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#1 TheEvilBaron
Member since 2004 • 148 Posts

[QUOTE="TheEvilBaron"][QUOTE="FirstDiscovery"][QUOTE="jakarai"]so ps3 outsold the xbox 360 by 600k units this year in europe alone. crazy numbers!WilliamRLBaker

The year isnt over, and the way its going, MS seems to have the holiday, so the gap will close a bit
Where are these numbers coming from anyways?xsubtownerx

I think with LBP not released in Europe yet, Resistance 2, Motor Storm 2 and Valkyria, Sony has a solid exclusive line up to appeal to the gamers for the holiday, topped off with the multiplats. And if R2 is marketing PROPERLY, for once, Sony could do very well for the holidays as PS3 is gaining momentum in EU after a long wait. So maybe MS may gain more consoles, but Sony will definately further their gap, as still, there's, theothetically 90m PS2 owners waiting for the right time to jump.

sorry no combined console sales this gen from all 3 pretty much is 70% of the ps2's sales last year so its not 90m ps2 owners waiting.

You're forgetting Xbox has it's own install base, which unless has exceeded 25m (Haven't been following numbers.) doesn't take away from the PS2, Wii, I'll accept. Though like I said, theoretically...Theoretically those millions of PS2 owners may never make the jump, who knows.
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#2 TheEvilBaron
Member since 2004 • 148 Posts
[QUOTE="jakarai"]so ps3 outsold the xbox 360 by 600k units this year in europe alone. crazy numbers!FirstDiscovery
The year isnt over, and the way its going, MS seems to have the holiday, so the gap will close a bit
Where are these numbers coming from anyways?xsubtownerx

I think with LBP not released in Europe yet, Resistance 2, Motor Storm 2 and Valkyria, Sony has a solid exclusive line up to appeal to the gamers for the holiday, topped off with the multiplats. And if R2 is marketing PROPERLY, for once, Sony could do very well for the holidays as PS3 is gaining momentum in EU after a long wait. So maybe MS may gain more consoles, but Sony will definately further their gap, as still, there's, theothetically 90m PS2 owners waiting for the right time to jump.
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#3 TheEvilBaron
Member since 2004 • 148 Posts
Ah right, thanks, I'll bear that in mind, baby steps for now though =)
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#4 TheEvilBaron
Member since 2004 • 148 Posts

Just wondering, before I accept, must we pay to be able to use the Konami/Game ID for MGO? Seeing as it states payment conditions, though never asked for any card details, so any help would be appreciated. =)

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#5 TheEvilBaron
Member since 2004 • 148 Posts

So many Americans in denial about this. The whole Trade benefits is how the EU started off...Now look at it, proven corrupt to its core and when Ireland voted NO to the Lisbon Treaty what did the EU leaders say? That Ireland had to correct the outcome to get the right vote...Any Union will end up corrupt and eventually try to form a superstate. It is the road to Facism. The EU certainly proves that with the way it handles its affairs. Though if Americans want Canadians deciding American laws in years to come, feel free to go ahead with it.
Though I guess if Europe must suffer a Union despite a majority opposed then so should the rest of the world =)
Give good people power and watch that power change them.

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#6 TheEvilBaron
Member since 2004 • 148 Posts

It's also very interesting where he says MGS4 was pushing the cell and the PS3 to it's limits

console already MAXED out...not looking to good for the 10 or so years ahead this console is meant to have


Doesn't every developer of every generation claim such things? Then a new game shows them up...
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#7 TheEvilBaron
Member since 2004 • 148 Posts

[QUOTE="iamthetruth55"]No becuase the power engine of Cell drives it to be a more powerful machine giving it the edge over the xbox 360 and it's RROD. Xbox 360 delayed GTA4 because they were waiting hoping microsoft would fix the problem but they didn't! PS3 has some GREAT looking games coming out soon like MGS4 FF13 resistence 2 and Kill zone 2.st1ka

the game was delayed because of the PS3s lack of RAM and the 360s lack of space on a DVD9

the 360 has a better GPU which is overall more important then the CPU

the PS3 has a more powerfull CPU but it is extremely hard to program far and frankly it isnt their job to push the PS3s limits, GTA was never about the graphics

FF13 MGS 4 resistance 2 and killzone 2 are not out yet we dont know exactly how do they look like

you obviously have no idea what your talking about, just admit your wrong and we can all move along

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the CPU more important as it delivers the gameplay? Which, in my case, I'd prefer my games to run smoothly rather than looking awesome but performing like a 80 year old in a marathon...Unless you're a graphics whore of course, then yeah, GPU would be better...
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#8 TheEvilBaron
Member since 2004 • 148 Posts

Ok two reasons it will

The United States is not the only gaming market

Brand loyality


You're right the US isnt the only gaming market, but it has the most impact one. And number two it imports consoles to a lot of other countries.

And as for brand loyalty. MS is FAR more known than sony. And I'm not talking about consoles.


What're you smoking and where can I get it. Windows doesnt ring a bell to you? Or the office suite?


Jeesh you never quit...Doesn't Sony Bravia HDTV's rig a bell? Or Sony Blu Ray players? Or Sony PS3's? Or Sony Camcorders? Or Sony BMG? Or Sony Pictures Entertainment? Or Sony Ericsson? No? Well, sheltered life?...Sony is a far more known brand due to it's enormous range of products, not everyone owns a Windows PC, some own MACs. However you're very likely to have come into contact with a Sony product at least once a week.
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#9 TheEvilBaron
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You've seen people being forced to get 360's? Wow, Fascism on the rise=P
Well, even know, most people I know dislike the 360 and opt for the PS3 and some are even selling their 360s.

NGS II, you can keep them.
Gear of War 2, not going to become the next Halo in terms of a brand staying a float on one franchise again?
Also, the PS3 dominates the games region this year.

What "long" installation times? =S...I've never experienced one yet and never been pissed off. And the HD only gets clogged up if you're too lazy to delete what you don't need...Which you can wait longer for than the 360 HD=P

NA, ISN'T the world...Japan and Europe sell far more PS3's and world wide the PS3 is dominating. Even last year it dominated with the 360's HALO 3 out...

Price drop all they want. The PS3 is still expensive and selling well, they knock it down another £50 and it'll sell even more.

Revamping LIVE, that going to cost more money?...I'll enjoy my free PSN =)

=S...Are you insane? HD DVD price drop? It's being discontinued...Or you crazy enough to buy obsolete technology?

Psychology proves people stick to what is familiar. Friend groups and such and your usual hang outs prove this. Plus the Xbox brand isn't that popular outside NA.

Advertising has lured people in what?...I and many others had a year of what can only be described as over the top, verging on annoying amounts of advertisements that just turned us off the 360...."Jump In"?...More like "**** Off the damn TV!" =)

Seriously, you fail =D

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#10 TheEvilBaron
Member since 2004 • 148 Posts

When they loved sigma soooo much :)


They might have, I found it boring, too much the same thing. NG 2, you can keep it =)...All this is IMHO mind.