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Didn't know Minecraft was from the Swedes, cool vid.

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Edited By Vince21C

@Diarma10 Don't believe the 4.5, IT'S A TRAP!!!

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Edited By Vince21C

So I replayed game and BAM, I had a blast. I realize why there is a mixed reaction both on the professional critics end as well as the end players.

Simply put lack of skill =P

The disparity in reviews is partially due to the controls (as noted in the review podcast) and hence based on a split between the people who properly controlled the game and those that didn't. Brad even said somewhere in the podcast "because they were good at it??"

One example is the speed in which the characters move is similar to the sensitivity in camera and aim settings. If someone is use to a lower sensitivity they will have a hard time playing with a control scheme that is highly sensitive. The old RE had a button to run but RE6 had that "run" speed standardized as the normal movement speed. Since most players normally thrust the analogy fully in whichever direction they will constantly "run" and because of the tank control roots people aren't use to controlling the camera separately on own to frame the action hence another disconnect.

It's not so much bad camera angles as it is the players ===NOT USING THE CAMERA===. Also note that Dead Space walks instead of runs and that also allowed players who are use to a low sensitivity pace themselves better. In truth though this is a horror game and RE5's movement speed was in the right, normal analog control is walking and a button to run.

Here's the killer though, the famous 180 turn. RE4-6's environments and camera are inputted in such a way that it requires a 180 turn. Playing the game I realized that you can cancel out of your 180 turn midway if you keep either analogy in a direction thus the clumsy players struggle with the camera some more if they constantly held the analogy stick. And this my friends, all add up to your supposedly bad cameras. It's true that during the 180 you can standardize it and restrict all player inputs until the turn is over though.

Some players are just stuck to muscle memory and cannot adjust hence they want the old RE because they cannot seem to re-learn a schematic that ISN'T OBVIOUS.

No offense GS but IGN has got you beat on actual gaming skill hence control wasn't much of an issue in their review and their score was much higher =P.

The spamable melee attacks and quick shots are also a fair call. These do add to a camera spas and when I stopped relying on them (and only using them when enemies wandered too close). BOOM problem solved.

And when I played on harder difficulties it did keep a degree of it's survival horror element because I had to keep a single green herb handy for a red one.

RE6 essentially was a game that had it's limiters taken off and not everybody can properly control it. Imo a game should try and let everybody play the way it was suppose to be played and having a spammable melee attack or quick shot that encourages people to melee their way through (which is totally secondary or I'd even go so far to say tertiary to the methodical gun action of RE4). The limited mobility of the tank controls and slower run speed encourages players to engage rather than evade and this further keeps the players in the gun mode during combat as oppose to a melee assault. Although a change in tank controls is favoured it didn't take into account small things such as people simply not framing the action properly I think, in part because they were use to the old RE tank scheme or they simply weren't use to the sensitivity of the camera or sudden increase in player input on mobility. Some people didn't quite pick up on this and hence, failed uterlly and had a terrible time with the camera. I too was use to the tank mechanics but once I realized what was going on and fixed it, DONE. GAME'S GOOD MUTHA FUKAS

Fair call on set piece after set piece though, but again I think Capcom may have done that to force the movie theme =/

All in all RE6 is like an ice cream cone. Your suppose to eat the ice cream before you get to the cone and the people who do that will enjoy a great treat. If you stuff the entire cone then it's only going to be a cluster fuyk in your mouth and you won't enjoy it, no matter how sweet it really is.

This game can easily be an 8

RE6 is a great game that isn't for everybody because they didn't play it properly due to a sudden increase in flexibility both in melee attacks and mobility controls. This is further exemplified by a system that didn't properly restrict or train the players as in the case of RE5 being only able to pull of melee attacks after a trick shot as well as tank controls solidifying a proper pacing as well as structuring movement such as the 180 turn. Although a change from tank mechanics is favoured, the game didn't add a necessary layer of padding for things such as the 180 turn, among other related things such as the walk and run mechanic now no longer separated through a button. Things like these aren't friendly to players who are use to, for example, constantly swing the analog fully in one direction which would result in a run instead of a needed walk. The reviews of both professional and fans alike reflected the frustration as well as the disparity between those who realized this and those that did not, whether they are conscious of it or not.

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Edited By Vince21C

fog90 --; what are you doing... The shit you're posting has nothing to do with RE6

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@skindizer Yeah... It deserve more than a 4.5

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@skindizer but then I do rmb people not liking the fact that the old zombies were bullet sinks and that they wanted their heads to pop. I think it was a rail shooter game though.

Hmmmm could Capcom have been paying too much attention to fans and loose track of making a good game?? Maybe that is the result of RE6.

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@skindizer I think the pacing of the game might need a change cuz that vid wasn't all that bad. but Leon runs too fast and kills too quick that you don't get to take in the fact that it's a zombie apoco.