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Edited By Vince21C

@Tadakhol Valentines day, just hooked up wif a random guy at the pub, don't even rmb his name LOL!! Hey man, don't judge. After 3 repeat posts of "Look! if ME3 let us choose to be a Homo or lover-man that's OK! but if we must have Homosexuality in the game That's a hell of ****". -and- "I asked are we must have sex with a Male or we can choose?!" I just had to say it b.c u shuld really acknowledge who u are and accept yourself as you are. To be fair though I haven't labelled myself as gay bi, or straight but experimenting b.c I myself am trying to figure it all out

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Edited By Vince21C

@Tadakhol Yo man! wad up? I got a copy of ME3 as well as a million bucks for u. Yep it's completely free but I'm afraid u're gona have to come out of that closet to get it though Just sayin bro =)

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Edited By Vince21C

@darkcomedian It's called displacement. In today's society being homophobic is associated with hate speech and people generally don't want to be labelled as "the bad guy." Since they can't opening attack such an issue without potential backlash they displace their frustration and anger on something else. Come on, a game that is around the 9/10 on professional review sites can't possible be a 0 or a 1.5 on user ratings NOW CAN IT... To be fair though those ratings may be over exaggerated to CAPS LOCK THEIR FRUSTRATION and professional review sites won't burn bridges b.c they like news//beta 'cookies'

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Edited By Vince21C

LOL at the last two Associations Derppy Day one dlc finally gets a slap in the face. Just make a smart consumer decision and decline... As for straying from the traditional rpg mechanics... Sigh... you traded off yr target market in favour of the mass market. Not necessarily bad in a monetary standpoint but loyalty has definitely wavered. O, one more thing I wanted to say. This whole outrage might just be a VOCAL minority. THINGS MIGHT HAVE MORE IMPACT WHN U CAPS LOCK BUT IF U HAVE READ THROUGH MY COMMENTS, WILL U RMB THE MESSAGE I WAS TRYING TO CONVEY OR THE CAPS LOCK PARAGRAPH AT THE END. unfortunately some may just rmb the caps lock paragraph even though it was just a small section of my 3 msgs... =(

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Edited By Vince21C

In terms of gay rights, I am all for it. Who do you think you are by stopping someone from getting married. What jurisdiction do you have to tell people what they can or cannot do. That's what I thought douche In terms of promotion of homosexual activity I lean towards acceptance and acknowledgement of such orientations but to identify it as a different and distinct relationship from (and I do not mean to offend when I say this) the norm. Just b.c yr different doesn't make you anything less of a human being

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Edited By Vince21C

I was shocked when so many people on metacritic gave ME3 a low score because of its homosexual content... I mean I can understand how people are afraid that as this type of sexual orientation is constantly being promoted, society will undoubtedly accept it as part of the norm. Although I am sure the gay community feels that this is what it should have been from the start, I can see both sides. The willingness for youth to experiment and "try" such orientations would be heightened as society starts to identify homosexual activity as normal. Parents, who value traditional relationships and the nuclear family would be in utter despair if their son//daughter brings home someone of the same sex. And lets face it... Sex... Is Sex. As morbid as this may sound, any form of stimulation in the genital region will cause a 'response' and as for the human mind, what is considered right and wrong has a degree of subjectivity to it. Although I do believe that genetics do play a role in sexual orientations I simply cannot rule out the possibility of 'nurture' playing a role as well.

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Edited By Vince21C

I rmb I had a conversation with this gay guy (who I'll call bob) about mass effect 3. He was so excited about it lol. All of a sudden this other same-sex orientation guy comes in and he's like wat's mass effect 3? and bob just went on to describe every aspect of the mass effect romance options only he came across as a total creep LOL!! "We get to go on this space mission and you choose romance options and by picking the right ones you make love to thes-" as he starts to slur his words b.c his mouth creeps up a rape face smile lol The other guy (who wasn't a gamer) was all like "Ooohhh kay..." and starts to turn away. I felt bad 4 bob so I ended up trying to play up this video game like it was this really cool thing (which it is in all honesty) to dispel the vibe of 0.o; lol good times

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@CarlosRodela 1:30 2:16 3:35 5:28 We should be friends, u free sunday?

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