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#1 Rekashal
Member since 2010 • 77 Posts

[QUOTE="Symphonycometh"][QUOTE="Wild_Card"]iv been a gamer sense the nes and i can tell you that graphics has always been important to many gamers and a hot topic for discussion. its only this gen that people have fallen in to some kind of fad with claiming graphics are not important or game play over graphics like they think that makes them some how enlightened, when in fact it just makes them sound like pompous trend chasers. before this gen the concept that graphics and game play should be weighed against each other was hardly ever brought up. If so in so does not care about how there games look then thats fine, but for me, seeing as i spend 100% of my game time LOOKING at the game and the fact that the vast majority of every part of game play is done in correlation to the graphics "you cant jump from one ledge to another if you cant see it ect" then i want what i see to look as good as it can. plus with better graphics capabilty you can have more items,objects and characters on screen, you can have larger levels ect that directly can effect game play.


Enlightenment? Okays: I fully support making HUGE claims. I do it all the time and can relate to where they come from. But when you even infer someone to be pompous trend chasers, we have a problem. You're not only attacking the millions of hardcore gamers who could give a dirt on graphics, but you insult casual gamers who game for fun and not for graphics. Which includes my family. And let me tell you, they're not "enlightened" or any other spew you felt the need to label them in. That opinion of yours was completely wrong and pretty much uncalled for. When people say gameplay over graphics, they're not trying to look down on those that have it the other way around, they just don't care enough about graphics to keep them from enjoying what could be a great game. i.e. Persona 4

I could care less if you have a problem lol. Your goofy outrage does not impress ;).besides Im not attacking every one who do not care about graphics im pointing out that this gen has seen a rise in that statment often from gamers makeing excusses. Sure i freely admit that there are some people who genuenly dont care about graphics. mostly i think are the casuals who really are not what i would call *GAMERS*. What i find funny is a lot of these statements are comeing from people who praised some games on some systems last gen for being so great looking but now all of a sudden think looks no longer matter. they "spew" this nonsense as if it justifise the lack of visuals on some games. whats the point in stateing that graphics dont matter? can you really say that you would rather have an ugly game than a pretty one? would you want and ugly car rather than a good looking car?

Wait a minute so your saying that a hardcore gamer has to care about graphics? I would consider myself a fairly hardcore gamer as I play quiet a bit and the only time I would praise a games graphics is if the gameplay holds up well. Uncharted 2 is a prime example. Graphics are phenomanal, but the gameplay is so smooth and perfect that the graphics just seem to not matter as much.As for"spewing" nonsense, don't insult people with a valid opinion. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean its nonsense.If the ugly game played better than the pretty one, hellyeah Iwould play the ugly one. Same goes for the car, if the ugly one runs better, of course I wold go with that. People also don't state that graphics don't matter because obviously they do being that they are video games. What is being stated is that gameplay means more and should be focused on more than the graphics.

As for the choice of ps2 graphics or ps3 graphics, why even ask that? I said in a post if the technology is there why not. The point of this topic was discussing those people that think graphics are the be all end all of video games. OoT also is no were near one of the best looking games at the time.

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#2 Rekashal
Member since 2010 • 77 Posts

Personally I love graphics and if they are getting better why would you complain. You want old video games, don't buy a PS3.SalvationGift31

Did anyone say we want old games? We are just having a discussion as to why gameplay has taken the backseat to graphics in some cases. If you notice none of us are complaining either. Of courseI like my games to look great. I just feel that to much emphasis is placed on them.

As for Uncharted 2 looking blocky, it would still be just as good for me. Have the graphics of a ps2 game for all I care. It is a great game because of the story, gameplay, and audio (which is some of the best ever created). Whoever said that the best games made also look the best is somethingI don't agree with. Zelda OoT is one of the best games ever made even to this day. Graphics blow. They weren't even that great when the game came out. That proves that gameplay trumps graphics

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#3 Rekashal
Member since 2010 • 77 Posts

See, and by refusing to play a great game because of the graphics is just wrong. Why take away a great game just because of graphics. My favorite game this generation is Uncharted 2. Is it because of the graphics? No not in the slightest. Yeah, they are great but I loved it because of the story and the gameplay. Honestly, voice acting is more important than graphics.

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#4 Rekashal
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How are they even close? Would I rather stare at the graphics going "o0o0o0o pretty 0o0o0o" or doI want toplay the game? I would play a game that has better gameplay over graphics any day. I still go back and play all my old games because they are awesome. My all time favorite game is probably Banjo Kaz for the N64. I still playit regularly.

Again graphics are meant to ENHANCE the experience, they are not meant to BE the experience.

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#5 Rekashal
Member since 2010 • 77 Posts

You sir, know exactly what I am talking about. Average graphics with incredible gameplay and story will beat a graphical beast anyday.

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#6 Rekashal
Member since 2010 • 77 Posts

Why don't people realize that BFBC:2 will never be a big as MW2. Not because it is not as good, it doesn't have the hype. COD is going to be around forever and it is best to realize that. Thanks for agreeing about the reboot though. MW2 was a letdown for me but I would love to see a reboot of the series. Make it more tactical, but PLEASE activision, no vehicles.

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#7 Rekashal
Member since 2010 • 77 Posts

So your telling me what I bought my consoles for? Why don't you stop being so ignorant and maybe realize someone has a different opinion than you. I do like my graphics as I said, but graphics are not the thing that I care most about. They are like 6th on the list. It is not BS. If someone wants to play the new games, they have to buy the new systems. FACT. I don't even use an HDTV, don't you think that if i cared that much I would buy one? Leave the thread, like honestly all I wanted was discussion and you come in here and say I am lying? Who are you to tell me what my opinion is.

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#8 Rekashal
Member since 2010 • 77 Posts

Why does it matter? Honestly, they are two totally different games. COD is meant to be a closed in close quarters intense FPS. It is built based on the intense action. BFBC is based way more on teams and tactics. Saying the best player could be a noob is false. Regardless of what you think, COD does take skill. It takes a lot of reaction time, and you have to be quick. I am not a COD fanboy, I just don't see how it matters what is better. Not to mention it is your opinion. It can't be proven which is the better game, because it is all opinion.

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#9 Rekashal
Member since 2010 • 77 Posts

Damn, forgot about the old ones. Those were hard. MW1 had mile high club. That was a B***H.

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#10 Rekashal
Member since 2010 • 77 Posts

All the COD haters that have posted, wouldn't you rather see a series reboot? You can't deny that the COD series are good games. Instead of the death of the series, bring us something new to get excited about again.