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#1 I_are_Cake
Member since 2012 • 55 Posts



...its a game that brought gaming to soccor moms... hard working dads...senior citizens...and yes..even little kids and babies...

the game did amazing things and you shouldn't downplay it like that.


I chose a wrong choice of words (I said kiddy because that's the lowest common denominator besides the 6th-8th grade bros who buy the same damn Call of Duty & Madden), I meant a long the lines of "boring & derivative mini-games that have been done over 9000 times before". To each his own, I despised Wii Sports. I don't consider that a good thing because there are so *many* mini-game compilations now, I'd rather see derivative and linear military shooters than mini-"game" compilations because at least corridor military shooters can at least be called games. Again, to each his own.

thats a lot of hate bro...the wii forum is not the place for you...maybe take the hate to system wars.

we let jasonguy get away with it here because he is funny...but this is too spiteful.

System Wars is where people force their worthless opinions upon another, I'm not forcing my worthless opinion on anyone.
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#2 I_are_Cake
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IGN never votes who's actually the best, they just vote who's the most popular; hence why Cashwores got at #2 despite ripping off their customers in the worst ways possible. Trokia (who these idiots didn't put on the list for some reason), Black Isle, Sierra Entertainment (before they stopped making adventure games), LucasArts, Spiderweb Software (who the idiots at IGN didn't put on), Valve, Relic, Looking Glass, id Software, Creative Assembly, pre-Dragon Age II BioWare, & Rockstar have made much better games than Nintendo; Nintendo's games are praised as being the first, not the best. Outcast & Soul Reaver refined the Ocarina of Time formula & yet Ocarina of Time gets more praise for some reason. Whereas games like System Shock, Ultima VII, Doom, Rome: Total War, Half-Life, Baldur's Gate, Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick Obscura, Grand Theft Auto III, Homeworld, Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, Fallout, Icewind Dale, Monkey Island, Grim Fandango, TIE Fighter, Gabriel Knight, King's Quest VI, Space Quest, Leisure Suit Larry, Avernum, Geneforge, Wing Commander III, & Thief are remembered for their quality & in some cases... humor, games like Super Mario Bros. & Wii Sports only have historical accuracy & a brand name.

The only Nintendo connected games that I truly love are the Zelda games (except for Wind Waker, the DS Zeldas, & Skyward Sword), Eternal Darkness (best. Nintendo. anything. ever.), Geist, Fire Emblem, Goldeneye 007, & Perfect Dark. P.S. Infinity Ward made it at #25 & Black Isle made it at #45; that says something about IGN choosing popularity over quality. P.P.S. Skyward Sword has a lot of problems; less exploration, limited game world, too much fetch quests, dungeons that defy the Zelda rule (can't use stuff I found in the dungeons on the bosses), the companion, flying controls, & a boss fight that's reused 3 times. Skyward Sword is the ArcaniA: Gothic 4 of the series, it still has some staples of the franchise but its just lesser of its predecessors & its clearly "streamlined" for a "wider audience". Nintendo doesn't deserve the #1 spot at all.


This post is ridiculous. Just because you don't agree with IGN on quality doesn't mean that they are choosing popularity over quality. You might want to stop thinking your opinion is so important because it isn't.

Neither is IGNs. Remember, this is the site that gave God Hand a 3.0 & Modern Warfare 2 on the PC a 9.5. They are choosing popularity, otherwise Infinity Ward wouldn't be higher than Black Isle.

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#3 I_are_Cake
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GTR 2 & Race 07.

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#4 I_are_Cake
Member since 2012 • 55 Posts

Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick Obscura (my favorite RPG of all time), Fallout, Fallout 2, Planescape: Torment, Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn + Throne of Bhaal, Deus Ex (it fills all of the requirements to be an RPG so it counts), Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar, Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny, Ultima VI: The False Prophet, Ultima VII: The Black Gate, Ultima VII Part Two: Serpent Isle, Gothic II + Night of the Raven, Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Wasteland, Darklands, Might & Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven, Quest for Glory series, Dungeon Master, The Witcher 1 & 2 (I prefer the original to the second one because of the deeper RPG mechanics), Icewind Dale I & II, Starflight 1 & 2, The Magic Candle, Knights of the Chalice, Betrayal at Krondor, Castle of the Winds, Neverwinter Nights, Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne, Dragon Age: Origins, the Gold Box games, The Temple of Elemental Evil, Ultima Underworld 1 & 2, & The Bard's Tale trilogy.

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#5 I_are_Cake
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-Make it a realistic tactical shooter like Red Orchestra, ArmA, & Operation Flashpoint.

