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#1 Magsec-Uk
Member since 2006 • 37 Posts

Hey All

OK PS3 Questions, may already be answered sometime in the past but its a pain to find some.

I have put a PS2 game into the system, its final fantasy 12 and it looks awful is there any tinkering that i can do to make it look better (bare in mind its UK machine and I'm on a HD TV with HDMI cable)?

Does any blue-tooth headset work with the online games and chat etc?

Is there any date for this Home online program to go live?

How do i get my gamer tag up as my signature as how i have my xbox live one bellow, whats the website i can get it from to use on these forums?

Cheers all

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#2 Magsec-Uk
Member since 2006 • 37 Posts

Got RFOM, Motorstorm and Virtua Tennis 3

RFOM the better online game

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#3 Magsec-Uk
Member since 2006 • 37 Posts

Well I love my 360 and my PS3. Why both? Cause im a lover of gaming, both online and offline, NOT a fanboy who would buy a console purely because it would have a certain lable on it.

 The PS3 has masses of power as yet untapped and has more to offer, has great titles to come such as MGS4 and FF13 etc etc. Its online side of things leaves much to be desired but im sure over time it will eveolve as with a playstation now coming with a HDD as standard they can update the interface etc as they please.

 The 360 has a fantastic online community and some amazing big games to come as well as having the bigger games catalogue at the moment. Things like Mass Effect and Halo3 are almost sure to be amazing games. Doesnt have the spec of the PS3 but if your in it purely for graphics then you might as well just buy interactive DVD's and not spend hundreds on a console.

 Both also need each other as without competition your sure to slip in the standards department, Sony were in danger of becoming there own downfall before MSoft decided to dip there never ending cash flow into the console market. Make no mistake the 360 is Sony's main competitor, The WII is a casual gamers Toy, and largely for Kids, and before you metion COD or the one with the swords, kids play these in abundance. I know several people who got one and already contemplating trading theirs in as the novelty has fastly worne off, one mates description of it being a Heavily priced Eye Toy rather than a bargain games console. And no this is nothing against Nintendo as i hope they keep trying, my favourate console was probably the N64.

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#4 Magsec-Uk
Member since 2006 • 37 Posts
Well heres hoping FF12 is one of em, i went and bought it out right and have not played yet as traded PS2 in before i got it with the sole intention of gettting a PS3. I would like to think tho that this is one of the 50%. Fingers crossed cos this could be a nice lengthy game whils waiting on others to come out.
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#5 Magsec-Uk
Member since 2006 • 37 Posts
I hear ya brother, lol Mine too is coming on friday, cant wait to one degree but then also have my worries. The titles thing i can be patient for, my main concern is PS2 titles working on it with the changes to the EU system, mainly want FF12 to work on it, im hoping that this is one of the ones that will, as it aint excactly old and is a big title. Not realy bothered about any others to be honest. Will get resistance and motorstorm on release day to pass some time over, but deffo no 90% score range games out there at the moment but certainly plenty to look faward to.
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#6 Magsec-Uk
Member since 2006 • 37 Posts
Its all about personal taste, if you want PS3 to succeed without doubt then MMO's are more popular than you would like to see. I understand you dont like them but you dont have to buy them yourself. Its in sonys interest to take MMOs on board as the potential in sales is massive, the population on games like wow paying monthly subs is a big part of the market now, why should other people who enjoy them be deprived cos a few hate them. I like all games and its more about their individual structure and gameplay to each. Not about whether its rpg, MMo of FPS. You go and play dragon quest and leave the rest to the games they enjoy
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#7 Magsec-Uk
Member since 2006 • 37 Posts
So what does this mean for uk then as far as ps2 games go, are they gonna run at same quality as meant, better quality or as i have heard, worse quality, im little bit miffed if the later but you never know what to believe. I have bought FF12 ready for Friday 23rd (our release date) but hope i dont need a ps2 to play this at the intended quality. Hope also that it will be compatible. Any info on this appreciated.
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#8 Magsec-Uk
Member since 2006 • 37 Posts
[QUOTE="SmoothBrother1"][QUOTE="GilHerad"][QUOTE="SmoothBrother1"]oh lord, please lock this thread now, tired of hearing the wishful thinkings of fanboys about bioshock and mass effect. There are "EXCLUSIVES" enought said.GilHerad
How can I be a fanboy? Check my game collection and you will see that my last 6 games bought is 360 games.....Yeah, im a sony fanboy. Im so sick of that term being throw out every time someone tries to have an intelligent conversation.

So if you have a 360 and a PS3, why are you bringing up Bioshock or mass effect coming to the PS3? You'll have both games reguardless, so whats the point of your thread.

I didnt create the thread. But I'm mature enough to answer a simple question. Why cant he be interested in the games, ask a question, and do this without being labeled a fanboy? I dont even have a PS3 so where you get that from is beyond me. Parhaps actually reading what is said in all the post above will get you a little further?

Dont worry smoothturd has been on about 5 threads i have been on today asking for the thread to be killed or murdered or stopped or whatever words he likes to use, hes pretty much a general whinger, just ignore, hes obviousely had some bad news at the std clinic
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#9 Magsec-Uk
Member since 2006 • 37 Posts
in all seriousness, if you can afford a ps3, then why wouldnt you? and in the long run, the ps3 is cheapre than the 360, free online, cheaper games etc.amcallister902
Not entirely true as they make their money back soon enough especialy with the whole paying good money for like a vehicle for eg (see official ps3 mag this months) They are plannin to do the same as live, same cost but not for packs more for individual items. Seems a silly idea as many people not gonna have the same stuff and could end up spending more over the year than you do on live, the only good thing there is you have the choice. Not a dig was just a bit miffed at that bit of news. hahaha a gun for £2.99, as if. Oh and in the UK the games aint cheaper they are the same prices, cant comment on Yanks. Anyway on the plus side , the PS3 specs are the highest no denying, they have some fantastic games coming (as noted above posts) altho the current ones are a bit week or are games that other console players have already finished and traded by now i.e. fight night, oblivion etc. Fanboys will just say cos its sony but dont listen to them, listen to the gamers who like all the consoles in their own right and its more about general gaming reasons rather than the logo and rather than the ones who create whole threads based on slaggin the other consoles off. Xbox 360 is class console with loadsa games out of better gameplay (at this time) with great exclusives such as halo 3 mass effect and crackdown etc etc. PS3 is a more powerfull console with huge potential that is yet to be tapped, great games to come such as MGS4, Killzone2 and final fantasy (2 of), If this was out earlier then maybe not so many xbox 360's would have sold as you could have been more bothered about Fight Night, Oblivion etc etc as 'if like me' you wouldnt have already played them on another console and completed/finished with. I know not everyone has the money but i would say try your best to own both consoles. As for the WII if your under 14 id highly recomend it, as again the novelty wares off if your more mature, its a bit of an expensive eye toy type gaming machiene, cheap as it is for an actual console realy but hmmm. If you got the cash to buy it GET IT you wont go far wrong, if its a dubious financial call then wait till it comes down, by then there should be some quality titles out too
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#10 Magsec-Uk
Member since 2006 • 37 Posts

Hmmmm is the 60gb version wireless out of the box?

I got one on pre order and was wondering if there was an adapter i would need to invest in to connect to my router

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