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#1 aristicero
Member since 2004 • 98 Posts

I seriously doubt you will understand anything in the story of MGS4 unless you play the other ones. If you have to choose only one to play then I suggest Part 2 and read the letters in the options menu since they explain what happened in part 1. Part 3 is a prequel and it's essential to the story but if you can't play it then no biggie.

No the MGS stories are not like GTA 1,2,3,4. All MGS games have one continuous story line that will supposedly come to an end in part 4.

It's like skipping the first two movies of Lord of The RIngs and just Watching the third. You wouldn't want to do that because you will not enjoy/understand the plot.

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#2 aristicero
Member since 2004 • 98 Posts

[QUOTE="Stanley-Steamer"]If you have the backwards compatible 40 gigLast_One_Left

I have the 60 that the right one?

The 40 gig is not backwards compatible. The 60 and 80 gig are and Yes you can play FF11 on it.
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#3 aristicero
Member since 2004 • 98 Posts

My idea is far from implemented. Actually it will only be functional the way i have described it. Without a numbered score for each part how will i know how good each part is? (single and multi).

I will then have to rely on words alone. Words like great ,good, exellent, issues, weak and sofort are realtive and open to iterpretation. They tell me something, but without a numbered referance (score) how should i interprete the text?

If the reviewer gave the game a 7 will the words mean the same as if he/she gave it a 9?

Whitout a seperate score for the single player and multiplayer how will i know if the final score is the same for both parts?

If such a game gets a 9,5. Will both the single and multiplayer be equally strong? Or was the multiplayer so wonderfully exellent that a game that would have gotten an7 for the single player was pushed up all the way to 9,5 overall?

Without my idea of seperate scores we just can't tell. That is why i hope someone at gamespot sees this. Using such a system would only add to the accuracy of the review not take something away. And that can only be a good thing......


I completely agree. If a game gets a 9.5 does that mean that is has a 9.5 single player game, or does it mean that the multiplayer is a 9.5?

I believe a lot of games get scored higher because of the multiplayer element even if it has a mediocre single player. But that doen't work for me since I prefer single player games.

You guys should have the review of the single player with a score and a paragraph of the multiplayer with a separate score. Then you can add or average the two scores and give the game an overall score. But have separate scores for the different elements.

Then everyone is happy. Two separate scores and an overall score.

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#4 aristicero
Member since 2004 • 98 Posts

Don't get your hopes up people. It's going to be the new $400 SKU. Watch this rumor get exploded out of proportion and then at the end everyone gets disappointed and a number of dumb threads are started about how everyone hates Sony.

Don't expect anything else. Remember the big "Rumble" announcement that everyone thought was going to be a new game and all the FFVII topics.

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#5 aristicero
Member since 2004 • 98 Posts
I'm sorry to be "that guy" but not everybody enjoyed this game. I know I tried to like it but I just couldn't. I felt like I was being held by the hand through every quest. The fact that the enemies level up at the same time you do doesn't make me want to level up since I can go anywhere in the map and basically kill anything. Sorry but I tried over and over and I could not continue. I say rent it and if you really like it buy it.
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#6 aristicero
Member since 2004 • 98 Posts
You shouldn't play MGS starting with part 3. It will ruin the whole point of the games and the story. Just because it's a prequel doesn't mean it should be played first. Play 1 then 2 then play 3 and you'll understand everything much better and get use to the controls.
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#7 aristicero
Member since 2004 • 98 Posts

[QUOTE="ajefferism"]hmmm 2 usb slots is fine, and i never use the memory card slots - they should have just made a usb adapter for those, but one thing they better keep is Wifi, thats clutch for a lot of people who dont want cables running everywhere. i dont think they'll get rid of that though cause it would foul up PSP connectivity etc... plus its getting cheaper to produce wifi.DrewBlood08
The PSP uses blue tooth connectivity I believe. The wireless is not necessary. Rumors are rumors, why speculate? Patience and the truth shall be revealed.

The PSP doesn't have bluetooth, it connects to the ps3 through a wireless router.

I think all PS3 sku's should come with wifi. That's a positive selling point I believe.

Remember the PSP has wifi and a web browser. It also has infrared which I still don't seem to know how to use.

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#8 aristicero
Member since 2004 • 98 Posts

To the people saying that co-op is needed: how exactly would this work in this game? Will you play as 2 Snakes? How will the story work out?

Remember the MGS series are based on story/stealth/weird sci-fi humor. Co-op is awesome in FPS but MGS is not an FPS. It's a stealth based action game with a deep storyline.

If you've played every other game out there and have never played MGS 1,2,or 3; then you might be dissapointed when you play 4.

People should stop comparing different fruits.

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#9 aristicero
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#10 aristicero
Member since 2004 • 98 Posts

Will Buy. At least you guys will be online to play TF2. Portal looks like an awesome puzzle game.

Who isn't getting this, at least eventually? Great value = Half Life 2 + Episode 1 + Episode 2 + Team Fortress 2 + Portal.