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#1 HighTechHero
Member since 2008 • 39 Posts
IMO, Kane & Lynch maybe the worst game I have ever played. Can't believe that I bought this game for 60 bucks. Oh well, my fault, should have looked at the reviews first.
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#2 HighTechHero
Member since 2008 • 39 Posts

I'm going to today to get it, nut from the demo i can tell you that it is going to be one of favourite games.torontomapleafs

I played the demo, thought it was great not sure about buying it though.

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#3 HighTechHero
Member since 2008 • 39 Posts
Did you guys like it? What are your opinions about it?
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#4 HighTechHero
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What I would want is a new biotic skill that makes your character move faster! Hated walking through the citadel.
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#5 HighTechHero
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I did not even say you were a nut. When did I say you were a nut? I said you had some issues which means you get angry easily.These are my "supported claims" that you sir are an idiot. Nothing you say is ever relevant to the topic. I mean you talk about thor cracking a giant shell 8000 years ago. What the hell? Then you talk about religion which is very irrelevant? .You say I am off-topic but it does not seem so.The irony is so funny. Did I say you were a nut? I said you had issues and issues for me to you is ANGER issues. You even told me that you had anger issues so don't lie ok?
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#6 HighTechHero
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I know in my mind I am right and that you will never change your mind about being right all the time so no point in wasting my time. I do have a life anyways hehe. by the way I once heard this quote: do you get bonus points for fighting a fool? The only reason why I am still here is because I am not a loser. I do not give up unless the person obviously can not listen to reasoning. But in my opinion I won because even though I told you that we have equally won you continue to argue and argue. That is what makes a fool like you. I mean think about it, if you continue to argue and argue and the opponent never gives up. What is the point of the argument?

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#7 HighTechHero
Member since 2008 • 39 Posts

You're still here, still attempting to castrate coherent thought. On to the defense of reason...


If I was trying to make my point I would not spend half an hour quoting people and then try to make a very long post that obviously no one in an argument would read


Pointless red herring nitpicks. We've seen what you do to make a point:

  • State a flimsy argument.
  • Watch as it gets thoroughly flounced.
  • Restate your original argument, word for word.

Some miscellaneous comments...

you also made your posts off topic saying that you are a military officer is very off topic.


Good Lord, you are obtuse. Your entire argument is based on an ad hominem attack, much of it suggesting that all I do is sit at home writing about gaming. You brought up that ridiculous point. What, am I supposed to just sit around and let you write my biography for me?

You try to prove you are smart by adding in complicated words like ad hominem and such.


It doesn't really pertain to our argument (this is an appeal to motive fallacy), but I just had to address this. This is real gold right here. "Ad hominem" is a term with which anyone in a high school debate team should be familiar. I didn't think you were going to do it, but you literally spouted out a "You're using big words to try and sound smart." Do you really thinks this makes me look elitist, versus making you look like you have no idea what we're talking about?

Also, we all know that people who get mad over a video game have issues. Maybe shouting is acceptable, but throwing materials just to ease your anger? ... People who throw stuff because of games have issues...


Once again, is this your professional opinion? What exactly is your degree in? If you have no academic basis on which to answer this question, and you're a younger person like I think you are, then you don't get to make statements that appeal to your own authority. (Add "appeal to authority fallacy" to your list of "complicated words.") You're going to have to do some research.

I challenge you to produce studies showing that persons who becomes angry in competitive events to the point of harmlessly throwing objects (I didn't hurt anyone tossing my stuff around) are mentally disturbed. I might start in a sports psychology text or online database.

Seriously, you don't need to prove your point


My point is that I'm a sane, functional member of society. I'd say that's a point that I'm rather concerned with proving! Your point is that I'm some kind of nut. That's something I'm fairly interested in disproving. You're the only person in that thread making such an accusation. People have sympathized with my frustrations, talked about similar experiences, suggested I relax, suggested that I manage my anger (I propose that tossing my controllers is my anger management, and a lot cheaper than a counselor). You've stated that I have emotional issues, and am possibly dangerous. I suspect you do not even begin to possess the level of education necessary to make this diagnosis, and even if you did, your available data is vastly insufficient to do so.

My credibility is in tatters? Why do you say that? Your claims that my claims are unsupported are unsupported, et cetera.


Now you're getting into "I'm not, you are!" territory, again like a grouchy child.

You have a terrible habit of blatantly ignoring statements that expose the absurdity of your case. I'm going to repost some of the other challenges I've presented through our exchange, and continue doing so until you answer them.


Oh and about the real life thing? My guess is that you just screamed and did not do anything about it. Judging from the amount of blogs you have which has a very lengthy amount of words and opinions. I mean it looks like you given up your life for gaming.


