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#1 WeeMan9287
Member since 2005 • 155 Posts

well guild wars is fun ive played it for aorund 40 hours so far. U can only lvl up to 20 but dont b discouraged because theres plenty of guilds,alliance battles, farming, pvp, guild vs guild, alliance(group of guilds) vs alliance etc. there strategy because u can only have 8 skills unlike WoW, geez fill the whole screen with 10 jillion skills. You can pick two professions, u get the look and skills of ur primary and only skills for ur secondary. wen u enter the places where theres monsters, its only u and ur party(u can pick computer friends lol or u can party up w/ ur friends or strangers u kno LFG type of thing), this can b good cuz theres no respawning unless u enter portal and come bak, or it could b bad cus ya there are no respawns. uh ya plenty of items, no auction house, no mounts and perty fun if ur lookin into GW, i was in the same situation as u but ive played WoW and have no money so the best one the get was GW.

And if ur deciding which of the three to buy(factions,prophecies,nightfall) they all play in the same servers so dont wry about lots of ppl playin the original or more playing the latest one, u can get the expansion too same idea. it just depends on which of the new classes u want but u can get the other two, like if u buy nightfall u only get the original classes + the two new ones, not the two from factions. i own factions mainly cuz nightfall was rather expensive for me i got a good deal on facitons so ya


lol just to oust your 40 hours completely... my friend has seen how much time he put into everquest 2 and its now above 2000 hours hahaha. anyways, i play everquest 2 also and its definitely the biggest, most detaiiled, most thoughtout MMORPG, and most feature filled game out there no doubt about it. The PVP is crazy fun and the quests are not boring like WoWs. Anyways if your looking for a game to give your life away, Everquest 2... but i dont think youve played any so idk, its kinda a harder, more advanced one so maybe GW first, then other games like EQ2

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#2 WeeMan9287
Member since 2005 • 155 Posts

Don't care since I don't care for this gameLonelynight

and the point of you posting here on this forum was?.....

I run the game maxed,

8800gts, c2d 2.66, 2gigs or memory. yeah i like it.

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#3 WeeMan9287
Member since 2005 • 155 Posts

[QUOTE="Staryoshi87"]VISTA IS FINE. Buy 2GB of ram (less than 50 bucks now) and you'll see that it really isn't a "resource hog," it has just bumped the bar up for the required amount of ram. I've had 3 problems with Vista. 1: Soundcard was tricky to install, but once I did, it works fine. 2 and 3. Dark Messiah and Silverfall would not work under Vista, but both are forgettable and it's not really a problem. I actually love Vista and will never use XP (for my main rig) again.marklar123

the fact that you say they need to buy 2gigs of ram for vista proves that vista IS a resource hog. vista is terribly bloated code-wise. just look at linux and apple's OS. they dno't need nearly the requirements of vista. and, no, i'm not an apple or linux fanboy- don't have either. the only reason anyone uses xp or vista is because

A.) people don't know how to use linux and don't want to learn how

B.) apple won't unlock it's OS to work on non-apple hardware



if people didn't have these obstacles, no one would use MS.

Its not terribly bloated with random codes that use more ram... thats just stupid and im pretty sure people would catch on and Microsoft would probably be sued or something for false advertising, idk that would be worst case scenario lol. To remedy your ignorace, you should actually look up why vista is a "resource hog". Just off the top of my head theres a newer way that vista deals with loading stuff, they use something called superfetch or something like that that prefetches the data rather than loading everything at the moment as a youtube video would... Get it?

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#4 WeeMan9287
Member since 2005 • 155 Posts


hahaha, actually it really is quite addicting but seeing as your computer is close to mine, your probably not wanting to put your hardware through a walk on the beach as compared to tabula rasa where its actually evident that the creators put time into graphics... not downing runescape or anything cuz i know thats now what Jagex was aiming for....

um i suggest Everquest 2 bc i play that, although its probably the most hardcore MMO youll ever play, cuz you have to quest grind to be worth a **** Other than that maybe Tabula Rasa or Hellgate as others have said.

