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@BadMrSnake @Snowx1 4k tech is not needed currently. Way to pricey and wouldn't garner enough mainstream.

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Edited By Snowx1

Ohhhh..its on now:D. Playstation and xbox head to head:D. Should be an epic E3 :).

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@Clownbabby @Snowx1 I am including every system by Nintendo. They all have been pretty lackluster. Just my don't flame me. Thankyou. Not here to start a war. Just giving my opinion like everyone else. I will hold this opinion until they can make something that is with the times and actually is *Next Gen* and not something that was next gen 2-3 years ago.

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:O...*gasp* EA said something that we can all agree on? Never thought that would happen:). Yes, the Wii U is crap. Pretty much it is catering to those type of people who don't have a lick of knowledge in hardware and pretty much don't care what they are buying. EXAMPLE: Moms who want their kids happy but dont want to spend an arm and a leg. Or kids under the age of 13 or so who really have no idea on how to check specs on things and just listen to those big words and assume they are getting the best. Nothing new here:). Nintendo has always done this with every system.

Point being, they should have got out of the hardware bussiness a long time ago.

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Edited By Snowx1

@themaster22 @Snowx1

Yeah, this site does rate some games too high or too low. Every gaming site does that however. You can't really please everyone when you review something. That is impossible in society. A review is there to just gives a heads up on a product or a warning par say. This person did not enjoy the product as much as someone else maybe would have. The difference of opinion is what causes the problems. Anyway, good day to you. did not mean to step on any toes. Just wanted to chime in on my thoughts -_-.

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@themaster22 @Snowx1

-_-..I have never played Crysis 3 nor have I had any interest in any part of that series. I would honestly give the Crysis series a 5 or so because it never interested me like I said. I have however played Bioshock Infinite and I think that it got the score that it earned. Bioshock in my mind was pretty amazing:).

The reality of the situation though as I tried to get at in my original post is that it all boils back down to opinion. You may think that Dead Island riptide is a masterpiece and deserves a 10. The guy reviewing it however, did not. The 4 it got in my book was a little low too. I would have given it a 5.5 6 or so. When I saw the 4, what went on in my head is this: Ok, the game probably has quite a few problems and bugs and the combat/questing is probably meh like the first game.

I really don't think the guy reviewing this was out of order though as you claim. I mean id rather hear a sincere opinion and correct ideology on it over him just boosting the score and lying about it. Clearly he did not enjoy his experience.. but everyone has the right to their opinion.

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Edited By Snowx1

:p.. I love coming on here and seeing all the people in the comments section holding pitchforks and fire shouting: Burrnnn the one who dare gives a low review score! lol :). I played the first Dead Island myself and it was good.. and I imagine this one is ok too. The first game had a lot of problems with it and it got the score it earned. The low review score on this one is probably justified too. I mean think about it.. if a lot of the same bugs are present from the first to the second game than something is obviously not right. Most of them should have been fixed.

Don't start flaming me or anything because I'm not saying the game is probably not fun or anything.. I am just saying the score is justified. Plus you have to take into account that any review is only an opinion ... it is not the be all end all to any means. If you liked the first than you will probably like the second. Simple as that. Trying to get somebody to re-review something is a tad much guys. Not everyone is going to enjoy the same things as you. People have a right to their opinions lol.

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Edited By Snowx1

I am one of those people that is also enjoying the heck out of this game:). Don't get me wrong, there are a few meh things and bugs about it, but it is really easy to overlook a lot of the bad things sense it does a lot of things right and is pretty addicting to boot. I disagree on the story not drawing you in. I find it quite interesting so far. To each there own though. The chat interface is for sure a joke and needs to be improved pronto. I hardly see anyone interacting in chat but do run into a lot out in the world willing to lend a helping hand when your in trouble.

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These people really need to give it a break. Holy crap -_-. Games do not influence people to do bad things. Everything boils down to the individual themselves. A person with mental health issues will always have mental health issues. People have a conscious and are self aware to think for themselves. This is just like the gun control thing they been talking on about. Outside influence does not matter. Taking away guns and putting a strain or whatever on them will not do a damn bit of good. People will and always will find a way to do bad things. It always comes back to the same concept. A person with a mental health problem or has bad intentions and likes to hurt people will always find a way. It really amazes how arrogant some of these people are when they talk about this stuff. This senator really has not the slightest clue.

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Damnnitt April Fools joke lol -_-. Would have been nice if a new installment was coming for Deus Ex :p. pfft.