I'd like for you to explain to the audience your thought process when you came up with the above paragraph. You took one look at my 20-some entry blog, and came to a conclusion about my entire lifesty*le.

I'd like for you to further explain to myself and all our viewers at home what other information you possess by which to test and confirm this hypothesis.


Finally on this issue, I want you to explain why it is off-topic for me to bring up the fact that I am employed in a professional occupation, when you are busy writing a fictional, insulting biography for me.


If I did "give my life over to gaming," like some sort of monastic vow, don't you imagine I would be incredibly qualified to discuss things related to gaming, like what I do with my controllers? Your argument is not only a meaningless ad hominem attack, but had it succeeded in your intent, would do nothing but bolster my arguments. Why do you want to argue with me about gaming, then try to paint me as some sort of life expert, on gaming? Perhaps you should explain this one as well.


I want to know what your level of education is in psychology, and why you think are qualified to make a diagnosis based on a single incident, described briefly in writing over the Internet.


I challenge you to produce studies showing that persons who become angry in competitive events to the point of harmlessly throwing objects (I didn't hurt anyone tossing my stuff around) are mentally disturbed. I might start in a sports psychology text.



Get a life man. You don't need to prove anything in a GAMING forum.


If it is silly for me to attempt to prove anything in a GAMING forum, why are you still here, still attempting to prove your point?

I will continue reposting these, verbatim, to your responses, until you answer them. Some of these questions I asked several hours ago. Surely you've had enough time to think about them.

I say again: Respond to my counter arguments. Answer my questions.

If I answer these questions then you will continue to do this and do this again and again. You really are wasting my time. Please get to the point already? I guess you have a lot of time on your hands. Please don't bother to reply cause I don't have all the time. I know in my mind I am right and that you will never change your mind about being right all the time so no point in wasting my time. I do have a life anyways hehe. by the way I once heard this quote: do you get bonus points for fighting a fool?

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#8 HighTechHero
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LOL. I can't believe it! You made all of those just to prove your point?! Now we all now you have a pretty bad temper. Get a life man. You don't need to prove anything in a GAMING forum.


Say what you wish. You've been disposed of.

Continue, Palantas. I'm taking notes. :D

I have? Would you kindly emphasize why I have been disposed of? He has not done anything to prove his point. I guess you want an argument with me too? I'm always ready.

Emphasis mine.

Woah! I thought trying to prove a point on a GAMING forum indicates that a person has no life. So, what's the deal? You can't go around telling one person that arguments don't matter, while inviting another to debate you (complete with punk trash talk, like "I'm always ready"). At the very least, don't establish two opposing stances on the same thread. Someone's likely to notice!

He was the one who tried to prove his point thinking that I lost to the argument. What I have been doing all along was having an argument with you so what your saying is inaccurate. If I was trying to make my point I would not spend half an hour quoting people and then try to make a very long post that obviously no one in an argument would read, you also made your posts off topic saying that you are a military officer is very off topic. Also, we all know that people who get mad over a video game have issues. Maybe shouting is acceptable, but throwing materials just to ease your anger? You try to prove you are smart by adding in complicated words like ad hominem and such. You keep on saying the same things over and over again just to prove your point. After all, an argument is all about proving somebody's point. If there was no such thing then arguments would be nothing. I know that you will never give up but in an argument like this no one would win. Because what I am saying is true. People who throw stuff because of games have issues. You don't need to make another lengthy post like that because for all you know, it is very off topic. You say that I have "unsupported claims" when you have a really bad temper. I have those so called "supported claims" because I know that you threw your controller because of a video game. Oh noes I'm becoming like you spending half an hour on a post ****. Seriously, you don't need to prove your point.Remember Arguments are all about proving somebody's point.My credibility is in tatters? Why do you say that? You have some "unsupported claims" there boyo. Saying my arguments have been destroyed without "supported claims" is the same.Oh and to answer your problem when I die in a game for like the 5th time I cuss and that's about it.:) EDIT: Thank you for this wonderful argument it has made me smarter.:P

I honestly lost track of what you were trying to accomplish with this Noah's Ark of a paragraph after about 5 sentences in.

But then again, this isn't meant for me to read. Maybe Palantas can make sense of it?

Meh, if you can't understand it you must have an IQ of a 10 year old. Oh and can you stop praising palantas? You are not part of this argument. I am also done replying to this guy because my post proved my point. But we all know nobody wins in an argument without facts. IMO nobody won ok?

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#9 HighTechHero
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Read your blogs. Wow it looks like your gonna be putting my up there. Make me Famous!

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#10 HighTechHero
Member since 2008 • 39 Posts
Looks like a good deal. Go buy it.
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