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#1 Jakejack
Member since 2003 • 181 Posts

@zaryia said:
@Jakejack said:


@mark1974 said:

It will give white supremacists something to complain about and yell SJW for I guess so that's something. Otherwise what rational person cares? Lady liberty is actually green and that makes sense to me. Money is green and in this country that is what gets you liberty.

Nobody is complaining about this coin. This is a CLASSIC example of the dishonest left setting up a straw man attack.

"How dare the nazi drumpf supporters get offended by this! rrraaaaccciisssssmmm!!!!!111" screams the moronic left, as nobody is complaining about this coin.

You should probably read the link next time before making a fool of yourself.

You don't have to be on the left to notice wingnuts such as yourself can be quite idiotic.

Instead of calling me an idiot, why don't you use your brain and realize there was nothing racist in the article. I like the coin but stating you don't like the change doesn't mean its a racist though!

I did read the link. I saw three or four non-racist complaints out of the hundreds of millions of people that are on Twitter.

Why did you state "you don't have to be on the left" when your posts show you are very left wing. This is typical of you lefties, you have to lie constantly. In this thread, you lie and act like you are not left-wing.

People are allowed to not like something without being called racist.

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#2  Edited By Jakejack
Member since 2003 • 181 Posts

@Byshop said:
@MirkoS77 said:

You know how far our standards have fallen for our president when the defense of him isn't that he's mocking them specifically, just in general. Ah, I understand now! It's perfectly acceptable to flail around and make ridiculous utterances like an 8 year old child, that's a-ok, but a DISABILITY...the horror, that's off limits! Well why should it be? I thought political correctness was told to get fucked.

But at least it's a relief to know the immense gulf in character that separates someone who mocks someone like an idiot and mocks someone who's disabled like an idiot. If you're an equal opportunity mocker, all's well apparently.

A righteous distinction no doubt, and my opinion of Trump's character has improved markedly from clearing up this misunderstanding. Perhaps I've had him pegged wrong all along. It's great that I have his enlightened followers to tell me these things.

Pretty much this. The idea that exactly how the then presidential candidate was mocking the reporter is the issue instead of the fact that a grown man was doing this at all, much less doing this at a rally for his political campaign shows just how low the bar is these days.


You bring up an excellent point. Americans should have been more critical about politicians mocking the disabled when obama insulted the Special Olympics (Youtube it if you don't believe me). Instead, the left waits until someone they don't like does so before they start manufacturing their fake rage.

Knowing how the left didn't care about obama mocking the Special Olympics, does anyone really buy into the left's fake rage? It is so obvious they simply don't like President Trump and will criticize him on every issue.

Please note: this is more proof of liberal hypocricy.

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#3 Jakejack
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@mark1974 said:

It will give white supremacists something to complain about and yell SJW for I guess so that's something. Otherwise what rational person cares? Lady liberty is actually green and that makes sense to me. Money is green and in this country that is what gets you liberty.

Nobody is complaining about this coin. This is a CLASSIC example of the dishonest left setting up a straw man attack.

"How dare the nazi drumpf supporters get offended by this! rrraaaaccciisssssmmm!!!!!111" screams the moronic left, as nobody is complaining about this coin.

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#4 Jakejack
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@zaryia said:
@joebones5000 said:

So "fake news" appears to be the new Replican buzzword. The psychological projection with these people is amazing, considering that they're responsible for 99% of all fake news with sites like breitfart, zerohedge, lifezette, and the rest of those dumb sites.

This, the whole "fake news" thing started when that conservative nut shot up a Pizza place thinking Hillary had a pedo operation going in there.....

It actually was coined by Hillary when the FBI was investigating her. She even blamed "fake news" for losing. Why are you wasting people's time with your lies?

- Ever notice how full of bs the left is?

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#5 Jakejack
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@drunk_pi said:
@Solaryellow said:

The Japanese Americans were, by the very word, AMERICANS and to compare such a detention with that of ILLEGALS shows you are either extremely ignorant or emotional. Our government has every right to detain, arrest, deport, etc.., those who have violated our laws and sovereignty. Just like anyone would demand action to be taken if someone trespassed on their property, why shouldn't the citizens demand appropriate action dealing with illegal immigration rather than a blanket reward like you have advocated?

Your point is clear. Detaining those breaking the law is as disgusting as detaining those who have not.

The Japanese living in the U.S. weren't seen as citizens (or at least patriotic Americans) in the eyes of other Americans during the War and justified their actions. You're justifying deportations and detainment because they're illegal "pests." Different people, same solutions. It doesn't matter. Why are you assuming it's all emotion? Again, it's logistics. Detainment costs money. Deportations cost money. What is being suggested costs money. As for everything else, those are strong possibilities. That's not emotion, it's called common sense.

The costs outweigh the benefits. The majority of illegal citizens living here are contributing to our country positively. That's a fact.

You're right in that our government does have the ability and the right to detain, arrest, and deport illegal citizens. And they have. It's been ongoing since the Bush Administration and intensified under the Obama Administration. Those same administrations and administrations prior have also went for amnesty because that was the "best" option.

Detainment and deportations on a massive scale will disrupt society and the economy.

** ALERT ** Racist anti-white spotted!

Notice how the dishonest racist (Against whites) fails to mention that Italians were also detained during WW2. If he was honest and mentioned this, he couldn't convince everyone that detaining people is "racist," as people would understand it was more of a fear of spies, than an act that was racially motivated.

My family was detained during WW2 but you don't hear me bitching about it. "Waaa, Amerikkka is racist against Italians! I want reparations!" said no Italian ever.

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#6  Edited By Jakejack
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@n64dd:Desperate in a hypocritical manner.

- How dare you question the US election process! (Screeches the left).

- After they lose, we need a recount!

- The FBI is corrupt, yells the limp-wrist left while the FBI reviewed Clinton emails didn't favor them.

- The FBI knows all, they say now that it works in their favor.

-Get over Hillary!, they wine.

-Can't get over the fact President Trump won the election.

-If a black man becomes president, he will be assassinated by white republicans! (Zero attempts).

-Lefty loon attempts to assassinate President Trump.

-It's not ok to be friendly with Russia, cries the racist (against whites) left.

- Hillary receives funding from Saudi government, doesn't complain.

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#7 Jakejack
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@mark1974: The elections just happened. Enough with your time Strawman. "God, they won't stop talking about recent events that just happened."

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#8 Jakejack
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@joebones5000: Don't mention illegal aliens voting for Hillary since you are the disingenuous left. You wouldn't want to come across as honest.

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#9 Jakejack
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@joebones5000: Nobsy said Breitbart was a reliable news source. Get your Strawman out of this thread. You are so disingenuous you can't even admit CNN bias. Who do you think you are fooling.

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#10 Jakejack
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I hate to use the term Strawman but InfoWars is the ultimate Strawman of the left, in this thread. Nobody said InoWars was a reliable news source but the unintelligent left keeps yammering on about it, to justify CNN. It's like their brains can't handle the truth.