

This is why democracy doesn't work. You have huge %s of populations voting for people they don't really know and for politics they really don't understand.

In this world filled with lots of information that can be overwhelming, who gets to decide what is true or not in politics? Who gets to decide whether a person has knowledge or not? Even if you require post-graduate degrees for a position in politics, there are still stupid people with post-graduate degrees. Only scientists are allowed to run for politics? That is not their forte and they wouldn't want to delve into politics. That is why it doesn't matter if you're poor or uneducated, you have the right to vote after you reach a certain age. It becomes authoritarian/oligarchic once you restrict the voting process to select few. There are only 2 viable options aside from democracy, which are authoritarian and anarchy. I wouldn't say these 2 are better. Work with what's already in place. It can be improved. Educate the masses. Lift up the lives of the poor people. These are what really solve the problem not changing democracy.

If a fidget spinner ran for office it would likely get elected. I believe all citizens of a country should have to pass a reasonably basic test on politics before they should be allowed vote.

I shudder to think what percentage of voters go to the polling stations just to take a selfie...

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#4 bfa1509
Member since 2011 • 1058 Posts

Its a stupid question as 'yes' is the answer for everybody, but to what extent?

This guy I sit beside at work, I get on with like a house on fire and anyone looking at us would think we were best friends for life (BFsFL). Truth is, I absolutely despise the guy and nothing disgusts me more than being in his presence. It happens quite frequently with me where I get on reasonably well with my friends but in truth they annoy me most of the time. But the guy at work truly is a special case.

The worst thing is that he always wants to go for drinks and stuff and I find it so energy draining trying to avoid these occasions...

I'm currently trying to find a way of moving desk, but it's not that easy as it's a small office.

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#5 bfa1509
Member since 2011 • 1058 Posts

This is why democracy doesn't work. You have huge %s of populations voting for people they don't really know and for politics they really don't understand.

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#6 bfa1509
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@PSP107 said:
@GTR12 said:

@bush_dog: Are you still drunk?

lol, is he praising the "dumbest thing" he's ever done?

I don't think I have ever gone online while drunk. I wonder why nobody ever goes online while they are drunk? Maybe due to lack of being able to read.

Probably for the best, I can't imagine the amount of virtual damage one could do to oneself.

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#7 bfa1509
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@mrbojangles25 said:
@bfa1509 said:

Everyone turns their nose up when I say Dumb and Dumber is my favorite.

well, "everyone" is a twerp.

Dumb and Dumber is arguably one of the best comedies of the 20th century. I think the more elitist viewer can't get over the slapstick and toilet humor, but the writing in that movie is pretty damn great, actually, and if they would give it a chance they would see why it is such a highly regarded movie.

I'm not sure what circles you run in, but I don't know a single person (outside of the occasional prude) that did not enjoy that movie. Hell, my mom and I quoted it the other day.

I mean, I laughed my ass off just from these five or so seconds:

And that's not it, there's "it's OK, I'm a limo driver" and "Sammy? Swanson? Slappy?...maybe it's on the briefcase....Oh there it is. SAMSONITE! I was WAY off".

There are literally hundreds of these small moments, in addition to the overall ludicrous comedy of the whole movie, and you are just constantly bombarded with these awesome moments.

It is arguably the most high-volume, efficient comedy ever made as far as laughs.

"You spilled the salt! Toss some salt over your shoulder" *tosses salt shaker over shoulder* LMAO

In the 90s as a child, I watched it every week for about a year. Looking back, I think at least 98% of the true humour was lost on me. But when I watched it again as a teen/adult, there was always something that I didn't notice before (even to this day). One that comes to mind was the sign on the door that they left for (what they thought) was the "Gas Man".

"How did they know I had gas???"

You are right about the high-volume comedy, it is truly crammed from start to finish.

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#8 bfa1509
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Everyone turns their nose up when I say Dumb and Dumber is my favorite.

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#9 bfa1509
Member since 2011 • 1058 Posts

I challenge everyone to watch this clip and tell me the man isn't a disgusting scumbag:

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#10 bfa1509
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NBC, just like CNN is FAKE NEWS:

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