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#1 andymanu
Member since 2005 • 145 Posts
Yes you will enjoy them, and you will realize how awesome the whole saga is when you do play them. You might have loved MGS4 but you will appreciate MGS4 more if you go back and play the other ones including Portable Ops on PSP which has an awesome gameplay mechanic that is not featured in other MGS games. I'd HIGHLY recommend buying the Essential Collection and play through the games. The saga will blow you away. MGS4 alone is not enough. Man you're so lucky because experiencing each of the chapters the first time is the best thing in the franchise. I wish I could erase my memory and go back and play through the saga again because the first time is always mind frickin' blowing. Don't forget to download the "Database" from the store, it's free and it's the best thing Kojima and team could offer to Metal Gear fans because this thing is REALLY detailed and you'd appreciate the series and Hideo Kojima more for what they've given us for the past 20 years. The Database covers the whole storyline(with backstory) of the 20 years old game ever since it was introduced in 1987 with Metal Gear until MGS4 release. My favourite download from the store to be honest. Man all I can say is enjoy and I'm really happy for you. Seriously best experience if you'd ask me. Take care and good luck.

And that was a post by Hideo Kojima!!!!!................sorry i mean AgentH
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#2 andymanu
Member since 2005 • 145 Posts

Just as long as they keep the octocamo and have more CQC moves i'll be happy.insomnia37

Another message from AgentH:

Hey man, I have to agree with you, "Octo Camo" and "Face Camo" were my favorite features in MGS4 when it came to stealth. Add to those features the ability to play dead, flip on your back then shoot the idiot with the tranquilizer gun. Those combinations are fun and add a plus to stealth gaming.

And they better have the Ipod damn it!

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#3 andymanu
Member since 2005 • 145 Posts

Hey guys, AgentH got a message for you:

Hey ex-soldier777 and my BROTHERS, I am not coming back because I got a permanent ban. It's a long story, a mistake I shouldn't have done but I think GS was too harsh, much like they were on Wipeout HD :P but anyway. I emailed GS and asked them to give me a second chance and reconsider their decision concerning the ban but I have yet to receive a reply from them. However, I now live on through andymanu's arm which is the reason why I am leaving messages through him and you might have noticed that already in the other MGS4 threads. I am still here brothers, reading and observing the topics every single day and almost every hour. I gotta admit, it's a pain in the head and an unbearable situation not being able to post anymore on GS especially when I've been posting here for more than 4 years(2004 when I joined the community). Anyway, NOW through NANOMACHINES I will be able to control andymanu's and post messages through him. :P And soon, I will take over the SOP system and launch Guns of The Patriots and will be controlling more of you. :P am I obsessed with Metal Gear or what? Anyway, I want you to know that I miss posting here and bringing you all the good news and I miss you guys so much, I love you Metal Gear fans. :D If anybody here using MSN plz feel free to add me:

Thank you. We'll meet again! I'll be watching you. Eye Have YOU

P.s AgentH might think he is controlling me through nanomachines but really i have hypnotised myself to think like AgentH and now i am stronger than ever!

No but seriously GS give him his damn account back!

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#4 andymanu
Member since 2005 • 145 Posts

Hey guys, another message from AgentH concerning the thread:

I have to agree with you, and I know exactly how you feel. There is no "best game ever made" but until this moment, MGS4 holds that crown for me until a "game" surpasses it. Now what kind of a game would do that? Can someone really surpass Kojima? who would that be? and will his/hers game be remembered for many years? Think wisely. I don't know the answer though.

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#5 andymanu
Member since 2005 • 145 Posts

Hey guys, AgentH wanted me to leave a message from him and here what he's got say about the topic:

Damn straight it is. They truly did it this time and put some sense into "stealth". They revamped the gameplay and added ALOT of features that pushed the stealth genre to the next level. I have replayed MGS4 15 times aswell, for many many and damn many reasons. Storyline, rewatch the AMAZING moments and mind blowing cutscenes in MGS4 that are very well directed and not to mention the music and the 5.1 surround sound that made this Hollywood game goes beyond anything Hollywood did in history of movie entertainment. The details put into the game are CRAZY and I have yet to see a 3rd person shooter/action adventure or stealth game that entertained me that much. Easter Eggs, awesome jokes, sense of humour, emotions, sadness, madness, happiness all mixed together with an enjoyable remastered gameplay. Not to mention the controls and the smoothness of almost everything in terms of gameplay. Flawless character and weapon models, awesome reloads for each weapon and the bullet sound effects and amazing details put into the weapons which are very well balanced by the way. MGS4 is a game that can be dubbed as a near flawless game for the fans. I know some people would argue about the length of the cutscenes, but to be honest, those are amazing and my favorite part in the saga. Put the controller down and watch every damn cutscene and enjoy the storyline and masterpiece that Mr. Kojima brought upon us. I'd like to thank Kojima Productions team and specially, Ryan Payton(gameplay enhancements) and of course the genius and gaming legend Mr. Hideo Kojima. I would also like to thank Harry Gregson-Williams the Hollywood music film composer who scored his 3rd MGS game and whoever was in charge for the sound, because the sound in this game is AWESOME! This game has so much going on into it that when someone asks me "what can you do in this game?" I go "dude I seriously don't have time, maybe some other time" :P Again, best game I've ever played this gen!

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#6 andymanu
Member since 2005 • 145 Posts
god i hope i'v got one as i sent email , but they posted on ps3fanboy that on the spot was giving away beta codes so i hope every1 has been living under a rock today and didnt see it.
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#7 andymanu
Member since 2005 • 145 Posts

its an improvment. Too much like euro. And euro is too much like PES. FIFA is still an arcade game though, but its closing in on becoming an actual footbal simulation. No matter what, PES has by far the best gameplay. JUST FIX ALL THE OTHER FEATURES. Mix PES gameplay and FIFA's gloss, golden game.

IGN UK review of PES2008: 9.2 (Gameplay recieved a 10)

IGN review of FIFA: 6.5 (Gameplay recieved a 6.5)

I'd take gameplay over graphics and gloss anyday.

And if anyone uses gamespot's review as an argument.....LOL at all of gamespot reviews


Why in the blue hell are you using IGN's review as an argument for! you really trust that review when in game there is an ign logo plastered everywhere when you play a game?

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#8 andymanu
Member since 2005 • 145 Posts
Your all crazy it's waay better than 08, no crazy keepers who get lost at sea from a simple cross and slower but bigger players have a chance against fast players thanks to the new jostling system and when i score i get that sence of reward feeling that i used to get from pro because you have to be creative to get your chances.I just hope the online works well and we will find out who the top players are instead of who can abuse you with ronaldo or the barcelona attack the best or who can pass it accross the goal line the best. Defo day 1 purchase me, well i was gonna get it day 1 demo or no demo.
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#9 andymanu
Member since 2005 • 145 Posts
i normally take things well , but i hate it when people camp (not like sniper camp but stand in a dark corner on wet work and shoot everyone that comes past camp). It really gets on my breasts.
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#10 andymanu
Member since 2005 • 145 Posts
Yeah Dns error for me aswell, thank god im not the only one.