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#1 StrongDeadlift
Member since 2010 • 6073 Posts

really lems? really? youre going to point the finger at "god of war" and say its not innovative and fresh enough? youre going to say that all the god of war games are the same, when halo has reused the same set-pieces, the same enemy types, the same gunplay, and the same vehicle mechanics with only minor differences in each game? but of course thats different, because its halo. and therefore its exempt from the same rules.

This. halo is arguably the biggest offender. Not to mention every single game looks exactly the same, copy pasted between each game. I hate Halo's copy-paste level design, but I wasnt trying to open this bag of woms.
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#2 StrongDeadlift
Member since 2010 • 6073 Posts

I think they should change it up. Make it more open world like Dark Souls. Keep the same sized levels found in GOW3, but have them interconnected gicing the player the freedom of where to go next, and of course, an overall objective that ties it together (or restricts certain areas). Its very possible. Mass Effect, for example, allows for freedom all while telling a compelling story. It's just a matter of designing it properly.

This. I think open world games (I.E. Infamous 2, Red Dead Redemption, or anything Rockstar makes) are the perfect format for AAA blockbuster game. I just like the pacing, and how I can choose to play it how I want to.
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#3 StrongDeadlift
Member since 2010 • 6073 Posts

Now, to give my full opinion on this thread, the TC is absolutely right. God of War 3 was TERRIBLE (and this is comming from a cow). God of War is so bad that you can literally just watch playthroughs on youtube and get the exact same experience as playing the game. Seriously, the game is awful.

The game plays EXACTLY like a PS2/PSP game. (and there is NO hyperbole in that sentence). The game is filled with invisible walls, the animations suck for everything compared to the best of Sony's exclusives (Uncharted 2/3, Infamous 2).

The platforming is GARBAGE compared to Uncharted 2. If youve spent any extended amount of time playing Uncharted 2 or 3, you would know how below standards GoW3 was in this reguard. If you still own GoW3 (I dont), go play it, and try to climb up something. Now, go try to climb something in Uncharted 2(or 3 if your in the beta). It is a joke gameplay wise. After playing games like Uncharted and Infamous 2, God of War has some serious evolving to do.

Not to mention the games are WAY to linear, damn near on rails. Franchises like Uncharted (among others, not just exclusives) have proven that being linear doesnt mean on rails walking down a 10 foot corridoor for the entire game.

Also, the combat sucks. I used to be a God of War fanboy back in the day, but better games have come.

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#4 StrongDeadlift
Member since 2010 • 6073 Posts

[QUOTE="Blabadon"]Lol at woodenfork making an account just to troll people. There's nothing you said Gears faced God of War hasn't. woodenfork21
On the subject, what new has GoW3 added to their game besides better graphics? Give me a list plleeaassee lol. I'd love to see it...what new elements have been added to the game that make it not as much a rehash as I consider it. From wat I can see its still button mashing and quick time events that were there in the first game. What's the list you have that shows GoW3 is an advancement from the first one, besides flashy graphics. From Gears 1 it had the graphics, Gear 2 it had horde mode(which was so good that other games created their own version of it), Gears 3 beast well as a great all around online experience. God of War hasn't added ANYTHING to its game...just polished it up a bit. I just find it funny when I saw so many cows n people saying how Gears hasn't changed at all and the gameplay hasn't changed. but then say how GoW3 is one of the ps3z best games when its basically the same thing they've been playing since last gen with better graphics, Thats all. So why come at me like that for an opinion I have....I wasn't trolling anybody lol smh. Just because I hit a nerve doesn't give u the right to falsely label me....that would be youngminded n petty.

Bro, I agree with you that God of War 3 was a dissapointment and that the series is in dire need of evolving (the game plays EXACTLY like a PS2 game, invisible walls galore, and the animations are terrible compared to the best of Sonys exclusives this gen) but where are all these cows you speak of "bashing" gears of war? :?

I havent seen any cows saying that about Gears 3. And Cows bash the other factions the most? Lol wut? you havent been in an Uncharted thread before have you :lol:. (or a Killzone thread, or an Infamous thread, or any other PS3 exclusive)

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#5 StrongDeadlift
Member since 2010 • 6073 Posts

The console version has absolutely ZERO chance of anything higher than 8.5. I honestly expect it to get a 7.5 and be Medal of Honor all over again (srs opinion, and before you flame me, I was in the BF3 betaandown BC2.)

The game felt exactly like BC2. (and no, fanboys, I dont care about some new unlocks, save your breath, you same fanboys crap all over CoD for that crap, yet it is a game changer when it involves BF3 :roll: )

Not to mention no destructability. (in the console version). The game is an inferior version of BC2 that will only be played (again on CONSOLES) because its new, and has a massive marketing campaign. Not to mention websites have already gone on record about how crappy the single player is. The single player will just be a tacked on space filler that has no purpose in existing (just like Bad Company 2's terribad campaign). How anyone thinks this is AAA material is beyond me (and for the 3rd time, I am talking about CONSOLES! I have to keep repeating this)

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#6 StrongDeadlift
Member since 2010 • 6073 Posts
So 3G is pretty much useless?SaltyMeatballs
it has the same level of functionality as the Iphone (it has the same download limit)
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#7 StrongDeadlift
Member since 2010 • 6073 Posts


ok, so whats the point in the 3G version then?sts106mat

So people can use them on the go, when they arent near Wi-Fi hot spots.

right ok, but then, would that mean that they couldn't watch more than a few youtube videos as that would add up to 20MB pretty quickly.

no, no, no, the 20MB limit is not a DATA limit, it is the maximum size for apps you can download.

I.E. if you try to download a game over 3G and it is larger than 20MB, it will tell you that there is a 20GB limit and to connect vie Wi-Fi.

For comparison, the Iphone has a 10MB download limit for apps over 3G (although I think they raised it a few months ago, it might be 20MBs now). All it means is that you cannot download a game over the PSN via 3G that is over 20MBs.

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#8 StrongDeadlift
Member since 2010 • 6073 Posts

[QUOTE="sts106mat"]does this mean there are more than one PS-vita version? why dont they have wi-fi as standard?, heck my WP7 mobile phone caps games via 3G or HSDP (or whatever) for larger games you need a wi-fi / pc connection. sts106mat

Wi-fi is in BOTH of them :|

Its just like an Iphone. You have the option to use Wi-Fi or not.

I however will not be getting the 3G version anyways, because I already have an Iphone for that, and I dont even use the 3G on it anymore anyways (once youve had it for years, the "app store" loses its novelty, and the only time im ever away from my Laptop for extended amounts of time, im most likely doing something where I wouldnt care to use my phone to surf the internet anyways)

ok, so whats the point in the 3G version then?

So people can use them on the go, when they arent near Wi-Fi hot spots.
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#9 StrongDeadlift
Member since 2010 • 6073 Posts

does this mean there are more than one PS-vita version? why dont they have wi-fi as standard?, heck my WP7 mobile phone caps games via 3G or HSDP (or whatever) for larger games you need a wi-fi / pc connection. sts106mat

Wi-fi is in BOTH of them :|

Its just like an Iphone. You have the option to use Wi-Fi or not.

I however will not be getting the 3G version anyways, because I already have an Iphone for that, and I dont even use the 3G on it anymore anyways (once youve had it for years, the "app store" loses its novelty, and the only time im ever away from my Laptop for extended amounts of time, im most likely doing something where I wouldnt care to use my phone to surf the internet anyways)

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#10 StrongDeadlift
Member since 2010 • 6073 Posts

If anything, its Bad Company 1.5, because it is inferior to Bad Company 2.