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#1 Kokuya
Member since 2006 • 99 Posts

no you dont get your console back. But whats the difference, none really. either way you get a recently fixed console. My 2nd 360 returned to me when mud on it :\


If you get a different console back then you get a different serial code, and so if something was to happen to your gamertag (for whatever reason) you'd be stuck having to re-buy all of your DLC. I think they might have a service to get the serial changed to a different console, but it's still a lot of hastle really.

Also, if you had a console with a Jasper chip, and the DVD drive breaks - you get it repaired, but what you get back is an original launch xbox that's been refurbished - you wouldn't be too happy would you?

(I do understand the need for getting them out fast and I'm not saying the current method is all bad; this was just a response to "what's the difference)

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#2 Kokuya
Member since 2006 • 99 Posts

Well, I was thinking I could let my friend, who fixed my PS2(Fat Model) take a look at it, see if he can do anything. If he can't fix it, then I'll just buy another one, but, that brings up anoter thing. Will I have to buy all of my downloads again, if I do that? And would I still have all of my memory, and achievement awards?


You will not lose any data associated with your Gamertag, including:


-Save games (so long as you don't format your HDD)

-In-Game ranks (for Multiplayer games)

-Download History

However, be aware that although you can download any purchased content on the same Gamertag, if the serial code of the repaired console is different; then you will only be able to play your DLC content on the Gamertag you downloaded it with. If it does not change the serial code, you can continue to play the content on any account as long as it's on that xbox, and any xbox as long as it's on that gamertag (if that makes).

Hope it works out well for you.

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#3 Kokuya
Member since 2006 • 99 Posts

I'm personally a fan of Oblivion - I just like the perspectives in it when you're riding a horse along the mountain paths - looking down across the valley into Cyridill. I also have to go for the editor of oblivion; it's just so intuative that you can make great fun missions for after the main storyline.

This said, Dragon Age is an epic game; no regrets in buying it.

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#4 Kokuya
Member since 2006 • 99 Posts

well in politics, commercials always bash their opponents for elections. And you cant say they don't.COSMICX815

Just because something 'high up' does something, doesn't mean it's the right thing to do.

I'd say that just raises the question: "Why should political parties be bashing each other all the time?" - maybe if they spent more time focusing on how they could improve the country and less time on what other parties have done wrong - we wouldn't be in a mess all the time (this goes for most western countries). Not to try to derail the topic, but in my opinion - a lot of the reason people don't trust politicians any more is because they are always saying about how everybody else is doing everything wrong; if people were looking more positively it wouldn't feel like the world was collapsing ever two minutes.

Anyway, question; Does anybody else get annoyed by politicians constantly bickering instead of working together?

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#5 Kokuya
Member since 2006 • 99 Posts

I've personally never had to send my own system in (it seems like I might be the only one), but from friends I've heard it can be between 2 and 4 weeks to get it all repaired and sent back. As for sending the components and leads in, I think you need to send it all, other than your Hard Drive and Controllers. But the main system and power leads need to be send I think.

Goodluck with it.

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#6 Kokuya
Member since 2006 • 99 Posts

It sounds distinctly like you've got NAT problems. If you can log in to your router, it's very simple to fix and will get you better connections across the whole of XBL (I'd recommend anybody who hasn't already done this, to do it; even if you don't have problems - the more people who do it, the less connection problems we all get). If you want to check to see whether your NAT is open or not, you can run a network test on Xbox Live.

Anyway, the Xbox Nat Guide is here:


The basic ideas from it are:

-Portforward these ports:

---TCP 80

---UDP 88

---TCP/UDP 3074

---TCP/UDP 53

-Set UPnP to On

-Set NAT to On (even though it's the problem, you need it 'open', not disabled)

I hope that helps, if it doesn't fix the problem then it could be your ISP having problems.

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#7 Kokuya
Member since 2006 • 99 Posts

I'm afraid my first reaction to it would be that your disk drive is broken, and would need to be sent off to microsoft for repair. However, there's a few cheaper steps to try out before you condemn it:

-Put a Cleaner Disk into the drive and let it play for a while to clean the laser and make sure there is no problem with that.

-Turn the xbox on and leave it on for a little bit; make sure there's no problems with components that have shrunk apart when they cooled.

-Open and close your drive a couple of times by using the manual button on the outside - check that it responds to it without a disk. This could also remove any cached signals (with charge stored within components where it shouldn't be).

-Try De-Caching your console. Goto the memory blade and there should be an option to empty the cache. I doubt this will do anything, but it's worth trying out if the next option you have costs you as much as it does

-Send it for repair, or replacement depending on the quote they give you. I'd recommend going to MS directly, although it's not favourable, there's no chance of them modding it to get it to work and breaking the XBL TOS without you knowing.

I hope you get it working soon, that's all I can think of I'm afraid. Good luck.

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#8 Kokuya
Member since 2006 • 99 Posts

If you have any friends with the game, you could get them to install their disk to your Hard-Drive. As long as your disk is working enough to get past the first loading screen (with the xbox logo) then you can play it from the installation instead of the broken disk.

Some game shops will re-surface your disk for you, which has a chance of fixing it - but if it's a deep scratch and bad enough to damage the data; it's impossible to repair the disk.

Hope it goes well.

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#9 Kokuya
Member since 2006 • 99 Posts

I'm with you guys on this - I much prefer co-operative gaming these days. With that said, I do also really like co-operative community work as well; not just working on beating the game, but working on improving the game; such as playing Gmod and working as a team to make something awesome.

With competitive gaming, I still feel that it's only really much fun when it's in a co-operative way; whether that's just between you and your team trying to win - or even in Free-For-All style games, where everybody is just working together to have a good fun match (even if that involves killing each other).

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#10 Kokuya
Member since 2006 • 99 Posts

aren't some of these maps in the pack just classic re-hashes? (btw i have never bought a COD map pack......only one PD:Zero pack)


Yeh, it's one of their selling points: "so you loved MW, well now you can play it with half of the gameplay not working on MW2!"

Also to OP; as much as I think it's good for people to get in contact with the developers and publishers to express their opinions directly - the way you've gone about it will just have you locked out. If you're going to criticize a company, no matter what size, you need to do it in a more professional manner; that way you'll get your opinion taken seriously and there's much more chance of them changing things. If they look at you as an irrational hater, they're likely not to even read it over. You're also best to write it on paper and mail it - although emails can be easily deleted; almost all companies take the time to read and reply to a hand-written letter.

Give a shout if you get a reply though; I think we'd all love to hear how Activision responds to customers.