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#1 WileyCoyote315
Member since 2008 • 320 Posts

nah, i rather like this Sony MS competition. Its benefiting everyone and especially me a 360 owner. Ms annoucned the NXE after Sony announced Home, the 360 might not even have gotten the update without the pure push of not letting Sony out shine them.

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#2 WileyCoyote315
Member since 2008 • 320 Posts

okei ..first you need to have a Arctic Silver 5 3.5g Thermal Paste .Most important thing is thermal paster .You have to open your xbox360 up to motherboard.Then when you open everything you will see the cpu than put some paste on tham and put all xbox360 thing back to it .and finish .I will make my video to show you .i make a good guide ..but not today. ;)newdaykid

Doesnt this void the warrenty for people who can just send it back to microsoft and get a new 360 in return.

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#3 WileyCoyote315
Member since 2008 • 320 Posts

You cant argue with MS strategy although it can pays more attention to first parties.

Sony needs a more aggressive strategy. Its great at announcing games ahead of time, but we've yet to see them push out new titles at the pace they need to.

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#4 WileyCoyote315
Member since 2008 • 320 Posts

my money's on Gears 2, LBP or MGS4.

MGS4 is a masterpiece, but not for everyone.

LBP is surely going to stir the gaming world in some way based on my hands on and the previews and reviews.

Gears 2 looks to be a fantastic game that improves vastly on it's GOTY predecessor.

I think MGS4 deserves it the most, in terms of general appeal Gears 2 should get it and in terms of pure genious and innovation LBP should get it.


Lets rule out LBP, its going to get most innovative game of the year.

Its more Gears 2 vs MGS4 vs GTA IV.

Its most likely going to be Geasr 2 in my opinion. Theres nothing you can complain about with that game except that it looks like 'gears 1.5', which is actually nothing if you think about it.

MGS4 and GTA IV deserve that title just as much though.

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#5 WileyCoyote315
Member since 2008 • 320 Posts

This question is mainly directed towards lemmings and their "ps3 has no more exclusive" rant.

Of all the games that have gone multiplatform, which ones have actually improved?

When you answer i would also like to know why you think its better.

And my argument towards "ps3 has no exclusives" i would like to say that while sony has technically lost some 3rd party exclusives, sony still has many strong 1st party games and are currently making alot of new IPs.

IMO many games that are "lost" or gone multiplat are worse and have lost their soul like Ace Combat for example, and just dont feel the same because of some small changes.


Right now the 360 response to Sony Losing exclusives is justified because the 360 already has good exclusives, and PS3 losing exclusives give 360 fans a even bigger game library advantage.

However third parties are making pretty generic games, and first party IP usually are vastly differentiated. Its Sony's best bet at picking up the competition.

I really dont think games going multi-plat is necessarily a bad thing. I honestly cant think of many AAA/AA games that suffered as a result of going multi-plat. And plus, even if one or two does look generic, they just makes truely innovative games that much more appealing.

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#6 WileyCoyote315
Member since 2008 • 320 Posts
Great year to be Rich.
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#7 WileyCoyote315
Member since 2008 • 320 Posts

why won't sony fix this?

they added the crappy triggers, that makes it even more unfomfortable and unnatural, try playing GTA4 with its standard controls, you can't...it hurts.

they also made the anolog sticks more loose:|

they still use rubber start and select buttons:|

and for god sakes extend the length of the handles, to properly grip the thing.

and just replace the d-pad with the left anolog stick and vice versa.



After that you get a 360 controller.

did i further convince your fanboyism to think the 360 is better?

hope not.

Its a joke, cant you laugh?

i know, just felt like saying it. relax.

you should learn to pick who to make your comments to. Short concise statements usually = light hearted joke. But look at the post above and thats your target ^ ^

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#8 WileyCoyote315
Member since 2008 • 320 Posts

360 owners are receiving a huge new upgrade to the 360 this november. Sony has yet to release any support for its console of that magnititude.

In relation to the recent MS moves on securing exclusive DLCs, third party exclusives going multiplat, is this another example of Microsoft's showing the world that it cares more about its console and offer more value to its consumers?

If so, what should be Sony's next response?


The new 360 update is in direct competition with Sony's 'Home' update. Release dates are the same, making this a direct competative move from Sony.


You are going to get so many people spouting "Home, duh" and "RRoD FAIL" in this thread. But anyway. I think they should.. Umm.. They should...

Actually, when you think about it, what can they do? Hmm.

I think Sony should definite continue to develop first party exclusives and devote even more resources to doing that. In a competative market in need of differentiation, first parties are the way to set Sony apart. MS is doing that with trying to secure exclusives for third parties. But first parties are much more beneficial for the long run.

Imagine if Sony expands their first party base and is able to produce 3x LBP like titles per year. It'll take MS two addition exclusives and millions to compete.

I mean thats one way to do it. Sony shouldnt ignore MS's push on third parties, thats all Im saying

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#9 WileyCoyote315
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Those initial screens don't mean anything to me. I turn on a console, put in a game, then turn it off when I'm done. I don't gaze at any of that stuff and I probably wont be on home or the new dashboard much when they comes out either. It's just going to take away from the little gaming time I'm able to squeeze in between school, studying, and work. tmntPunchout

sure thing, but the new features Home and NXE provides additional entertainment experiences outside of gaming that alot of other people do look for.

While competition between console will always be on gaming, this generation is seeing the expansion of console to multi media hubs as well. Each company is marketing their console as the center for entertainment, not just games but movies, clips, video chatting, photo sharing, etc. This is why NXE and Home will contribute to the success/failure of each respective console.

Of course people use the console differently, but I think the casual gaming population is always > hardcore, and casual gamers will look for additional uses of their console much more frequently.

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#10 WileyCoyote315
Member since 2008 • 320 Posts

why won't sony fix this?

they added the crappy triggers, that makes it even more unfomfortable and unnatural, try playing GTA4 with its standard controls, you can't...it hurts.

they also made the anolog sticks more loose:|

they still use rubber start and select buttons:|

and for god sakes extend the length of the handles, to properly grip the thing.

and just replace the d-pad with the left anolog stick and vice versa.



After that you get a 360 controller.

did i further convince your fanboyism to think the 360 is better?

hope not.

Its a joke, cant you laugh?