-Lose the perks, ranking, killstreaks, and the RC Cars.

-Make the maps Battlefield huge.

-Let me customize everything before I begin a mission.

-Advanced physics.

-Destructible environments.

-Let me save favorite servers so I can join them.

-64 players or higher in the multiplayer.

-LAN support.

-No DLC unless it actually adds something meaningful. Take a class from Rockstar & Grand Theft Auto IV on how to make worthwhile DLC.

-Let me customize every little detail in a server that I'm creating like the old Tom Clancy games & ArmA would let me do. If I don't want kids, I won't have kids on my server. Also, allow modded servers like Team Fortress 2 & Counter-Strike do.

-Make it mod friendly like Call of Duty 4. Give us mod tools.

-Make the single player levels have multiple paths to win and let me play how I want.

-No regenerating health, give it a 1 hit kill system found in tactical shooters.

-Lots of squad commands.

-Loosen the over-scripting, let me actually play how I want. Basically #4.

-Make the enemy AI brutal and relentless, Far Cry style.


-A new engine that can rival Frostbite 2 & CryEngine 3.


-Give the multplayer a steep learning curve like Counter-Strike & Team Fortress Classic.

-Make the multiplayer team based and make it actually require teamwork or else the player who's not using teamwork & tactics will be a burden.


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#6 I_are_Cake
Member since 2012 • 55 Posts



well for one this is your opinion(as this is igns)

second they still did a good job review and sale wise so them being mediocre its just you honestly hating


EAD has two extremes, very bad and very good.

whats there very bad? i dont think they made a bad game

Wii Music, Wii Sports, Urban Champion, Ice Climber (it was only popular after SSBB, the actual game is pretty bad), all of those Pokemon spin-offs (Conquest is the only good one and Nintendo didn't even make that), Wii Sports Resort, Mario Party Advance, Wii Fit, Wii Fit Plus, Mario Party 3, Mario Party 4, Mario Party 5, Mario Party 6, Mario Party 7, Mario Party 8, Wii Play: Motion, & Wii Play are all horrendous.

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#7 I_are_Cake
Member since 2012 • 55 Posts

IGN never votes who's actually the best, they just vote who's the most popular; hence why Cashwores got at #2 despite ripping off their customers in the worst ways possible. Trokia (who these idiots didn't put on the list for some reason), Black Isle, Sierra Entertainment (before they stopped making adventure games), LucasArts, Spiderweb Software (who the idiots at IGN didn't put on), Valve, Relic, Looking Glass, id Software, Creative Assembly, pre-Dragon Age II BioWare, & Rockstar have made much better games than Nintendo; Nintendo's games are praised as being the first, not the best. Outcast & Soul Reaver refined the Ocarina of Time formula & yet Ocarina of Time gets more praise for some reason. Whereas games like System Shock, Ultima VII, Doom, Rome: Total War, Half-Life, Baldur's Gate, Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick Obscura, Grand Theft Auto III, Homeworld, Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, Fallout, Icewind Dale, Monkey Island, Grim Fandango, TIE Fighter, Gabriel Knight, King's Quest VI, Space Quest, Leisure Suit Larry, Avernum, Geneforge, Wing Commander III, & Thief are remembered for their quality & in some cases... humor, games like Super Mario Bros. & Wii Sports only have historical accuracy & a brand name.

The only Nintendo connected games that I truly love are the Zelda games (except for Wind Waker, the DS Zeldas, & Skyward Sword), Eternal Darkness (best. Nintendo. anything. ever.), Geist, Fire Emblem, Goldeneye 007, & Perfect Dark. P.S. Infinity Ward made it at #25 & Black Isle made it at #45; that says something about IGN choosing popularity over quality. P.P.S. Skyward Sword has a lot of problems; less exploration, limited game world, too much fetch quests, dungeons that defy the Zelda rule (can't use stuff I found in the dungeons on the bosses), the companion, flying controls, & a boss fight that's reused 3 times. Skyward Sword is the ArcaniA: Gothic 4 of the series, it still has some staples of the franchise but its just lesser of its predecessors & its clearly "streamlined" for a "wider audience". Nintendo doesn't deserve the #1 spot at all.

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#8 I_are_Cake
Member since 2012 • 55 Posts

who else is there with a better track record? i mean seriously


Black Isle Studios, Origin Systems, & Creative Assembly.

