New Games 2014

Just as the title says, this list will contain all my new swag for the year.

Game Release Date GameSpot Score Guuthulhu's Score

The Maker's Eden

I HAD to have this after seeing it on Steam Greenlight and playing the demo. Precisely how I like my point & clickers. It means a lot to me to have received it as a gift for making an impressions video.

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Unclaimed World

It's still in early access, but really appeals to me. I like this sort of thing.

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Injustice: Gods Among Us

I am a DC fan and wanted this game for a long time. Got it on sale for under $10!

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Earth 2150

I've had a hankering to play old RTS titles-this being among them.

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Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

This is my favorite of the franchise, so now I can enjoy it on PS3. If ever I feel like playing it ever again...

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Planets Under Attack

I got it for premise and appearance, though it's really not the type of game I like--also, coupon.

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Orion: Dino Horde

Killing Floor really inspired a love for wave-based co-op. I tried a free-weekend on Steam and really enjoyed it. The 1-on-1 duels really make me miss the Jedi Knight franchise.

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Goat Simulator

'Cuz reasons

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Reach for the Sun

It looked to be an interesting strategy/puzzler so I picked it up. It is fun.

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Dungeon Keeper

This was a GoG freebie and a game in serious need of a comeback. I put so many hours into this and its sequel, I really miss it. There's nothing quite like it.


Overcast: Walden and the Werewolf

My kid bro gifted this to me claiming i had to play it.

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Blue Estate

I'm a huge fan of the comic and rail shooters.



I'm also a sucker for horror games. This looked like it had potential.


Sir, You Are Being Hunted

I had seen people play this and finally decided to give it a go myself.


Payday 2

This was another Plus freebie that I always wanted to play, but never did, and still haven't....


Octodad: Dadliest Catch

I like cephalopods. I didn't like this game.


Insecticide: Episode 1

I wanted this on DS but my reserve got sold, as frequently happens at my local, so I got it on PC.


Mercenary Kings

A plus freebie that by the looks that made me think of some Metal Slug Borderlands inspired thing. That's not too far from the mark.


LEGO Marvel Super Heroes

I've decided to admit I actually like these LEGO games. I'm not much of a MARVEL fan since Fear Itself tanked in my opinion, but.... it IS LEGO.... I guess we'll see.


Doki-Doki Universe

I got in on whim. That can be bad sometimes.


Tales of Xillia

After Ni no Kuni and Dragon's Dogma, I wanted a more traditional JRPG experience. I've always like the Tales series, so I'm hopping back aboard with this one. It was on sale for $10 for Plus subscribers, so no brainer there.


Remember Me

Another Plus freebie. I had always been interested in playing it, but overall it just didn't look like anything I haven't done before. Free is a good price to try just about anything.


SteamWorld Dig

I'm a glutton to procedurally-generated mining games.... *sigh*



I needed a change from TF2


Skylanders Swap Force

When you get down to it, this is another micro-transaction game disguised behind pretty little figures you can physically collect. I don't care. It's fun and the sculpts are really nice.



I had been following this game for a very long time, but I couldn't bring myself to pick it up for fear of it failing me. Recently on sale for Plus subscribers, i went for it.


Just Cause

This was a gift for me. I originally owned it on 360 and had been plugging away at a 100% completion, but I don't like the 360, so yay for friends and yay for Steam!


Muramasa: The Demon Blade

A plus freebie I had forgotten I ever wanted to play.


Thomas Was Alone

This is another game I'd heard good things about and can finally play.



I needed something besides Loadout and Orion Dino Horde. There is no going back, now.....


Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster

I wanted a good turn-based RPG to play on my Vita.


Just Cause 2

This is really fun and I'm glad to own it on PC as well.





TowerFall Ascension

It was a plus freebie. Why not?


Bravely Default: Flying Fairy

I don't recall why i wanted this game, it's been awhile, and I've yet to actually play it.... still.....


Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons

This is one of January's free Plus games. It looks interesting, but I wonder if it will be too frustrating for me. I don't do well with games where I must control two characters simultaneously.


Lone Survivor

I had read and heard good things about the game, so finally I've the chance to play it.



I received the GOTY edition as a gift. I never wanted this game.


Dark Souls II

There's really no excuse to not own this game... unless you're one of those crazy people that can't take the pain.


DmC: Devil May Cry

I enjoyed the first game as an action title and hated everything else. Seeing a more emo Dante makes me think I will like it even less, but it's a January free game for Plus, so I snagged on the off-chance I will ever want to do anything with it.


The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds

This was a gift from a harrowing life-event that turned out A-okay.


Final Fantasy XIV Online: A Realm Reborn

I wanted a pretty RPG to play on my PS4.



I fell in love with this game ever since I saw the trailer. It was on sale for Plus subscribers, so i jumped on my chance to get this game for less.
