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#1 Vipa37
Member since 2009 • 268 Posts



Ah man, is that it? Some predictions on what PSN is going to be like and bringing up past problems from like last year that weren't even widespread?

You have got to come harder than that, because that elephant that reads "low amount of upcoming exclusives" didn't move an inch with that rant.


How hard do you want me to go you want me to talk about a game that I ACTUALLY own or you wanna talk about the fact that if you know anything about hacking its gonna get ALOT worse look at what they did in 2 weeks. Imagine a whole year with them not being able to do anything about it other than oh and if the rumor that they are gonna do to new ps3 games that they do to pc games which is to limit how many times you can install a game then hey sucks to be thembut about it not being widespread believe me got the game first day it was widespread or they wouldnt have put up a BIG sign that said please play gt5 OFFLINE without the internet being hooked up to it until we get these problems resolved. Sounds like a twitter trending topic with most ps3 games having early signs of i cant connect blues.

Good old speculation.

Rumor like you said, hasn't been confirmed.

I fail to see what a problem that happened at GT5s release, that has been fixed last year has to do with the 360s bad exclusive lineup this year.

Most PS3 games have problems connecting online? Well for me Killzone 2, Resistance, Uncharted 2 and others had no problems connecting for me early on, so what PS3 game that can't connect are you talking about?

1. How is it speculation if its happening right now

2. I agree i hope it doesnt come to pass

3. GT5s release STILL HAS BUGS but thats neither here nor there 8 gig install and the game still loads like its stuck in a bear trap and it had to have 3 different updates to solve problems that another update created

4. Socom confrontation, Call of duty black ops, modern warfare 2, world at war,little big planet 1,MAG, you want me to keep going?

The bottom line is most people on the psn are playing MULTIPLATS you know the same thing that people keep lambasting microsoft on even though they play MULTIPLATS over the coveted exclusives. look i love uncharted 2 great game i loved god of war 3 for the 3 days it took me to beat it but the thing is most people are waiting for the multiplats people were waiting for the shiny turd that gt5 turned out to be. Do i think its gonna get better for gt5 absolutly but as of now in order for me to play it to its full potential i have to play it like i play a mmo WHAT PART OF THE GAME IS THAT?

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#2 Vipa37
Member since 2009 • 268 Posts

Ah man, is that it? Some predictions on what PSN is going to be like and bringing up past problems from like last year that weren't even widespread?

You have got to come harder than that, because that elephant that reads "low amount of upcoming exclusives" didn't move an inch with that rant.

How hard do you want me to go you want me to talk about a game that I ACTUALLY own or you wanna talk about the fact that if you know anything about hacking its gonna get ALOT worse look at what they did in 2 weeks. Imagine a whole year with them not being able to do anything about it other than oh and if the rumor that they are gonna do to new ps3 games that they do to pc games which is to limit how many times you can install a game then hey sucks to be them but about it not being widespread believe me got the game first day it was widespread or they wouldnt have put up a BIG sign that said please play gt5 OFFLINE without the internet being hooked up to it until we get these problems resolved. Sounds like a twitter trending topic with most ps3 games having early signs of i cant connect blues.

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#3 Vipa37
Member since 2009 • 268 Posts

[QUOTE="Deathtransit"]I have a PS3 and 360, and I honestly don't know why lems keep apologizing for MS and defending MS's 2011 lineup. Sure, the multiplats are usually slightly better on 360, but if I had only a PS3 this year then I wouldn't be missing out on much at all. I mean, are you lems happy MS is concentrating on Kinect instead of core games? Wouldn't you rather have multiplats and exclusives? As a gamer I just don't get it. I don't hate MS or 360, but I am definitely disappointed with their direction. I think with any system the company could do ANYTHING and their fanboys would be right there behind them.Bigboi500

Agreed. It's like lemmings just don't wanna talk about the giant elephant in the room.

