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#1 Palax
Member since 2003 • 2399 Posts

It's about the Wasteland Survivor's Guide quests that you get from Moira at Scavenger's Supply in Megaton. More specifically on chapter 2 with the quest that asks you to place an observer in the mirelurk's egg nest at the War Memorial. I have the observer in my inventory under the miscellaneous category. However, for some reason, when I open the eggs the observer does not appear as one of the options to place inside. I tried just plain out dropping it near the eggs, but it won't let me because it's a quest item. I'm not sure WTF is going on with this and if anyone could offer me some insight it would ease my mind oh so much.

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#2 Palax
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[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]That's not applicable since the discussion is over insurance not covering what it's supposed to pay for. That is not what that link is about. And in most of those cases what happened was they put the medical costs on a credit card. Which wasn't wise.


How else can one pay for their medical bills? You seem not to understand that these people are FORCED to charge it to even get the much needed operation.. There are more studies look them up, people are immensely in debt by them so much that its one of the main causes of bankrupcy in the United States.. This would be filed under "heavily indebt" section. This also includes people who have health insurance but would not pay for the operation or would only partially paid for it..

Do you know that if someone sends them a bit of money....even $20 a month....the are considered to be paying off their debt. They won't be forced to pay it all up front.

You haven't said it directly but indirectly given me your stance on health-care. So what do you think should be done about healthcare? Why should someone who was born with a random condition such as diabetes effectively have to pay a tax for life?
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#3 Palax
Member since 2003 • 2399 Posts

Well your definitely right about one thing....The Public option will not perform well enough and I fear it's effects will be minimal at best.

The current Public Option will just end up being another insurance company that creates an excuse to throw gov't subsidies at Insurance companies and Big Pharm. This is a cunningly deceptive appeasement of the masses, and it's all being spoon fed to us, while we vehemently demand for more!

I demand a single payer system....we deserve better than this! We've been dragged through wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and scared into submission by cries of terrorism from our own government. Even worse we had to pick up the tab for Wall St when they decided to gamble their fortunes away!!!

Why can't we give healthcare to our citizens, and most importantly why are so many ignorant Americans insisting that this is unrealistic??? Wake up people!

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#4 Palax
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Arrested Development, DuH!

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#5 Palax
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I used to be a huge trance junkie back in the 90's and early 00's. I started getting into it when the Wipeout series debuted on PSX and featured some pretty hip songs from techno/trance artists. The most memorable of these songs was Paul Van Dyk's "Avenue" on Wipeout 3 which is quite simply one of the best trance songs ever made. I started buying DJing CD's like Paul Oakenfold's Tranceport CD that really got me going although I found out later that his Global Underground : Live in Oslo was probably his best CD.

The popularity of dance music comes and go's in waves. It's not something that is just now only getting popular it's been here long before and will come and go again. The scene exploded in Georgia for a while and Sasha and Digweed's show at the North Atlanta Trade Center set the tone for a healthy dance scene in Georgia, but then the fad died out and the size of the rave's began to shrink. Sasha and Digweed now play at much, much smaller venues like private clubs usually with only one other DJ.

By the way if your lookin for a good Trance DJ, Paul Van Dyk in my opinion, is about as good as it gets. I've seen him spinning live 14 times and he has never failed to amaze me. I've seen Oakenfold, Sasha, and Digweed all have a few boring shows but Paul Van Dyk will always "bring it"

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#6 Palax
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What's dissapointing is that I put this in General Games Discussion first where it's been for about 20 min now and still no replies. I got 4 replies in the first minute posting it in System Wars =/

well in general games discussion most people know sixaxis is trash, here you may get some people who will praise it. that and most people here are just here for "teh luz"

The title in the General Games Discussion is : "Tecmo let's you control the jiggle of her jugglies" In order to post the same thread in System Wars without getting modded for "topics outside of the board description" I had to pretend I was a fanboy bashing PS3, so I came up with the title "Sixaxis = fail"
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#7 Palax
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[QUOTE="Palax"]I lost a lot of respect with Tecmo when Itagaki left and NG2 turned out to be a huge dissapointment, but this is becoming despicable.muthsera666
Wait. You lost respect for a company when the fired someone for sexual misconduct? (I think that was Itagaki...)

Itagaki claimed he resigned, because Tecmo refused to pay him money that was apparently owed to him. Look it up...
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#8 Palax
Member since 2003 • 2399 Posts
this is rather embarrassing as a gamer. Ontain
It is embarrassing for gamers....The sad part is that it gives critics of video games more ammunition in which to label video games bad for society.
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#9 Palax
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What's dissapointing is that I put this in General Games Discussion first where it's been for about 20 min now and still no replies. I got 4 replies in the first minute posting it in System Wars =/

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#10 Palax
Member since 2003 • 2399 Posts

Most of us knew that the Sixaxis motion controls were forced and a complete gimmick. Tecmo has demonstrated the truth in this by allowing gamers to control the jiggle of the jugglies in NGS2. You can see the pointlessness of it all in this video :

Thanks a lot Tecmo for stooping even lower than we expected, but at least you have shown us just how ludicrous sixaxis really is.