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#1 ashghan
Member since 2006 • 507 Posts

Forza Motorsport 2 is the best racing simulator of this console generation. Until the next Forza arrives of course.Metalnoid

You haven't even played the game yet - only a demo. So, nice deduction there Sherlock. You really embody fanboyism at its saddest.

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#2 ashghan
Member since 2006 • 507 Posts

Big bad Microsoft trying to earn a buck.wmc540

Exactly! How dare they? It's almost as if they're trying to make a *gasp* profit! Greedy people! Imagine that. A company wanting to make a profit... Outrageous!

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#3 ashghan
Member since 2006 • 507 Posts

Dead or Alive 4!NAPK1NS

Unfortunately (very, very unfortunately) for you, Dead or Alive 4 is your only option right now. It's probably the worst fighting game ever. But that's all that's out there right now. Unless you want a wrestling game, that is. 

My advice is wait until Virtua Fighter comes to the 360 (Q3 2007 for North America) - it's no Tekken, but it's a damn sight better than Dead or Alive. 

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#4 ashghan
Member since 2006 • 507 Posts


You guys are forgetting a few things here...

1. Servers aren't free.

2. Data storage is not free.

3. You don't have to download any of the content if you don't want to.

Microsoft holds all this stuff on their server so you can download it whenever you want to. This, combined with the fact that Microsoft is by no means a not-for-profit organisation, means that you will have to pay for the convenience of downloading this content. Remember: you don't have to download it, but if you choose to do so then you'll have to pay for it - if only to cover the cost of it being there in the first place. I don't think that's such a bad deal.

Also, Microsoft is providing a great service in Xbox Live - one that no doubt costs a lot of money to keep operational. They're constantly upgrading their server farms and bandwidth (and god only knows what else) so that we, the gamers, have a great experience when playing online or accessing the many other features of Xbox Live. So cut them some slack - they've got to recover their costs for this somehow. I don't mind paying for products and services that I want - it's simply a fact of life, and I can't see why it should be so different just because it's Microsoft we're talking about.

And please don't burden my eyes with a rant about how "Microsoft is making enough money as it is", or "they shouldn't be charging us anything because we've already paid for the console in the first place". That's just boring and not at all pertinent to this issue. Within Microsoft there are many production divisions, and all of them have to at least break even somehow. A profitable divison of the compnay can't be expected to subsidise another, less profitable, one forever. 


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#5 ashghan
Member since 2006 • 507 Posts

if i just used a normal fan that i have in my room and put it beside my 360 wouold that work?diablofan02


Doing this certainly wouldn't hurt. It won't be as effective as other more involved setups, but it will definately help somewhat.


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#6 ashghan
Member since 2006 • 507 Posts


If you Xbox 360 is housed in a confined space and you're worried about the ambient temperature around the console then probably the best, easiest, and most customizable option for you is to purchase yourself a couple of PC case fans. What you need to do is to create a cross-breeze situation ie. one fan sucking air into where the Xbox is sitting on one side, and the other blowing air out from the other side, creating a flow of air over and around the console. Make sure that both the fans displace air at the same rate - if you have air coming in at a greater rate than air going out, you'll raise the air pressure around the console and create a higher ambient temperature than you would if in-flow and out-flow were equal.

Of course, you could always buy the Nyko Intercooler but I've heard (and read) that this actually creates more problems that it solves (it doesn't solve anything). Also, it adds bulk to the unit and I think also requires yet another power outlet.

Good luck.


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#7 ashghan
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I was really disappointed with the game, hence I'm the only "I hated it" voter up on the poll for now. Spiderman 2 was OK for about 30 mins then it got really boring. Unfortunately, SPiderman 3 was just really boring from the get-go. It's disappointing that even though this game was on the next gen consoles it still felt like a step backward from even the original Xbox release. The feeling of height and speed when you're swinging from building to building has been lost in Spiderman 3. It's now just a half-baked mission-based movie-game budget title.

Booooooo! Spiderman 3 sucks! 

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#8 ashghan
Member since 2006 • 507 Posts


You don't. You go back to where you bought that miserable game from, and swap it for something half decent. At least, that's what I'd do. 

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#9 ashghan
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Well I think that what these developers are saying is completely true. I don't want a game that takes 100 hours. Hell, even 10 hours is too much these days. I want a game that lasts for 10 minutes, tops. You know, you fire up the xbox, you see the developer logos, then you have an intro movie clip, then the game starts. You walk left for 10 seconds then you've finished the game. That'd be awesome. It could be called "Crossing a Small and Quiet Road: The Official Game".

Hmmmm... Actually that's a great idea for the Too Human sequel...

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#10 ashghan
Member since 2006 • 507 Posts
Why the f*** isn't it just available as a download from marketplace? Why should we have to buy a crappy advertorial magazine to get a free demo? That sucks.