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#1 Jacanuk
Member since 2011 • 20281 Posts

Hmm, not that surprising

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#2  Edited By Jacanuk
Member since 2011 • 20281 Posts
@Nuck81 said:

The report has been released. I've read up to page 15 so far.

It's surreal to read about another country, actively trying to throw an election for that foreign countries preferred candidate.

The report also states that The Trump campaign and Russia did coordinate and cooperate, but under current law it can not be charged as collusion, due to the fact that The Trump campaign did not actively order the specific hacking of emails, or distribution of Social Media propaganda.

It's kind of like wanting and taking money that someone else stole, but you aren't guilty because you didn't steal it.

No wonder Trump has been freaking out. This is pretty damning for him.

Nice try with the lies there.

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#3  Edited By Jacanuk
Member since 2011 • 20281 Posts

Hmm, where is the option "I am a gamer and will buy both consoles as long as there are games to play on it"

I don´t pick and chose a "side" I pick being a gamer and enjoy that and therefore, of course, I will get both consoles again like this gen and gens before it.

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#4 Jacanuk
Member since 2011 • 20281 Posts

Hmm, wonder what this thread is doing in System wars and not Political gamers?

Anyways good on sony "Sony Cracks Down on Sexually Explicit Content in Games"

Also, do people know the internet exists and what can be found there? so games not having explicit content is no big loss.

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#5 Jacanuk
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@mosquitobaby: @rest-of-the-far-leftists-on-PG

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#6 Jacanuk
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@zaryia said:

Barr is a partisan hack, this is clear.


""I’m still enjoying what I’m doing, there’s still work to be done. I’m still the President’s wing-man, so I’m there with my boy. So we’ll see," Holder said in an interview on the Tom Joyner radio show.

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#7 Jacanuk
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@theone86 said:
@Jacanuk said:
@evilross said:


Wow. If that’s what you really believe and feel I truly feel sorry for you.

Don´t bother with Theone, he is one of those who hate everything American and who think we should give it all back to the indigenous people.

Also, let´s not factor in that some of what he mentioned had nothing to do with America other than Obama was stupid enough to publically support rebels who had no chance of ever winning and who gave room for ISIS.

"snip a lot of anger"

You know what the problem is here

You are so sure of your own position that you can´t fathom that anyone can´t see the same golden truth as you see it and those who are opposed to this golden truth must be "insane"

I wonder though with the hatred you show on this board and the anger, are you for or against physical assaulting people who are opposed to your side?

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#8  Edited By Jacanuk
Member since 2011 • 20281 Posts
@JustPlainLucas said:

And honestly.. I don't know what to think about it.

So basically, a female coworker of mine was sharing around a Facebook post making fun of men by basically saying you have to text your husband two separate texts when asking questions because if you text him two questions in the same text, you're only going to get one answer. Supposedly saying men have horrible attention spans.

When we got off work Saturday, while waiting for everyone to get their stuff, that coworker was telling everyone the joke, with a lot of the female coworkers laughing more than the male ones (honestly, I don't remember all too well who all was laughing). Even my supervisor, who is female herself, was getting in on it relating her personal stories with her husband.

This afternoon, I received an email from her apologizing for the behavior of the female staff that Saturday night, and she spoke to the staff involved. She said even though people were just "joking", she realized that these kinds of jokes were microaggressions and were not to be encouraged.

I completely forgot about that Saturday night. Those comments literally did not register. I just got in my car and went home. But then I realized... after she apologized for them... I think I was a bit bothered by them. Our staff is mostly female (all the librarians are) so I've put up with their stereotypical humor about men, grown a thick skin if you will. It's always, "Lucas understands. He knows we're all kidding. He loves us." But to be honest, it does get a bit old. Every time I wanted to make a joke about women, I was always hesitant and the rare times I did, I got glares and whatnot. So, the double standard really.

It's just... I've never been on the receiving end of an apology for someone making stereotypical humor at my expense. Like I said, before she apologized for it, I never thought twice about it, so it's left me a bit confused. I kinda wished she didn't apologize, because now the rest of the staff might feel like they have to walk on eggshells. I don't know if she came to the conclusion to apologize on her own, or if one of the male staff felt offended and complained, but I'm really hoping this doesn't affect our interactions in the future. That's usually what happens when someone complains about office behavior; people become more silent.

Anyway, what are your thoughts?

My thoughts are holy cow I am glad I don´t work there, not only does it seems like you have major issues with comradeship and someone who felt it was necessary to go to HR/Supervisor over nothing but a simple joke, instead of going to the person who made the joke or say something during the joke, an email like is almost certain to entail a worse working climate among everyone who was there and who got that email.

But if you didn´t go to HR I would ask the supervisor if she sent that email on her own or if someone came to her, and if it was on her own, make her write another email explaining that so the team knows it was not you and if someone came to her, casually talk to your team and explain that jokes like that don´t bother you.

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#9  Edited By Jacanuk
Member since 2011 • 20281 Posts
@horgen said:

I hope they can and will rebuild it.

They will

The last thing I heard is that Macron want´s it rebuilt and open within 5 years.

But holy shit this thread and some nutjobs on the right.... I mean come on sometimes an accident is just an accident.

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#10 Jacanuk
Member since 2011 • 20281 Posts

Sometimes you just need some popcorn :)