Lets talk about the giant elephant in the room besides the fact that inevitably the psn is gonna be hacked to high heaven unless sony figures out a way to stop the hackers then you also lets talk about the games people wanna play the new COD the new assassins creed. Bottom line is that how many exclusives do people play on here? Not many they buy them and then they take em back look at the gran turismo 5 fiasco the first 2 weeks they asked you to NOT PLAY ONLINE cause the game would erase your saves and give you connection issues and the problems also stretched OFFLINE. Then lets talk about COD BO connection issues galore and yet they dont have the same issues on live wonder why. Oh and even though you got exclusive content for assassins creed brotherhood it runs better and looks better on xbox. What happened to all that storage space and TEH CELLZ?

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#4 Vipa37
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I just think overall if they did that for console games then what would make it different from a pc game if the system stops working your screwed if you lent it out to someone and they used all your keys or you can never sell ps3 games which would make many people including gamestop upset

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#5 Vipa37
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Citing "a very reliable source," the site outlines a new serial-key authentication process whereby Blu-ray disc games would be paired to PlayStation 3 units, authenticating against Sony's servers. The site adds that each serial key would only be usable up to five times.

Who would even buy games after this? Of course its only a rumor but if sony did this what would ps3 gamers do?

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#6 Vipa37
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why does this convo come up every month its like a dam herpes infection please stop the madness PSN has come a long way but it still doesnt have the content it should have and it also STILL does not have demos for all their new games how hard is it to make a demo for your dl content. Also what is with this PSN and LIVE are equal garbage it hasnt been since the begining if you dont like LIVE why talk about it i find PSN ok but i have no reason to create 50 billion threads on my hate of something i dont own.

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#7 Vipa37
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I have the game i like the game but its biggest flaw is that like mgs 4 the install is gigantic and it STILL installs stuff as you play i still give it a wtf moments when i have to reload a license trial and it has to load with the biggest install in all of ps3 kind it still sucks to have to do that but i digress it is a good game i can see why they gave it an 8 but its still gonna sell and people are still gonna enjoy it like i am now.

But i still cant wait to see what forza has in store :D

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#8 Vipa37
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I agree completely OP. You'd have to bat**** insane to think online gaming is worth 60 dollars a year.rcignoni

Go to the world of warcraft forums and let me know how that goes i would love to see your flame shield survive that onslaught oh and who pays money to have a game install and have loading times on par with a system that just uses dvd drive to read the info?

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#9 Vipa37
Member since 2009 • 268 Posts

[QUOTE="Funconsole"][QUOTE="spookykid143"]XBL and PSN are the same, Cross game chat doesn't make it magically better.


Really? :| That's like saying a phone that can ONLY text and a phone that can text AND call isn't any better :?

can you access YouTube on Xbox Live?

Who uses youtube on their psn browser where they do that at? not when i can hook up my pc which does 50 times more than blu-ray and wait for my games to install and give me load times on par with xbox

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#10 Vipa37
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So I go to play a game on my PS3 and when it's about to start I get a message saying "You need to install a System Update. Go to Settings and Network Updates to install", mind you I can't click from there and install the damn thing which is required. So I go to settings and update, "You need to quit your game before update starts", fine since I can't play the game anyways until the bloody update, "PS3 will restart once update is complete". 15 minutes later, PS3 begins to install, 5 minutes later it restarts. Yea, only on PSN. Suddenly paying $6 doesn't seem so bad.


ohh no!! i cant get my update right away! i have to wait 10 minutes.. noooooooooooo /darth vader pic

edit: its still free

i love these threads its the same thing repeated the crap is so redundant its sad but to put something in perspective for the psn lovers why is it that you have to pay for a feature to get background updates which basically lets you install the updates while you play a game or what have you since you say its 10 mins i wonder how big that install was cause downloading a 100+ meg file which is fail itself just play mag for the first time or socom and tell me what you see i bet you that its gonna be longer than 10 mins. GT5 gave me proof :)