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#5 WeeMan9287
Member since 2005 • 155 Posts


Half-Life 2 (actually the entire Orange Box)

Battlefield (2 or 2142)

Age of Empires II (for old times sake)



hahahahaha, Crysis.... since the game is out and all. made me laugh a little. It could be on my top 5 but I havent even played the full game lol, maybe after that ill decide. =)

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#6 WeeMan9287
Member since 2005 • 155 Posts
When you walk into BCIS class (keyboarding and typing class)... and the first few days you find your left hand to be on WASD instead of the home key.
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#7 WeeMan9287
Member since 2005 • 155 Posts

Something sounds wrong with your computer. You should be able to run those game fairly decently (at least med).


Oh god, does this mean hope!

what can i do to find out if anythings wrong?

well..... you could.....google all these that i give you ok...

Download Crap Cleaner or Ccleaner.. this will clear your cookies, not gunna help much at all but it makes you feel better that your hard drive is clean of ... well crap.

Download eUsing free registry cleaner!! This will clear up your registry, which is a more primary state of the computer, anyways it can help just a little bit....

Download ATI tools .26, this can (if you CHOOSE to) help performance if you OVERCLOCK your GPU, youve probably heard of this before or done it, but you can overclock it which means make it run faster than it is suppose to thus providing faster FPS.. frames per second...

And last of all, you have a nice rig.. all it needs is a new processor, which i suggest a core 2 duo, but make sure your motherboard is capable of having a Core 2 duo in it, if not buy another mobo or just get a really high GHz cpu that is supported by your mobo.. I cant remember if your mobo was AMD or not, o well everything i have said still applies... hope you dont give up.

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#8 WeeMan9287
Member since 2005 • 155 Posts

I have the demo and im not going to buy the game now. It optimizes my pc for Med settings. At that level the graphics look horrible. Halo3 and Gears of war look way batter than med settings on crysis. The sad thing is if I start moving things to high it gets choppy. And I have a pc that should produce better results. I have a DUo2 6300 with 3 gigs, and a Ati X1950 Pro video card. Yeah it's not the best pc for games but it's pretty good, and alot faster than my 360. But honestly Gow, Halo3, and Bioshock all look better on my 360 than this game on my pc, that's sad. Im not buying a Dx 10 card right now because A they are still over priced, and B DX 10.1 cards are on the way. Also my setup the game should look good, yes I understand I wont get all the bendable foliage and stuff w/out a DX10 card, but still this is shameful. It looks almost exactly like FarCry on my old PC which wasn't a third the pc I have now.digitalman42

that sucks for you... well im off to play the demo maxed out... ahh, i love my capabiliites to build my own computer, and expect it to play crysis at full.... o and by the way... Its crytek engine... Crysis = GAME Crytek = Engine.... and since i have a 8800 GTS their are new beta drivers that is built just for crysis haha, yeah.... Nvidia does care about me... muha.

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#9 WeeMan9287
Member since 2005 • 155 Posts

My advice here is..... keep your xbox.. unless your really tight on money, bc (and dont hate on me guys) i dont care who you are what you do or what color your skin is..... 4 controllers and 4 guys (or girls) with a loud attitude is fun as hell with any game and halo suffices.. im not saying halo is great because i know that if we could do that with every PC game then PC would be god completely lol... hence CS and DoD and CoD being so fun right...

But back to the point. I suggest investing in the old games like before, maybe warcraft 3, Counter Strike Source or 1.6... the old counter strike.... Call of duty 2 or 1... but just saying that the community of PC will probably be the most helpful and reliable people youll ever meet.... BC i know that if someone really needed help with PC problems or something i would help them for ten or fifteen minutes you know.... So just keep in mind that yes, there will always be spawn campers and **** but hey, they are everywhere.. but there is alot of good people out there too lol... hope you make a decision soon!...

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#10 WeeMan9287
Member since 2005 • 155 Posts
um arent yall forgetting the best one yet lol.... GUITAR HERO 3 for PC... and crysis, and the withcer....