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#9 I_are_Cake
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As long as there's PC gaming, gaming will stay unique. My question is why should young kids & seniors play video games when there are so many other activities for them to do (for seniors, there's a bucket list)? Most seniors have no interest in video games (unless you count this boss), most just play a mediocre game once than stop forever; that's not a bad thing at all. Gaming has grown up from a kid's toy and people need to accept that; that's a good thing and has prompted much media interest (the New York Times even has video game articles) & more mature stories that engage in taboos and consequences (Heavy Rain & Spec Ops: The Line for a few examples). If you and others can't accept that gaming has grown up, then I politely suggest you try to persuade someone else with your sectarian views


I can see where this is going, so I'm going to keep it short.

I could point out the very fundamental problems with your reply and gather data and various other infomation that would put your assessments to shame, but I don't think it would be any good at point, since you seem convinced that gaming should indeed be limited to a specific group of people with a specific group of tastes. Therefore, I really don't see a point to take this discussion any further, as it would be a journey deeper down the the road of 'nowhere'. Furthermore, I think it would be derailing this topic further than it needs to go, so there really is no benefit to adding anything else.

Casual games like Call of Duty have a right to exist, but I just don't like them. Simple. Also, please elaborate me with this data; I'm curious.

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#10 I_are_Cake
Member since 2012 • 55 Posts

@ I_are_Cake

I think you missed my point...

First and foremost, if you enjoy playing FPS, Point n' Clicks, Strategy games, or whatever, cool. I'm not mad at you or against you for doing so. Still, why should gaming to limited to just a handful of genres, and what makes you, me, or anyone else that plays games in perhaps a more dedicated manner more worthy of playing games than those who may be less dedicated? What you play or how long you play it is your business, but you or the games you play shouldn't be labeled in a derogatory sense, the way the "casual" term is used in the video game world today. I also agree that the "hardcore" term is no better, but in the sense that it is used in this industry for the most part to imply superiority in some way. BOTH terms should be done away with, never to return or be replaced by similar terms again, or otherwise, the gaming industry may be in trouble sooner than many realize.

At the end of the day, you just never know who will draw interest in what. Perhaps one day, someone that started off playing Wii Sports will eventually get into strategy games, point n' click games, heck, even FPSs. And guess what? That would be a positive for the industry as a whole. However, no one will everyone know if the industry and and many of its dedicated masses treat the so-called "casuals" as inferior. Nothing positive tends to come out of exclusive philosophies of this sort, and shunning newcomers that gain an interest in gaming in way of questionable terms and stereotypes is a very exclusive philosophy. Even if newcomers just continue to enjoy what got in into gaming, it's better than not having them around at all. I, for one, enjoy it whenever I see a kid playing a DS game or watch a news article of a group of senior citizens playing Wii Sports bowling, as it means they're understanding the appeal of video games and may be interested in exploring more about them, even if they eventually don't.

Last but not least, there is significant substance in simplicity. Not every game has to be a grand, "epic" opus that many high profile games are today, and to be able to create quality pick up-and-play titles that can be played an innumerable amount of times, regardless of how long they're being played at any one stretch, takes brilliance and incredible game design in its own right, especially in this day and age. The fact that Nintendo has been by far the most successful at creating the various types of 'simple' games the past few years, while everyone else have drawn mostly blanks, should be enough to indicate that it does require something special to make them and make them appealing to players of all ages and backgrounds. Does that mean everyone will enjoy them? Of course not, but they are relevant to the industry's success and many of its consumers, and should be respected as such.

I may not enjoy FPSs much (even though I have been capable to account for quite a few headshots in my Goldeneye 007 days, lol), but I'm not against them. I am, however, against them and the other games that appeal to the limited 18-35 "hardcore" crowd out there being the only gaming options I have one day, especially when they're not my favorite kinds of games to play. I'd like to have a gaming future to look forward to where I can not only play games alone, but play along with my younger relatives, future kids, or whoever has an interest in joining me for the ride. So if you find my comments as a way of 'worrying', I guess in a sense I am, but not just for the so-called "casual gamers" of the world. I question whether or not the gaming universe with the way most see it today will even have a place for me down the line, to be honest.


As long as there's PC gaming, gaming will stay unique. My question is why should young kids & seniors play video games when there are so many other activities for them to do (for seniors, there's a bucket list)? Most seniors have no interest in video games (unless you count this boss), most just play a mediocre game once than stop forever; that's not a bad thing at all. Gaming has grown up from a kid's toy and people need to accept that; that's a good thing and has prompted much media interest (the New York Times even has video game articles) & more mature stories that engage in taboos and consequences (Heavy Rain & Spec Ops: The Line for a few examples). We clearly have different views on why we like gaming, so I politely suggest you try to persuade someone else with your sectarian views