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No lie but I had to watch this thing Twice before I said anything to anybody. I was in shock because I am a Metal Gear Fanboy and This is more than I ever hoped for in this last game.

And don't mistake Verity for complication there seems to be alot of verity in this game from choosing sides to fight with to either killing everyone to just stunning them to the way you go about taking the enemy's out. But I don't see this game being complicated a little learning curve but it will be a good curve it wont be one of those gamesthat you need the CURVE to Enjoy the game.

And why is it shameless for the PS3 controller to be in the game I mean he had a PSX in the first MGS and a Gamecube with mario in the Game Cube re-Design of the first game. Just calm down buddy its ok that the game isn't announced for the 360 you can buy a PS3 and enjoy with the rest of us.

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I swear to god XBOTS GO AWAY!!! Go play Gears of War and wait for your Halo while we talk about the PS3 and the games that it has BEEN CONFIRMED for it! Not one person of credibility from anywhere has said that MGS4 is coming to the 360. So please go wish in your own damn boards because you coming here Trolling saying its a timed exclusive or its coming you just don't know it yet. You all sound like a bunch of cry baby's. Why don't they put MGS4 on the 360 we want to play it to. Sorry if I want to play Halo 3 or Gears of War I either need a $2,000 computer or I need a 360 and as of right now, YOU WILL NEED A PS3 TO PLAY METAL GEAR SOLID 4!!!!!!

So DEAL with it.

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Metal Gear & Metal Gear Solid
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I find it funny how alot ofthe Xbotswant this game to come to their system, so bad they either make stuff up about MGS4 coming to the 360 or they post old things like this. Seeing that I dont read many PS3 plays wanting Halo 3 or any other 360 game in fact. Looks like PS3 has something that the XBOTS want ALOT!

Don't worry Xbots you still have Sam fisher!

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Sorry Noob question but how do I get to the other store servers?
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well Metal Gear really dosnt focus on one single person. Because alot of characters are introduced and you grow attachted to them. Alot of people don't like snake and like other characters. Hell you even play different characters in surtin games. Now Splinter cell I agree very One Dimentional story and game.

I want to see Halo go away because it is the same game everytime with 3 new weapons and the same gameplay every time.

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You can't just read the story of the Metal Gear series you need to play the games. Its not a book you can't just read the story and get everything from reading. If that was so it would be a book series and not a video game series.
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I will just voice my opinion on the MGS games not if its a AAA franchise because it is to me and that's all I care about.

Metal Gear (NES)- This game revolutionized the action based side stroller save the girlfriend games. It brought a story and a sense of I am this character to the video game players.

Metal Gear Solid Snake (Famy-Com or MGS3:SUB)- I feel if this game came out in the states at the time it would have been a massive influence to video game developers. It was so vastly impressive being able to do things like save radio contacts and the game play was very vast and impressive for its time.

Metal Gear Solid (PS)-The game that REVOLUTIONIZED a whole GENRE of gaming. Taking you into a 3D world and being able to move around and look and almost feel the surroundings for the first time was AMAZING. Who can forget seeing the Cigs for the first time in your Item Box. Or when you are in the Elevator before the Boss battle between Snake and Sniper wolf having Otacon basically Freak out on the Codec and YELL at you warning you 4 Invisible guys are in the Elevator with you. I mean if you don't see how this game was basically as revolutionizing as any game ever made you are not worth Gaming.

Metal Gear Solid 2 (PS2)- A game that made you think. How many times can you say that? The first time I finished MGS2 I was in shock at what the game had brought out of me. The feeling of wow what if there really was a Patriot organization running a country? I think that MGS2 in a lump some can be phrased as being. (WTF?) In every good way possible.

Metal Gear Solid 3 (PS2)- This is a game that took you into an almost REAL living breathing Jungle or Woods or whatever you want to call it. But it gave you a sense that you could go to groznigrad and that was what you would see. It to me just had something I cannot explain but only get with this game. And it had one of the best Boss battles in gaming and also had a FANTASTIC ENDING TO END ALL ENDINGS. This game had me at ONE tear. But that is still a lot coming from a video game. And again the game made you think.

Metal Gear Portable Ops (PSP) The game had a weird charm. But it worked, for myself I liked the game and I couldn't put it down. I also love having the two US powers go at it for basically POWER as the end all be all force of protecting the Country. The story was solid and I had fun playing it. It didn't have a revolution in gaming but it was SOLID.

Again this is my opinion but I say this who all disrespect this series. (You can hate all you want, But at the end of the day. It is our gain and your loss.)

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Bump it up!